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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2023-11-12 17:26:20 (ID: 100178450) Report Abuse
Hello all. I am joining Monarchs for several seasons as I am trying to accomplish a goal to try and reach Elite at least 1 time from each league. I look forward to competing in Monarch, especially vs the great jack.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-13 08:22:31 (ID: 100178516)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
Hello all. I am joining Monarchs for several seasons as I am trying to accomplish a goal to try and reach Elite at least 1 time from each league. I look forward to competing in Monarch, especially vs the great jack.

Welcome to the region.

I'm planning on a some rework on my roster, but likely only next season or even a season after that.

Mascots and my team got sended back to the divisions we came from 2 seasons ago.

EDIT: another region switch was done by a team, Caplit e salama. Welcome.

Last edited on 2023-11-13 10:19:07 by jack6

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posted: 2023-11-14 00:27:06 (ID: 100178572) Report Abuse
Well, Hopefully I get the honor of losing to you in the Conference Championship game.

I'm still a year or two out of elite
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-15 07:47:56 (ID: 100178629) Report Abuse
I draft from the Elite sheet, since I was last season there (that rule does still confuse me, but OK), and I got my #1 choice for converting him to an OL someday.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-15 14:48:29 (ID: 100178650) Report Abuse
Looks like the Mascots did leave the region after 1 season on level 1 and 1 season in Elite. This time they move to Galaxy.

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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-11-16 00:10:24 (ID: 100178673) Report Abuse
He was afraid of me LOL
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posted: 2023-11-16 00:52:34 (ID: 100178675) Report Abuse
You just had to end up in the NC Jack6, I now AC has a power vacuum (and if you ended up in the NC I would likely have been the favorite to go to elite this season...)

All in all I'm just teasing, hoping to see you in the conference championship (Where hopefully I put up more of a Fight)
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-16 07:42:21 (ID: 100178682) Report Abuse
The 2nd pick is already on the market.
The player is not good enough to kick an existing one off the roster and I have all positions covered.

The 3rd pick will be a surprise and I can only hope for some uncapped player.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-11-17 06:57:53 (ID: 100178724) Report Abuse
3rd pick has the potential to beat a YA prospect in my YA. Only when Caps are in I can tell.
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Paxtang Black Panthers

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posted: 2023-11-17 17:51:59 (ID: 100178750)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Welcome to Monarchs, sfniner08!

I needed to replenish my defense this season, so I got a young and highly talented DB with my first pick. He'll develop into a starter pretty quickly.

My next pick was a DB who may become a starter down the road, although he's a bit slow.

My third pick was a O-lineman who's a bit weak for my liking. He'll probably hit the market shortly. We can't get all the picks right, can we?

Last edited on 2023-11-17 18:06:44 by dpierce

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