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posted: 2012-01-05 00:59:27 (ID: 22273) Report Abuse
Thanks Tex!

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posted: 2012-01-08 01:17:57 (ID: 22890) Report Abuse
The latest rankulator rankings for your viewing pleasure

Fire 1.1 Ranking

Rk Name Avg Rnk Points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lambruschia 7.90 93.37
2 Urshult Gladiators 16.60 90.35
3 Griff ins Gras 16.10 89.88
4 Maykop Dynamos 3.80 89.70
5 Gattopardo 6.90 86.85
6 Mighty Magpies 19.20 86.84
7 Kyiv Generals 12.80 84.66
8 Berlin Packers 9.60 84.20
9 Hebridean Academicals 9.40 80.82
10 GLADIATORI ROMA 13.30 80.05
11 Blazers 16.30 79.16
12 Bonaval Acorns 18.30 78.78
13 Rivne Monsters 20.60 77.41
14 Goteborg Senators 10.20 76.63
15 BigHeads 15.80 75.81
16 Maciucarii 17.30 75.50
17 Farmsum Islanders 14.70 75.45
18 neroverde 12.70 73.70
19 Scheper Eagels 9.30 72.62
20 NasheDeloTabak 21.10 70.84
21 River City Gamblers 25.10 67.23
22 Charlotte Hawks 24.80 63.77
23 jakas 15.60 63.75
24 New Jersey Warriors 13.00 62.45
25 white house berlin 22.50 62.26
26 FI Team 1.1.29 14.30 60.77
27 teamko 23.50 59.33
28 Swilly Seals 18.80 59.16
29 Chicago Bulldogs 14.80 58.99
30 Kyiv Bulldogs 20.70 57.92
31 Nesiedler Falcons 22.10 56.90
32 FI Team 1.1.14 28.60 55.82
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posted: 2012-01-08 01:54:41 (ID: 22896) Report Abuse
Thanks Tex!
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posted: 2012-01-11 00:49:59 (ID: 23356) Report Abuse
Here are the latest rankings... Some great games in your league today...

Fire 1.1 Ranking

Rk Name Avg Rnk Points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lambruschia 9.70 93.26
2 Urshult Gladiators 17.80 91.53
3 Griff ins Gras 16.10 91.31
4 Maykop Dynamos 5.60 89.46
5 Mighty Magpies 18.60 88.26
6 Gattopardo 8.10 87.33
7 Berlin Packers 7.90 86.29
8 Kyiv Generals 17.10 84.87
9 Hebridean Academicals 11.00 82.01
10 Blazers 17.00 80.98
11 GLADIATORI ROMA 17.90 79.51
12 Bonaval Acorns 16.50 78.98
13 Maciucarii 13.70 77.24
14 Rivne Monsters 20.10 77.17
15 neroverde 10.90 76.78
16 Goteborg Senators 10.50 76.43
17 Farmsum Islanders 15.90 76.41
18 BigHeads 15.80 75.28
19 Scheper Eagels 10.60 73.70
20 NasheDeloTabak 18.00 71.70
21 River City Gamblers 25.00 69.30
22 jakas 10.90 66.03
23 Charlotte Hawks 25.40 64.26
24 white house berlin 23.10 62.62
25 New Jersey Warriors 13.40 61.95
26 Chicago Bulldogs 13.10 60.99
27 teamko 21.20 60.66
28 Kyiv Bulldogs 22.00 60.43
29 FI Team 1.1.29 17.40 59.86
30 Nesiedler Falcons 19.50 59.60
31 Swilly Seals 18.10 59.55
32 FI Team 1.1.14 28.60 56.40
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posted: 2012-01-11 12:55:20 (ID: 23421) Report Abuse
Very interesting situation we have in National Conference, 4 teams, including League champion of the last season, compete for places in playoff

Who will be winners?
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posted: 2012-01-14 23:21:45 (ID: 24003) Report Abuse
Last 4 games to make your move... Givem' Hell guys...

