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posted: 2012-01-19 21:58:07 (ID: 24861) Report Abuse
It started (no idea why ) in the Friday Friendlies topic
But I think it would be nice to get to know each other a bit better
Always one step ahead to tighten that community

If you don't mind, reveal some info about You
How old are You? Your favorite team in AF? Do You play it Yourself? And so on...

It would be rude to not start it... So...

I'm 24 years old, married for 3 years and since 07.2011 also a father
My fascination about american football started quite accidentaly, when my friend got Madden NFL 08. I borrowed it, started to play... The sport I always considered as 'brainless muscles clash' revealed as extremaly tactical and complex sport...

Because in Poland maybe 0,1% of population knows anything more about NFL that the fact it exist, I was forced to search and learn by myself. Sad to admit, but at beggining i was forced to watch the game only on illegal streaming, but when NFL started international HD broadcasts I finally found a way to watch football every sunday. Even it's quite expensive (all season access cost about 50% of average month salary in Poland) I was buying it year by year.

My favorite team is Seattle Seahawks (Avatar? naaaah... You'd never guess dont You? Mainly because when I was playin Madden 08 in Superstar mode, I was drafted by Seattle... And I just got emotionally bonded with it Stayed there until 2021, when I won 5th and last Super Bowl with them, and retired ;-)
So sad, that nowadays Seattle is far different... Hasselbeck left... Alexander left... Well. Let's hope TJ will build up them again...

And about playing football? Well, as I mentioned before american football in Poland is even worse then marginal. It slowly show up, but it's long time before it will be wide known.
The first steps are taken - we registered Polish Association, and we have our own league. It's like "stone age" as for now, but it is
Year by year are created new teams, and league is evolving.

This year there is a team creating in my City. I sent an e-mail, and I was on first interview with the coach. He invited my for tomorrows training.

As for now he was proposing WR / DB for me. We'll see tomorrow will I even have any talent to play it

Some photos:

My wife
My son

Last edited on 2012-01-19 21:59:24 by Kethian

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posted: 2012-01-20 00:38:03 (ID: 24902) Report Abuse
Not quite so in depth... but here goes.

Jon, age 40, living in Birmingham, England, married with 2 kids (7 and 5). I work as an IT Technician by day, and as a quiz host by night. I got into AF in the late 80s, originally by throwing a ball around at school, then a group of us joined the PBM game Gameplan. I was assigned the Eagles, so they have been my team ever since. I played for the Birmingham Bulls youth team in 1989 and 1990, and then went to Leeds Uni where I played for the Leeds Celtics until 1993 - I wasn't big enough to continue with senior football after I finished my degree.

My main position was FB, but I also covered as a CB and Special teams blocker/tackler, which was handy as our coach in the 92/93 season went to a spread offense, meaning he did not need me as FB - I was a good blocker, but not a great ball carrier or pass catcher.

These days my sports are Judo and Rallying, and I compete in a National Rally Championship (that's my car in my avatar )

Last edited on 2012-01-20 00:39:08 by JonnyP

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posted: 2012-01-20 03:33:37 (ID: 24914) Report Abuse
Dennis, age 50, born, raised and living in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Married to an English wench for 5 years. She's learning to live with the summer heat. Delivery driver, but soon to own our own snack business.

Green Bay Packers fan since the age of 7 and I got to go Superbowl 31 when the Packers beat the Patriots. I have also been to several games in Green Bay. Really wanted to me a MLB, so I tried out for football during high school and blew out both knees on my 2nd day. That was the extent of my football career. At the time, I was thrilled to be out of school for a bit. lol
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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2012-01-20 07:40:36 (ID: 24931) Report Abuse
Pete(r), almost 40, married, 2 boys (16 and 22)

Learned cooking, but skipped that for being an IT guy as well. Using computers since I was 13. Working as CDO in a company doing track & trace (fleet management) services. On Football since around 20 years, since 12 years I am involved somehow in the Dresden Monarchs, our local Football club - doing their statistics since 4 years now. Living near Dresden...

Ah: Somehow a Seahawks fan (yes, give me all those dirty comments now), but as long it is not one of the Manning brothers or Romo who wins that Bowl, I am fine with every team

That's me:
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posted: 2012-01-20 08:20:32 (ID: 24935) Report Abuse
Stefan: Age 39 Married no Kids
Work: field surveyor
Played Football for about 15 Years from the lowest level up to GFL in Germany all on the Offensiveline.
Got an Coacheslicence and worked with the local team the last Years but will quit this cause of Timeissues.
Favorit Team are the Steelers, cause they played the Style of Football (pounding the ball) an Oliner prevers when i was starting to play Football.
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Toni Gorilla
posted: 2012-01-26 23:26:24 (ID: 25939) Report Abuse
Lorenz (aka Toni), MSc in Sports Science and Physiotherapy, 37 years, married, 1 daughter (2).

We started playing football on the local football (American: soccer) pitch when we were about 14 years (1988), because one of my friends got a ball from holidays. We were captivated! Our moms had to sew foam into our shirts. It didn't really protect us, but we looked the part and felt cool.

A year later we found out there's a team in the city we lived (Kiel/Germany), and they even had a youth team. A few of us strolled to a training session and caught the bug. Two of us, my (back then best friend) Marco and myself kept on playing and made our debuts in the senior squad in 1991. We advanced through the leagues and got promotion to Div 1 in 1995. Finally we were there, looking forward to playing all the big teams.

