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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-01-23 08:07:38 (ID: 100180484) Report Abuse
My dear Jager this was out first match.
Victory or loss must be somehow presented. We will see in future matches
and with fine tactic adjustments how things will move in relation with this reference match.

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-01-23 08:18:40 (ID: 100180485) Report Abuse
Dear PR expert Radu,
We start about same time. I'm on 85 for 3 seasons and you reach 77 overall strength.
You have as well higher buying transfers. Neither I see your engine and tactic knowledge
produce some remarkable wins.
Number of posts, especially comments of everything and nothing are your field.

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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-23 08:23:18 (ID: 100180486)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
@Radu: You'll know you are right when one starts to attack you personally instead of your argument...

Last edited on 2024-01-23 08:23:45 by Chrill

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-01-23 08:31:59 (ID: 100180488) Report Abuse
Dear Chrill,
I agree that if somebody choose to play Long Passes and face 533 there is a room for 80 yard TD.
With same decision is coming risk to have more interceptions.
But in this case we have opposite. He get 3 long TD and I get 3 interceptions!
My team is balanced and strength of each line higher. I win clean 2 times over his same PB. So decision to play long passes (if even that was done) can't produce this result with this basic engine.

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-01-23 08:34:22 (ID: 100180489) Report Abuse
I didn't attack anybody and all facts are there in numbers.
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-01-23 08:38:00 (ID: 100180490) Report Abuse
Chrill wrote:
@Radu: You'll know you are right when one starts to attack you personally instead of your argument...

No comment
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 09:23:50 (ID: 100180491)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Mustang wrote:
Dear PR expert Radu,
We start about same time. I'm on 85 for 3 seasons and you reach 77 overall strength.
You have as well higher buying transfers. Neither I see your engine and tactic knowledge
produce some remarkable wins.
Number of posts, especially comments of everything and nothing are your field.

Mustang wrote:
I didn't attack anybody and all facts are there in numbers.

How is the 1st quote not a personal attack? At least all I did ask, did read it as such.

Mustang wrote:
My team is balanced and strength of each line higher. I win clean 2 times over his same PB. So decision to play long passes (if even that was done) can't produce this result with this basic engine.

If you refer to the % on passing, rushing and so on, those numbers are calculated on players skills in a very simple way and do not represent in detail how their skills do impact calculations. They are just a hint.
And the engine includes random factors, so even with a much weaker team against a much stronger team you sometimes get long passes completed. Maybe 1 of 10, 1 of 100 or 1 of 1000.
The engine is too complex to just put strength vs strength, there are layers and layers of calculations for a single play.
A team can suck against any team at any time, otherwise upsets would not happen.
Sometimes the results do hurt, especially if you are the stronger team on paper. But there is no hidden special ruling, just luck on calculations.

If you throw a dice 6 times, you get very likely on 10 tries 10 different sums of thrown values. And that's happen in the engine also. If a game would be replayed 10 times you would get 10 different results and then maybe the win-loss ration would be more fitting the level of strength.

The problem with the games is, the manager looks on ONE game and the personal expaction fits or fits not. But in reality you just look on one result of all possible results and a lot different ones could happen, which are not visable.

Last edited on 2024-01-23 09:24:14 by jack6

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Joined: 2022-09-19/S48
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posted: 2024-01-23 09:46:22 (ID: 100180493) Report Abuse
Jack you just confirm my words...
1 of 10, 1 of 100, 1 of 1000...
Here we have 3 TD without interception!
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Rio Thunder


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posted: 2024-01-23 09:57:41 (ID: 100180495) Report Abuse
Mustang wrote:
Jack you just confirm my words...
1 of 10, 1 of 100, 1 of 1000...
Here we have 3 TD without interception!

Have you read only this part of his text?
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 10:10:43 (ID: 100180497) Report Abuse
Mustang wrote:
Jack you just confirm my words...
1 of 10, 1 of 100, 1 of 1000...
Here we have 3 TD without interception!

So? I don't think so.
I don't see, why 3TDs are strange.
It might just happen in 1 of 100 games, but nobody has in influence, which result you get in a game out of those 100 games possible.
So if you get that single game with 3 long TDs, it might look like a strange event, but it's not, it's a possible scenario.

If you throw a dice 6 times in a row, there is a chance to get get 6 times a 1.
It's not often and everyone does expect to have a wild variation of 1 to 6 in the 6 throws, but if you just throw 6 times and you GET 6 times a 1, would you call out the dice producer and say 'foul play'?
No, likely you would throw them again and you would get a different result, likely.
But as you might know, there is also a chance to get in the 2nd try of 6 throws 6 times a 1.
Now what would you think then, 2 tries, 2 times a 1? That will feel strange, but is still in the space of possible results.

With the engine it's the same. Just more throws and much more results as possible outcome.

Please have a look at my divisional playoff game.
The opponent did tie the game in the 4th at 3:46.
My team got the ball and started a drive, all signs did lead to finally getting the winning score to win against a weaker opponent on paper.
But at 0:38 we did throw an INT and the opponent returned it into FG range.
Just a kick of 51 yards and the game is his!
But his playbook did say pass play and he did and did throw an INT, TOO!
The return was even longer than his and suddenly MY team was in FG range and kicked for the win.
That play combination is unique and seems unbelievable, but it's just an outcome of some calculations in the worst way for my opponent.
That can happen.

All I want to say is, there is no hidden agenda, no special treatments for senators, no god mode for elite teams or whatever, just calculations on those many parameters the game has and luck. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes the opponents.

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