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posted: 2023-11-21 19:09:52 (ID: 100178932) Report Abuse
Unimpressive win against a supposetly weaker opponent #1 in the book.
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-21 20:00:51 (ID: 100178933) Report Abuse
I'd second that *

*but that would be a lie, since I *just* managed to beat the greatest manager that ever played this game.
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Paris Guardians

France   Uaschitschun owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-21 20:18:29 (ID: 100178934) Report Abuse
First game lost. But with a qb with 0 td and 4 interceptions in 2 games, I coud not expect anything better tonight... Congrats nextsheva
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Brookfield Ukies

Usa   nextsheva owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-22 05:56:53 (ID: 100178949) Report Abuse
Uaschitschun wrote:
First game lost. But with a qb with 0 td and 4 interceptions in 2 games, I coud not expect anything better tonight... Congrats nextsheva

Thanks. Came down to the wire, 15 yards away with 9 seconds left was way too close. If you looked just at the stats, it seemed like you should have had the game, but that crucial interception by my best player in the 4th quarter turned out to be the play of the game.

2-0 feels sweet.
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posted: 2023-11-22 06:41:02 (ID: 100178951) Report Abuse
Somebody lost to a bot team A BOT TEAM
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-25 11:32:46 (ID: 100179052) Report Abuse
Today's the first encounter for the HAMBURG SEA LIONS against a team from the AC East. Last season we were 2–2 , having won against the two teams that relegated down at the end of the season and lost against those who stayed.

It's the Sunrise City Prairie Dogs today, though, and even if they sport a fancy new team badge made from the Pre-Game-Poster for the final game of the Animal Kingdom I Friendly Cup that was drawn by your's truly, we cannot expect that they will let us score out of gratitude. It will need another herculean effort by the SEA LIONS squad to come away with anything other than a loss today. But we'll see

Good luck for your games to everyone
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-25 15:03:24 (ID: 100179057)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Good luck to the Constanta Sailors today! We both need the win badly and I know my Norsemen will have an uphill battle on their hands. Hopefully, we can make a competitive game of it!

Well, it was competitive! Congrats!

Last edited on 2023-11-25 19:01:15 by BoaTek

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Brookfield Ukies

Usa   nextsheva owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-25 19:09:17 (ID: 100179067) Report Abuse
We had a complete meltdown at home in a matchup we thought we had a slight advantage before the game. But 2 interceptions and a missed field goal came back as 21 points. And in the end it was all finished off by a 4th quarter botched playbook where we confused pass/rush columns and played pass defense all quarter vs a rushing formation.

Congrats, IMGregory.
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Paris Guardians

France   Uaschitschun owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-25 19:47:08 (ID: 100179069) Report Abuse
Close game for me until 4 th quarter but we won.. . and my qb threw his first td It makes things easier to win a game.

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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-25 20:31:56 (ID: 100179071) Report Abuse
nextsheva wrote:
We had a complete meltdown at home in a matchup we thought we had a slight advantage before the game. But 2 interceptions and a missed field goal came back as 21 points. And in the end it was all finished off by a 4th quarter botched playbook where we confused pass/rush columns and played pass defense all quarter vs a rushing formation.

Congrats, IMGregory.

I know. I thought a 3.5*QB would be the Deflators undoing. Apparently not
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