The same year I moved to Cologne to study, but luckily the Cologne Crocodiles had an established team in Div 1, too. Back then the biggest name on our team was Micheal Davis, an American QB, famed for his running rather than his passing. Another of my team mates was Werner Hippler, the 1st German to get an NFL contract. Funny enough, in Cologne I also found out my predecessor at CB had been Haddaway. No joke. He was a shite defensive back, but made career as a singer ("What is love", anyone?).

We reached the semi finale of the German Bowl. During the game, which we lost 14:13 against Dusseldorf Panther, I had to cover Estrus Crayton, who played RB for USC in 91-92. A tough job. Unbelievable, but he's still playing today. At season's end I was voted best German defensive back (3rd best overall) in Huddle, the back-then leading football magazine. However, glory wouldn't last too long.

Next season I got injured, still only 22 years young, and decided to call it a day. I got fed up with working like a pro, but not getting paid like one. Besides the game was infested with steroids and all kind of drugs. In Cologne, at half-time, there was a queue outside the loo, because so many players were snorting cocaine. Apparently, so I was being told, it makes players more aggressive. Anyway, let's look at the positive:

My former best friend, Marco Knorr, played WR for many years and is still holding the Hurricanes TD record. He moved on to play college football at Urbana University, where he broke several records and got awarded All-Conference-Selection, and spent his last 2 seasons at West Virginia University Tech. Since then he was coaching at NFL Europe (Cologne Centurions) and is now assistant coach at Union College Bulldogs. Who had thought he'd make a career out of American Football back in 1988? Certainly not me...

Ok, enough, hope I wasn't boring you to death. Thanks for reading.

Toni Gorilla

Last edited on 2012-01-26 23:44:56 by Toni Gorilla

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posted: 2012-01-27 03:05:57 (ID: 25946) Report Abuse
I´m Nestor (aka toro (bull)), from General Rodriguez, a little town in Argentina, 60 Km from Buenos Aires, i have 41 years old (42 in march). My english is very bad, only school english 24 years ago... I hope you understand my poor english
My work: I am trainer in a gym in the morning, then i work in an office, paperwork.
I was a powerlifter but retire 3 years ago by a heart operation. And was soccer player in my adolecence. And rugbier few years.
I married with a Uruguayan girl, 30 years old, architecture student. No children yet, but planning them.
I started with FA in 90s, watching Dallas Cowboys, my fav team, at the time of "the triplets" and the awesome Emmit Smith. And Madden

Last edited on 2012-01-27 03:09:29 by Nestoro

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posted: 2012-01-27 09:14:06 (ID: 25954) Report Abuse
My name is Duncan Keary, i'm 27 years old and live in a small town on the west coast of scotland called Oban. Famous for its Whisky(Tell them pete)

I am currently a trainee sound engineer at college, and also side planning music gigs and tours for local bands and performers. It's great fun.

I began watching NFL back in the 90s and it became my first love in sports shortly after.

I am a Broncos maniac but not a tebow maniac...not yet at least
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posted: 2012-01-27 16:34:45 (ID: 25982) Report Abuse
Hello I'm Buffalo, the owner of the Lucea Cardinals. I'm 24 years old and living in Hannover, Germany.

Actually I'm in the last year of my Master of Science Biology. Beside my work in the lab, I have enough time for this nice game. Additional I play at -TOG- with the same nickname.

I'm a fan of the Lucea Cardinals since 2008. I is difficult to watch the NFL in Germany. At Free TV you can watch only the Superbowl and sometimes the Conference Finals. My first Superbowl was Colts vs. Bears 2007. My best friend is also a big Football and Steelers Fan. I 2008 followed the complete playoffs and was impressed by the Cardinals. Than the Superbowl against the steelers, which I watched with my best friend. Everyone know that it was a dramatic final and with every change of the lead we had unbelivable scene in my living room. Although the Cardinals lost the Bowl, I'm still a big fan and watched the most games scince than, which cost me a lot of sleep, with games in the middle of the night.

Why do my team play at Lucea, Jamaica? I'm a big reggae fan for many years. The bond between reggae and jamaica is very close. Lucea is the capital of the parish of Hanover. So this is the connection between the small town in jamaica and my hometown Hannover in germany.

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posted: 2012-01-27 18:45:34 (ID: 26006) Report Abuse
Antoine, age 26, living in Strasbourg, France. I own a bar here since 2 years and a half called "The Hole" and another in West of France working from 7PM to 4AM every day. That's why I'm always connected in the middle of the night here! If you want to grab a beer and watch a game on Sunday night, feel free to come!!!

I've always been interested by AF, but I started being a real fan when I was a student in NYC in 2008... You can understand why I'm such a Giants Fan, seeing Eli with the Lombardi Cup during the Giants parade, I could say that he's an Elite QB!!! (That's just for you Pete!!! )

I never played the game as I've played Volleyball for many years and was one of the youngest ever 4th national division setter but had to stop for studies purpose and gained 20 kg!

Now I'm playing Aussie Rules with the Strasbourg Kangaroos and we were this year French National Cup runner-up but last in French League at midseason...

To finish the name of my team comes from NY and my dog which is a French Bulldog "Punkette", the bar and Aussie Rules team mascot!





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