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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-08 06:17:18 (ID: 100183725) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:

Chrill wrote:
unless having to change assistant coaches on two units is considered drastic.

That is pretty drastic imho. The morale drop must have been enormous [...].

That's the thing, though: it wasn't, because we did not fire the assistant coaches. They retired at the end of last season and new ones were hired at the beginning of this season. So yes, the positions were vacant for a couple of days, but there were no negative effects to the squad... at least no obvious ones.

The hits on morale only came from losing the games... although the second loss now had a lesser impact than the first. Seems the squad is getting used to it...
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2024-05-08 07:56:50 (ID: 100183730) Report Abuse
ptdoc2017 wrote:
After two games, only seven 2-0 teams, and three of them are in AC East

That was far from certain for more than 3 quarters
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Paris Guardians

France   Uaschitschun owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-08 08:30:42 (ID: 100183732) Report Abuse
nextsheva wrote:
After tinkering with a perfectly fine playbook we got annihilated for 3 quarters, constantly running a wrong formation. Then went all out in the 4th and almost had a heroic comeback by scoring 21 points and falling by just 2.

Sometimes it's better to stay with basics.

This is one of the strangest games I win. As you said, you were about to come back. I can't believe I won with 4 (!) lost fumbles, my running back will do some extra training work, but fortunately, my QB played a game worth the price I pay him for the first time of the season.
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Brookfield Ukies

Usa   nextsheva owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-08 09:24:37 (ID: 100183734) Report Abuse
Uaschitschun wrote:
This is one of the strangest games I win. As you said, you were about to come back. I can't believe I won with 4 (!) lost fumbles, my running back will do some extra training work, but fortunately, my QB played a game worth the price I pay him for the first time of the season.

Congrats on the win! This was frustrating for me to watch )) Every time I had 8-9 yards on the 1st down, it was a guaranteed punt. And every time I expected to have a defensive run formation, my D played pass all game long. And then turns out that just playing all-out shotgun all the time does the job haha. Simple )

In any case, great playbook on your part!
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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

Usa   ptdoc2017 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-08 17:10:43 (ID: 100183744) Report Abuse
Auers wrote:
ptdoc2017 wrote:
After two games, only seven 2-0 teams, and three of them are in AC East

That was far from certain for more than 3 quarters

Yes, I had not realized who your QB was until kickoff. With Maitre behind center, putting up points shouldn't be much of a problem for you
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-05-09 06:16:21 (ID: 100183746) Report Abuse
Good 1st week, bad 2nd week...tough game 3rd week!

SD Blitz
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Brookfield Ukies

Usa   nextsheva owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-11 19:20:54 (ID: 100183776) Report Abuse
Barely avoided a defeat. Recipe for a near loss: lead 600 - 280 in yards, lose 2 turnovers in the opponent's red zone, miss an OT field goal and survive opponent's missed FG attempt too.
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-14 07:50:39 (ID: 100183838) Report Abuse
Yashin wrote:
ptdoc2017 wrote:

AC West Last Promotion to Stick S55 (Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin)
It was not surprising for a promotion to stick last season, but I didn’t see a new division leader emerge from the group. Could it happen again? Bracciano Lakers are always a tough squad and if I was feeling bold, I would pick him to win the division. I don’t know how to predict this division…I didn’t do much research, but none of these teams have a 4.5* QB yet, and making it through Elite with anything less can be really hard. But for the sake of making a prediction, let’s be bold and go with the Lakers to win the division.

Thank you for your blind trust... we will do our best to earn it on the field and make your prediction a success

Truth is that all 4 teams are well structured and equivalent in overall strength, but Magpies and Melittlemenon are a short measure ahead and in Elite it counts a lot, as well as the schedule you have.

I started against Sea Eagles and we were close to a great reasult, but in OT their experience made the difference.
0-1 so far, which is not the start I was dreaming of...

In bocca al lupo!
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2024-05-14 16:17:18 (ID: 100183848) Report Abuse
lions1934 wrote:
In bocca al lupo!

The wolf is in the mouth ? What does it mean ?
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-05-14 17:45:04 (ID: 100183850) Report Abuse
Auers wrote:
lions1934 wrote:
In bocca al lupo!

The wolf is in the mouth ? What does it mean ?

The same as break a leg in England - good luck.
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