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Wrexham Exiles

Wales   StuartW owns a supporter account

Joined: 2023-02-21/S50
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posted: 2023-10-22 09:08:12 (ID: 100177787) Report Abuse
Great to play you twice this year, Pete. Well done on the win.

And good luck to all the playoff teams. Exiles weren't too far away. We played against 7 of the playoff teams this season, beating 4 and losing to 3 (4 losses including twice to Pete).

Looking forward to a bid for next year's playoffs.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-10-22 09:10:07 (ID: 100177789) Report Abuse

Slainte, and good luck for your upcoming season
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Wrexham Exiles

Wales   StuartW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-10-22 09:16:46 (ID: 100177791) Report Abuse
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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2023-10-31 21:57:33 (ID: 100178216) Report Abuse
And now my season is finally over... My team reached the 2nd round of SC playoffs which was kind of ok. In the Galaxy league I have lost 3 games against 2 teams: Hoosier Underdogs (twice) and Bretzfeld Bandits. Both teams were promoted so I think I did my best. I am not satisfied with my poor 2nd half on Conference final and I think I deserved a more "honorable" result despite knowing I was the weaker side.

Congratulations for the promoted teams! Good luck on S54!
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posted: 2023-11-01 02:00:46 (ID: 100178225) Report Abuse
Thanks for the support but I'm afraid my first foray into elite territory will be a rude 1 and done experience for my team.
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-11-02 11:57:38 (ID: 100178278) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:
And now my season is finally over... My team reached the 2nd round of SC playoffs which was kind of ok. In the Galaxy league I have lost 3 games against 2 teams: Hoosier Underdogs (twice) and Bretzfeld Bandits. Both teams were promoted so I think I did my best. I am not satisfied with my poor 2nd half on Conference final and I think I deserved a more "honorable" result despite knowing I was the weaker side.

Congratulations for the promoted teams! Good luck on S54!

Thank you for congratulating my team on their promotion. But I will definitely be back in the Galaxy League after one season, like I have done five times before.
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Wrexham Exiles

Wales   StuartW owns a supporter account

Joined: 2023-02-21/S50
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posted: 2023-11-02 15:01:36 (ID: 100178280) Report Abuse
Well, if it happens (again), bring back some tales about what it's like in Elite.
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posted: 2023-11-07 20:44:14 (ID: 100178374) Report Abuse
Good game Kottan, I was glad to see my team wake up in the second half, good luck in Elite next season.
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-11-08 15:09:12 (ID: 100178399) Report Abuse
inranger wrote:
Good game Kottan, I was glad to see my team wake up in the second half, good luck in Elite next season.

Yes, the sleeping pill I gave your players didn't work for long. I have to do better in Elite League games. Good luck to your team in the Elite League.
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