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Main / Suggestions / Dead Saturday League All-Star Game Search Forum
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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2024-04-11 13:01:17 (ID: 100182921) Report Abuse
This is not a new discussion point, but a new option for what to do with it.
There's a Saturday at the end of the season when nothing else is happening, and sure you can schedule a friendly, but more than one manager has commented in the past on having something else here to add more interest during the "off-season".
I'd like to suggest for each league to have a conference v conference all-star game. One the regular season is complete, each conference would have their team selected from the in-league game stats. (Best 3 QBs, 4 RBs, etc)
Each manager would have the option, prior to the conference championship, to also s e l e c t one additional player from their team if desired, in case they have a favorite that didn't get selected. The conference champion team managers would be selected as the managers for their conference's all-star team, (with the possible option to defer to a different manager in the conference.) That manager would s e l e c t the playbook and settings used. The game would be played on dead Saturday during their normal league time schedule. No monetary benefit would be given. I was considering a notice on a player's page for being selected, but I think the league positional awards already would do that, so the game would just be for fun.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-04-11 13:19:23 (ID: 100182922) Report Abuse
No fan, because again this is not an activity for all, just for a few selected.

on top, the manager who had basically the most meaningful games over the season has ANOTHER one, while those managers who did not make any playoffs can sit out AGAIN.

I'm all in for activities for ALL open, in best case free to join or participate.
Fun only for a few selected managers does not really help, from my point of view.

Example: My team did play a bad season in Elite and did fall out of Supercup quite early. No games for the next 3 weeks beside friendlies.
Why should I care about some nonsense game in 3 weeks? There no reason.

The only other option would be a friendly cup, but that is also only once a week. Also not ideal.
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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2024-04-11 16:29:43 (ID: 100182928) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:

The only other option would be a friendly cup, but that is also only once a week. Also not ideal.

A friendly cup with Wed & Sun games would be nice.
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posted: 2024-04-21 12:07:34 (ID: 100183203) Report Abuse
Funny - I was thinking of the same idea - but a wee change.. so we have Friendly games, bUT if Owners don't play all week. { just to upgrade Stadium or YA Pull etc} then most games are gone, { New Friendly Item , Pete} So as we have a Play Off to a Bowl. why not a Playout, to play out the season, with a Play Out to a Plate.. this would add to keeping Owners active and with a lower % on Seats sold, { but above a friendly income} any thoughts?
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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2024-04-21 12:43:47 (ID: 100183204) Report Abuse
Please, let's not generate even more income. Teams are to wealthy already
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posted: 2024-04-21 13:03:36 (ID: 100183205) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Please, let's not generate even more income. Teams are to wealthy already
so as a friendly based income Pete.. more the Play Out Plate, than income.. to keep Owners active..
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Barossa Bulldogs

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posted: 2024-04-23 07:53:29 (ID: 100183242) Report Abuse
Again, fun for the top teams no fun for the rest.
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Main / Suggestions / Dead Saturday League All-Star Game