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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-23 01:56:12 (ID: 100180479) Report Abuse
I know I brought up the is subject in the past, as I faced this scenario before.

I have 6 players in the youth academy, that I will be bringing up along with the 3 draft picks and 2 retirees. This forces me to dwindle down my roster to 63 players, where I am not sure that pick 2 or 3 will even make my team. I am also making a run for my league's championship, which makes it hard to drop players now that I plan on replacing.

My suggestion is to wave the roster requirements of 70, until the first league game, your combined over that includes your academy would still be in force. This would give everyone a chance on selling or dropping players they don't want to go forward. This would be reflective of the NFLs pre-season, then that league game the warning would start as well as the missed training..
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 08:24:48 (ID: 100180487) Report Abuse
The draft is after the rollover and you can go over the limit with those anyway.
It's better to get rid of the guys not wanted before the next u p d a t e on Sunday then, but in theory, you can go as long as you want with those 71+ players, but some will miss training then.

The cleanup for the rollover has only to happen until the rollover itself, I suggest Friday or Saturday latest.

The worst case scenario is, when you play CoC-Finale on Friday, otherwise you have more days to clean up and get the contracts right.

Sure, 6 YA-players to promote is tough on an already loaded roster, but for that reason it's a management simulation.

I don't think the chance is needed and I don't think it will be not performed, so here my personal take on such situation:
You have 68 players on your roster.
2 will retire, but if you want at least 1 of those in your HOF, that needs to stay until rollover. Maybe you want both.
If not, fire the retiring players after the last game, you have 1-2 spots more.
You have 3 Gunners and 2 Kick-Returners, which are just a waste on the roster, since the OOP rule allows to put in ANY player on such positions on the depth chart, without penality.
So better use your RB/FB/WR as KR and your LB/SF/CB as G and you safe money and spots.
But of course that's your decision.

And at last, Kickers can play Punters and vice versa, so having 2 players playing only a handful of snaps is also a waste on spots.
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Blue Devils

Usa   wsfjlt owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-23 11:05:30 (ID: 100180499) Report Abuse
gunners and kick returners are getting exp for other positions, so not a waist, with the money you have to spend on players, I would be abandoning my younger players who are not prime time yet but would be put into that role next year. My choice is to sell my current offensive line, as I would not be able to afford them next year to keep the younger guys. I will be firing the retirees, but if I win today, I will be facing you, which gives me very little time to fix my roster for next year. Then if I was a team to play after that date in a bowl game, no time.

Remember a big part of this game is financial management. But to be forced into selling your starters so you can keep their replacements right before a playoff game is harsh.

I would be in favor of extending the season, so al teams at the end of play are given a chance to fix their rosters, through the market, because if it is closed before you play your last game you don't have time too, or wave one week of the penalty during roll over so you have one week to adjust your team using the market.
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-23 12:07:24 (ID: 100180501) Report Abuse
If you need the guys on KR and G for future, you could just put them in the right spot on their future position and still could play them as KR and G.

The POSITIONS are rubbish.

The NUMBERS on players is something different and I can understand you want your players to gain EXP and if your revolving system for future players need so many backups and backup-backups, it comes down to the management part of the game.

I had by share of being close to 70 players and I did at some point just optimized my training and position need and was able to shrink it to 60-65, will likely go down in a few seasons to 57-62.

What I learned is, better be ready for a long season and you don't need to do extra efforts if such long seasons happen and if it turns out to be a shorter season, you have just more time to adjust, instead of longing for extra time in a long season.

All I was able to get from Peter in the past was to adjust the rules so a CoC-Finalist can still do contracts and promote YA players. I don't thing there is more to come.
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-01-28 21:31:32 (ID: 100180765) Report Abuse
Maybe I missed something in the discussion? Fixing the roster requirements is not a thing that has to be done at a certain day in time, but after a few consecutive violations happening. If a manager wants to go down this road, he/she already could do so. I am wrong?
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-01 21:28:55 (ID: 100180881) Report Abuse
My HR rollover is just before year end so rolling people into the next year would be a disaster as they would have an extra year of contract and there is no guarantee that anyone would buy them.
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-02-01 23:02:26 (ID: 100180883) Report Abuse
Do I misunderstand you, but the rollover and contract ends are the same for every manager.
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-02 22:27:38 (ID: 100180898)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
I reread everything and I think now that I understood wrongly.

I think now that this is correct, can you please confirm, that if you have a player who will retire, they will go at season rollover - the timing isn't really clear to me in the manual.

If that is true then they aren't there at the start of the new season in any case so this whole question is perhaps not an issue.

This is unless a coach wanted to get rid of them them at the start of the year when they were going to retire at the end of the year. In that case the coach would have to give them an additional year contract then have to cut them or try and sell them which isn't guaranteed as no one may wish to buy them. There is a significant risk of a high cost (some millions) to the team in this case I think.

Last edited on 2024-02-02 22:27:55 by JohnHW

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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-02-03 11:46:30 (ID: 100180909) Report Abuse
JohnHW wrote:
I think now that this is correct, can you please confirm, that if you have a player who will retire, they will go at season rollover - the timing isn't really clear to me in the manual.

Yes. Since you are native speaker: what should be in the manual to make that very clear?

JohnHW wrote:
This is unless a coach wanted to get rid of them them at the start of the year when they were going to retire at the end of the year. In that case the coach would have to give them an additional year contract then have to cut them or try and sell them which isn't guaranteed as no one may wish to buy them. There is a significant risk of a high cost (some millions) to the team in this case I think.

If players are marked to be retiring at the season rollover, you can decide to kick them immediately after rollover, or keep them, to make them hall of famers on retiring, as example

I truly believe, there is no real risk. Just the risk of making wrong decisions by the manager.
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Mülheim Steelers

Germany   K3m4li owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-02-03 12:45:57 (ID: 100180912) Report Abuse
Would it be possible to add to the game that a retiring player can be released in the middle of the season or whenever the manager wants? Maybe a manager has bought an older player on the TM and he will retire next season or even this season. You're hoping for great things from the player this season, but in the end you want to tidy up the squad at some point in the season or maybe change the salary structure and then these players hang like a rotten arm on your body and you have to live with it until the end of the season. And just because he retires from my team doesn't mean I want him in my HoF. Players I want in my HoF I'll keep until the rollover, of course...but others are welcome to leave earlier.
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