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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-06-17 20:13:48 (ID: 100184659) Report Abuse
In my today's Super Cup game (Game ID: 101176339) my OC Stephen Engel was injured in Q2. So my substitute in the depth chart played for OC Klemens Schmidt. Now Stephen Engel is back at the end of the second quarter, that's how the message came in the game. But the substitute OC Klemens Schmidt played on the field until the end of the game.

Is it a bug if the number 1 in the depth chart is fit to play again but is no longer in the game?

Thanks Kottan
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-06-17 20:36:47 (ID: 100184661) Report Abuse
If there is no substitution reason, no substitution happens. Means, as long as the exchanged player is OK given on your energy rules, this player stays on field.
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-06-17 20:42:34 (ID: 100184662) Report Abuse
But Stephen Engel is marked in the depth chart as a first string player? Why isn't he playing anymore?
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Bretzfeld Bandits

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posted: 2024-06-18 13:04:53 (ID: 100184669) Report Abuse
Once again.

I don't want to complain or protest here. I just want to understand.
As an OC, I have 2 players in my depth chart:

1 Stephen Engel OC s e l e c t as first string player
2 Klemens Schmidt OC not selected

First my #1 gets injured and is replaced by #2. Then #1 is fit again at the end of the first half, but in the second half only #2 from the depth chart continues to play in the game. Why is the recovered player no longer taken into account?
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St Pauli Packers


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posted: 2024-06-18 13:16:49 (ID: 100184671) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
If there is no substitution reason, no substitution happens. Means, as long as the exchanged player is OK given on your energy rules, this player stays on field.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-06-18 19:23:14 (ID: 100184675) Report Abuse
Yes, exactly. If thereis no trigger, no substition happens. Please translate "first string" into "Starting player not bound to energy based substitutions".
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-06-18 20:39:55 (ID: 100184676) Report Abuse
OK, and thank you. Please close this thread.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-06-19 10:22:41 (ID: 100184687) Report Abuse
Btw, a valid but questionalbe action would be to raise the energy barrier for substitution to crazy levels, so you would force the non-first-string player back to the bench this way.
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Dumbarajko Elephants

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posted: 2024-06-19 16:14:47 (ID: 100184690) Report Abuse
I still don't get it.

Players marked as first string are by the rules:
"If you tick the "first string player" tick-box, this player will be preferred by the engine, no matter what else you set for substitutions in your depth chart or match-settings. If more than one player has the settings active, the engine will pick the first-string player having the highest in-game energy. The only chance for a substitution by using non-first-stringers is then if the first-string-players gets injured."

If I understand right first string player got injured, replacement came in since it must came in, first string player recovered from injury and never got back in the game.

In my experience first string player plays all the snaps if he is healthy all the time no matter what other settings are. And he always immediately come back to the game after recovering. No matter how low his PC is and what are rules for substitutions.

So really don't get it why Kottan player hasn't came back to the game.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-06-19 18:37:36 (ID: 100184695) Report Abuse
I said all I would have to contribute. Maybe Kottan should check if the settings were as he wants those settings to have, and if the player has DC entries for other positions and maybe was on the field of that other position. I cannot add anything to this.
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