Fire 1.1 Ranking

Rk Name Avg Rnk Points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lambruschia 11.50 91.07
2 Urshult Gladiators 17.80 90.71
3 Griff ins Gras 16.80 89.64
4 Mighty Magpies 19.10 86.53
5 Berlin Packers 8.20 85.29
6 Gattopardo 10.20 85.06
7 Maykop Dynamos 8.10 84.87
8 Kyiv Generals 18.80 83.83
9 Blazers 13.10 81.64
10 GLADIATORI ROMA 16.20 80.22
11 Hebridean Academicals 10.60 79.24
12 Bonaval Acorns 17.00 78.96
13 Goteborg Senators 9.20 77.06
14 Maciucarii 13.60 76.55
15 Farmsum Islanders 17.10 76.14
16 Rivne Monsters 19.70 75.42
17 neroverde 11.00 74.59
18 BigHeads 14.10 73.25
19 Scheper Eagels 14.20 72.42
20 NasheDeloTabak 20.40 71.73
21 River City Gamblers 25.00 67.34
22 jakas 12.00 63.68
23 Charlotte Hawks 23.40 63.20
24 white house berlin 19.60 61.77
25 New Jersey Warriors 12.80 60.79
26 Chicago Bulldogs 13.10 60.66
27 teamko 24.80 60.63
28 Swilly Seals 14.50 59.95
29 FI Team 1.1.29 15.60 59.85
30 Kyiv Bulldogs 21.70 58.80
31 Nesiedler Falcons 20.00 57.23
32 FI Team 1.1.14 28.90 54.50
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posted: 2012-01-18 01:06:35 (ID: 24520) Report Abuse
Urshult goes down for the first time this season at the hands of the Magpies... Holds on to 2nd with the MOV of almost 20 points more than #2 also a loss to the Magpies helps his SOS...

Griff ins Gras also experiences the agony of defeat from the Dynamos... Great stuff guys...

Best of luck in the last 3... Should be fun...

Fire 1.1 Ranking

Rk Name Avg Rnk Points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lambruschia 11.50 92.69
2 Urshult Gladiators 16.00 90.90
3 Mighty Magpies 17.90 89.99
4 Griff ins Gras 13.80 89.70
5 Maykop Dynamos 4.20 88.61
6 Kyiv Generals 13.40 87.16
7 Gattopardo 9.40 85.87
8 Berlin Packers 10.90 85.81
9 Blazers 12.50 84.22
10 GLADIATORI ROMA 17.40 82.15
11 Bonaval Acorns 19.40 80.96
12 Hebridean Academicals 9.20 79.89
13 Farmsum Islanders 11.80 78.28
14 Maciucarii 19.50 77.77
15 Goteborg Senators 9.50 77.01
16 neroverde 11.00 76.86
17 Rivne Monsters 22.50 76.64
18 NasheDeloTabak 19.20 74.65
19 BigHeads 15.00 73.56
20 Scheper Eagels 15.40 72.24
21 River City Gamblers 25.00 70.33
22 white house berlin 21.00 64.58
23 teamko 25.70 63.47
24 Charlotte Hawks 25.30 63.16
25 Chicago Bulldogs 12.80 62.77
26 jakas 15.60 62.41
27 New Jersey Warriors 12.20 62.31
28 Swilly Seals 14.50 61.22
29 FI Team 1.1.29 16.10 60.52
30 Kyiv Bulldogs 19.50 60.36
31 Nesiedler Falcons 21.40 57.86
32 FI Team 1.1.14 28.90 56.66
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posted: 2012-01-22 02:44:45 (ID: 25164) Report Abuse
Griff ins Gras takes their second loss at the hands of Gladiatori Roma...

Fire 1.1 Ranking

Rk Name Avg Rnk Points
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lambruschia 9.70 94.58
2 Urshult Gladiators 15.40 92.04
3 Mighty Magpies 19.70 90.62
4 Maykop Dynamos 5.20 88.95
5 Griff ins Gras 13.10 88.80
6 Kyiv Generals 17.10 87.32
7 Gattopardo 11.30 86.55
8 GLADIATORI ROMA 12.60 85.40
9 Blazers 8.40 85.14
10 Berlin Packers 15.80 83.52
11 Bonaval Acorns 19.30 82.09
12 Hebridean Academicals 9.90 80.58
13 Maciucarii 18.20 79.76
14 Rivne Monsters 22.50 78.37
15 Goteborg Senators 9.90 77.84
16 Farmsum Islanders 12.20 77.76
17 neroverde 16.30 76.74
18 NasheDeloTabak 17.30 75.28
19 BigHeads 14.70 73.77
20 River City Gamblers 24.40 73.00
21 Scheper Eagels 16.00 71.85
22 teamko 25.30 65.81
23 Charlotte Hawks 21.70 64.49
24 white house berlin 23.10 64.38
25 Chicago Bulldogs 12.00 63.10
26 jakas 15.40 62.99
27 FI Team 1.1.29 12.80 62.07
28 Swilly Seals 13.50 61.88
29 Kyiv Bulldogs 17.80 61.33
30 New Jersey Warriors 14.90 60.52
31 Nesiedler Falcons 25.10 59.22
32 FI Team 1.1.14 27.20 58.85
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posted: 2012-01-22 09:02:38 (ID: 25172) Report Abuse
i really thought Griff in Grass would have won that one, makes the playoffs in NC even more interresting
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Joined: 2011-09-26/S01
Posts: 89
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posted: 2012-01-23 09:48:18 (ID: 25320) Report Abuse
I feel offended by your lack of consideration towards me...
however, I'm still not out the playoffs... and I will avenge at this affront next Friday ....

Last edited on 2012-01-23 09:49:05 by franzlandia

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