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posted: 2012-03-05 23:20:26 (ID: 31497) Report Abuse
Recently the Admin put up a poll proposing a change in TM and wage negotiations that the vast majority were in favor The Poll. I too voted yes on the poll but really only because of the language. It really didnt make sense Non- HR teams to pay HR wages when they picked them up on the market.

But the thread leading up that poll totally ignored a certain point that has to be addressed. Now I know this is a VR game and cant mimic every element of RL but the preceding thread discussion reminded me of a bunch of team owners negotiating a financial system without any player reps.

Other than the negotiation process itself.. the players offer no personality.. no power.. no influence. In a loss their morale seems to be the same across the board.. in a win their morale seems to be the same across the board. They dont care about which teams they are signed too.. how much PT they are going to get. They dont ask for concessions.. never demand anything. They dont even care if their contracts are honored or not. Their about as lifeless as a cardboard cutout of Andre Johnson.

I dont see the reason why players can't have a hint of a will of their own. What do you guys think about players having a little power and being able to use it (both pros and cons)?

Last edited on 2012-03-05 23:21:05 by Swordpriest1

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posted: 2012-03-05 23:33:54 (ID: 31500) Report Abuse
I think the players have some Power.

From the Manual -> HR Department

Be careful on your negotiation. The players have expectations, and if you fail on negotiating the Contract within the 5 chances you have per player, the player will leave at the end of your season. There is no chance to enter the negotiation again, once you failed!
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posted: 2012-03-05 23:51:03 (ID: 31501) Report Abuse
Swordpriest1 wrote:
I dont see the reason why players can't have a hint of a will of their own. What do you guys think about players having a little power and being able to use it (both pros and cons)?

Can you give us a little more detail about your thoughts? Clearly you have thought about this more than just asking about our oppinions, so where exactly would you like this player "willpower" to be used?

The HRD contract negotiations is already there for example, but where else, and how could this influence the game in your oppinion?

But my main question is: why is this needed exactly? To me it seems like an unnecessary layer of complexity to the game...
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posted: 2012-03-06 00:58:41 (ID: 31503) Report Abuse
i find irt quite strange that you get charged 5* wages of coaches you fire but nothing for players
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posted: 2012-03-06 02:00:32 (ID: 31518) Report Abuse
Ranagol wrote:
Swordpriest1 wrote:
I dont see the reason why players can't have a hint of a will of their own. What do you guys think about players having a little power and being able to use it (both pros and cons)?

Can you give us a little more detail about your thoughts? Clearly you have thought about this more than just asking about our oppinions, so where exactly would you like this player "willpower" to be used?

The HRD contract negotiations is already there for example, but where else, and how could this influence the game in your oppinion?

But my main question is: why is this needed exactly? To me it seems like an unnecessary layer of complexity to the game...

The negotiation is pretty bare bones though if you think about it. It could add a little flavor (like allowing for different level GMs therefore effecting negotiations)but thats neither here nor there for what im asking now. I'm just wondering if we should let players have self-awareness . Like on the real I've noticed that I could underbid every player (atleast go below his asking price) and end up getting the player. Should that always be the case for marque players... even if they are trying to high-ball the offer?

as for my thoughts a quick example... there was this soccer sim I played and it had a few wrinkles on player behavior. Most notabley was their morale. Player's who got substantial playing time kept a high morale but if a player felt he was good enough for first team and didnt see the field enough his morale would increasingly get lower. If he reached a point where it got below a certain point that player would ask for a transfer. It sounds harsh but it hardly ever got to that point as all you had to do was give them a game here or there and they'd be content. That game's management system worked a little different as you as the manager didnt have free reign as much here (you had to work with both your team owner AND players)

But regardless of my ideas I'm really interested to if the rest of the community has any real thoughts on giving individual players the chance to flex some muscle and/or thoughts on players as a collective having certain rights that all managers must adhere to (I.E. contracts must be honored no matter what HR system even if sold on TM [this could have explosive implications in the TM.. both pro and con]). I say this because we've talked a lot of economy but only from the manager's side. If they think players should have a stake in the matter.. thats fine. If we as a collective think the players should stay chess pieces on the board.. thats fine too.
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posted: 2012-03-06 06:58:39 (ID: 31524)
Monkey wrote:
i find irt quite strange that you get charged 5* wages of coaches you fire but nothing for players

They are there, if you fire a player within his contract period
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posted: 2012-03-06 09:10:12 (ID: 31533) Report Abuse
Swordpriest1 wrote:
But regardless of my ideas I'm really interested to if the rest of the community has any real thoughts on giving individual players the chance to flex some muscle and/or thoughts on players as a collective having certain rights that all managers must adhere to (I.E. contracts must be honored no matter what HR system even if sold on TM [this could have explosive implications in the TM.. both pro and con]). I say this because we've talked a lot of economy but only from the manager's side. If they think players should have a stake in the matter.. thats fine. If we as a collective think the players should stay chess pieces on the board.. thats fine too.

I hadn't thought about this before, but I agree that it would add another exciting level to this game.
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posted: 2012-03-06 12:19:09 (ID: 31542) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:
Monkey wrote:
i find irt quite strange that you get charged 5* wages of coaches you fire but nothing for players

They are there, if you fire a player within his contract period

ok dont have contracts so didnt know, thinking i should rejoin afsim and test out HR
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posted: 2012-03-06 12:37:14 (ID: 31546) Report Abuse
Do that! We will kick your ass!
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