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Main / RZA Elite League / RZA Elite Season 56 Search Forum
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Space Kraken

Usa   Rufio13 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 07:18:12 (ID: 100183589) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
Not sure I can say I've ever had this happen, but the player I had ranked last in the draft actually went last. Congrats, Rufio

Thank you! It should come as no surprise he's the first player I ever fired upon immediately drafting.
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Paris Guardians

France   Uaschitschun owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 09:38:33 (ID: 100183592) Report Abuse
I also had a good draft with my picks in Thunder League. 2 defensive players to fill needs and even the 96 pick was not fired immediately.

Have a good season everyone!
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 10:21:36 (ID: 100183593) Report Abuse
Today starts road to glory

Happy to see my mate Buziano once again in Elite. I am pretty sure he will do some great damage this season

Steve is starting his 325.604 season in Elite. Can we see his back finally? I bet he will once again be in PO.

Two managers put less than 50 million in mediacenter so it seens that there are some financial troubles in Elite. Really hope that they will be competetive all season long.

Couple of over 7 million wages, money really keeps flowing for some teams.

Almost all B teams in AC WEST.

3 Germany teams in one division.

Let the begin

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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 12:03:47 (ID: 100183596) Report Abuse
The sub-par draft of the HAMBURG SEA LIONS has rather dampened enthusiasm for the new season, to be honest. Perhaps it's also because the lack of time at the moment to find other approaches to maybe get better than last season.

We'll wait and see how the new season develops. The first 5 games will tell a lot of what can be expected, with visits at the Gilets Jaunés, Rio Galaxy and Jäger as well as the Sunrise City Prairie Dogs and the Creators team coming to us. We will know better after that.

A good start to the season for everyone
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 12:37:08 (ID: 100183597) Report Abuse
Each of the last two seasons has seen a new promotion win a division and make it to the divisional round of the playoffs.

AC East Last Promotion to Stick S55 (Jäger)
Jäger needed the last game of the season to secure his return and the Paris Guardians were sent back to Thunder on the last game of S54, so this division is worth watching. Oh, and the Air Force Falcons beat the Blitz in the SC playoffs last season and nearly won the Thunder Bowl. I think this division is going to put up a lot of wins and get two teams in the playoffs. Either one of the promotions are as good as bet as any to be that team.

AC North Last Promotion to Stick S53 (TigerCats and Glastonbury Grail Knights)
I got egg on my face picking against the Grail Knights last season, so I’m going to scale back. But the Mustangs are a team that could do it with a really strong team rating. And now that Missouri Misery are back to being active again, this is a team on the rise, but probably not until S58.

AC South Last Promotion to Stick S50 (Peoples Republic of Yorkshire)
Last season’s three playoff division takes a step back this season but is the favorite to send two teams to the playoffs. But it won’t be either of the promotions because, well, the top twosome in this division are also among the top twosome in all of Elite. But the Minors are no slouches. Will be a tough first Elite season for Non Ducor Duco.

AC West Last Promotion to Stick S55 (Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin)
It was not surprising for a promotion to stick last season, but I didn’t see a new division leader emerge from the group. Could it happen again? Bracciano Lakers are always a tough squad and if I was feeling bold, I would pick him to win the division. I don’t know how to predict this division…I didn’t do much research, but none of these teams have a 4.5* QB yet, and making it through Elite with anything less can be really hard. But for the sake of making a prediction, let’s be bold and go with the Lakers to win the division.

NC East Last Promotion to Stick S55 (mystics)
Another division that had an obvious demotion candidate last season, a rough S55 SD season is set to turn around with some really good promotions. The mystics seem vulnerable here, but I think they hold off Social Distance Runners and Stone Mountain Hawks 2 in a division that I think will beat itself up below the KMN Mandalorians and only get one team in the playoffs.

NC North Last Promotion to Stick S51 (Dublin Oilers)
This division is primed for a new promotion to stick with the Irish Giants going through a rebuild and restock the old war chest it appears (no coaches?). And who better to make the leap than RZA royalty as angus finally brings his Black Dragons back up. This is not to discount the Hooligans, who won’t go down without a fight to stay up, but I think he continues the up and down tradition alive since S51.

NC South Last Promotion to Stick S55 (Dumbarajko Elephants)
We all know San Diego Blitz ain’t going anywhere. And Dumbarajko Elephants went to the Conference Championship. So it’s hard to pick a promotion to stick. But this should be a solid division like last season with the likes of H2TAGIT4Q and Rio Galaxy.

NC West Last Promotion to Stick S53 (HAMBURG SEA LIONS)
The Dragons were an improved division last season, and I think this is the season two teams from here make the playoffs. I just don’t think it will be the promotees, Brookfield Ukies or Gilets Jaunés, who I think will find Elite life tough going.

So I'm going with only two promotions to stick this season (AC West and NC North), but see potential for three more (AC East, AC North and NC East).
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-04 18:41:40 (ID: 100183607)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
What a start 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Two missed FGs in 1st quarter and before we came to reality it is 21-0 for PROY and he is not slowing down.

If you can tell how will season go with a glance on a first game it is not written well for my Elephants.

P.S.: while I am writing PROY is on to 28-0 lead 🤦‍♂️

Last edited on 2024-05-04 19:20:06 by Dumbarajko

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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2024-05-04 19:06:25 (ID: 100183609) Report Abuse
A very pleasant surprise for the home team today. I thought for sure the Tigers were going to maul us as usual. My sometimes effective defense really stepped up today.
I'm sure those kittens will have their revenge when we visit their home litter box.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-05-04 21:25:46 (ID: 100183614) Report Abuse
Wow, a very even game vs Rufio and his Kraken. That looks promising, even it was a loss at the end. I expected a less closer result, to be honest
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2024-05-04 23:10:42 (ID: 100183618) Report Abuse
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Brookfield Ukies

Usa   nextsheva owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-05 00:31:28 (ID: 100183622) Report Abuse
Finally we managed to pull out a victory vs Chelt Nam Bobbers, first time ever against them. For many seasons we were grooming an OLB in our academy and in his first ever start he delivered with no missed tackles and 2 sacks that took points off the board and became game MVP.

This is exciting! Our division actually delivered 2 upsets today. Dragons are dangerous.
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