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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-23 19:30:51 (ID: 100180554) Report Abuse
I've been trying to follow this, but as a native English speaker I can't figure out what the complaint is, other than they lost a game they felt they shouldn't have?

If it makes you feel better. I feel every game I lose I shouldn't have. I have the best QB (possibly ever), and likely the best team ever assembled in this game. 1-2 times a season an opposing QB will complete 90% of their passes and I'll barely lose.

But you know what would be worse? Me winning every game every season. The randomness, while frustrating, adds to the suspense and realism. The best teams don't go undefeated and often don't even win the championship. Sports in general would be really boring if that was always the case.

Also something about money? I pay the $20 for a supporter just like all the others who have been around and want to keep playing. Without that Pete wouldn't keep the game running and you wouldn't have anything to say weird things about. Everyone wins!
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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2024-01-23 19:37:13 (ID: 100180560) Report Abuse
pete wrote:

From my side: you got what were after ... and in my opinion you can't complain.

Your customer relations are pure gold!

Many successes to you!
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 19:41:45 (ID: 100180563) Report Abuse
To you, punch:

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posted: 2024-01-23 19:42:50 (ID: 100180564) Report Abuse
Some people do much worse things (don't say illegal) for money to survive or live some kind of life. This is PR explanation of multibillion corporation.
Facts are much simpler in this game.
I start with my examples but in addition will see the bowl.

Sydney is older team than last season and much older than 2 seasons ago. Ducks are now capable after couldn't reach PO for seasons. Compensation for compensation...
It is important that in between will some senator squeeze and win something. Than some compensation will come with delay. When good managers accept that might be that some compensation willn't happened, another senator could win again something.
They will create second or third account and jump in a second with 1%.examples from here and there to disapprove facts.
On the end Pete admit everything...

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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 19:46:06 (ID: 100180565) Report Abuse
Mustang wrote:
On the end Pete admit everything...

I do. You are right, and I am sorry. But I love money, and can't help myself. When these other guys asked how much, I said "20 bucks a year", and they agreed. I got rich at the end, so I do not feel too bad about it at all. My other one, so called day job, is just a hobby.
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2024-01-23 20:12:26 (ID: 100180572)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
If I am honest, I am having trouble understanding his posts. I mean literally understanding what he means. I just know he isn’t happy lol

As an example…..what does he mean by “senator” because that term doesn’t make sense in any context in a game simulation site.

Last edited on 2024-01-23 20:14:34 by sfniner08

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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2024-01-23 21:44:53 (ID: 100180576) Report Abuse
Just stop feeding the troll.
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-01-23 21:46:14 (ID: 100180577) Report Abuse
Olband wrote:
Just stop feeding the troll.

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punch drunk
Dark Matter


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posted: 2024-01-23 22:47:38 (ID: 100180579) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
To you, punch:



Maybe you You shoulda stuck with soccer..

You have lots and lots to learn about football.

I'm done with clown therad.
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posted: 2024-01-24 10:05:27 (ID: 100180606) Report Abuse
You went in wrong direction. I sad when real money isn't around than it should be more competition and sport spirit. You speak about 20 bucks?

Random happens once in a while and here 1% excuse is often used at the specific time for the explained purpose.
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