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Saker Falcons

Usa   hotel owns a supporter account

Joined: 2012-01-25/S02
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posted: 2021-10-23 04:42:38 (ID: 100162181) Report Abuse
Triumphant return to Claymore S45 after a 6-4 finish in Elite S44
Too bad the finish followed an 0-6 start

Four players retired/released including my crappy 4.5* QB...time to play NEW crappy QB's
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Peoples Republic of Yorkshire

Uk   lallen73 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-11-21/S36
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posted: 2022-04-04 08:47:44 (ID: 100166501) Report Abuse
This is almost exactly what happened to me - results wise, not the retirements. Kept the dodgy QB for another year
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Sydney Sea Eagles

Australia   Shadow owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-05-03/S42
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posted: 2022-08-19 05:19:39 (ID: 100168561) Report Abuse
The Monarchs region is playing a power mode friendly cup each season.
Would someone be interesting in a similar tournament in the Claymore region?
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Peoples Republic of Yorkshire

Uk   lallen73 owns a supporter account

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posted: 2022-08-25 08:39:46 (ID: 100168692) Report Abuse
Not for me at the moment. Trying to spend less time on the game presently.

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Stone Mountain Hawks 2

Germany   bellj owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-04-12/S42
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posted: 2022-08-25 11:56:04 (ID: 100168696) Report Abuse
lallen73 wrote:
Not for me at the moment. Trying to spend less time on the game presently.


Same with me.

And if I stay in Elite, I will probably get close to the number 1 draft pick next season.
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posted: 2022-08-28 21:42:39 (ID: 100168858) Report Abuse
I'm not ready for cup at the moment. To much things to read and compare.
Claymore1 and real opponents is where is my focus.
Hopefully we meet soon in Elite...
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Diorite Lions

Usa   ccdiorite owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-11-11/S10
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posted: 2022-09-20 12:45:17 (ID: 100169499) Report Abuse
Well, back in Claymore after a 7-9 season in Elite. Jettisoned another bunch of old guys off my squad for another season of rebuilding with youth. The teams from Claymore in Elite seem to be getting tougher to beat every season. My only complaint is there are 3 bots in my Division out of the 7 total in Claymore 1.1 I would have liked more Human competition. Good luck to all teams in the new season.
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Peoples Republic of Yorkshire

Uk   lallen73 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2019-11-21/S36
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posted: 2022-09-22 10:27:21 (ID: 100169643) Report Abuse
Same and yes Claymore does seem to be getting tougher in general.
Makes it a good challenge though. Not for you with your three bots.
Good luck to everyone, should be an interesting season.
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Suchdol Minors

Czechrepublic   wiznoo owns a supporter account

Joined: 2020-09-04/S40
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posted: 2023-01-12 09:13:41 (ID: 100171436) Report Abuse
Welcome to all the new managers. Hope we can get rid of all the bots in 1.1 this season...

Always happy to give advice to new managers, just ask. Been playing this game for almost 10 years, for what that's worth...
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posted: 2023-02-23 14:29:40 (ID: 100172370) Report Abuse
After almost 10 years I am now leaving this game. I think I've reached my limit.
Before the new season my team has now a minimum 38 players, no QB, playbook is empty.
All of you will win games vs the Cruel Kings.

This is really a great game, I have had so much fun playing it.
I wish you all good luck in the next and all future seasons!
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