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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2023-08-26 19:51:30 (ID: 100176322) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
If you file bugs, please do so in the Bugs forum, one Bug, one Post.


pete wrote:
For the retirement notification: it is in your roster history, I checked it. You did not receive any PM or Pinboard notification, since you do not own a Supporter account.

Okay so the purple mark on the roster page only shows when using HR departement ?
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-08-27 08:51:35 (ID: 100176334) Report Abuse
Auers wrote:

Okay so the purple mark on the roster page only shows when using HR departement ?

yes. And it means "Contract expires, cannot be extented"
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posted: 2023-08-27 16:27:47 (ID: 100176346) Report Abuse
Don't know if I qualify as a noob but I have such a question hahaha. I wanted to clarify the hall of fame. Do they have to be off the team and retired for 100 days or more before you can put them in the Hall of Fame?
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2023-08-27 16:38:55 (ID: 100176347) Report Abuse
sfniner08 wrote:
Don't know if I qualify as a noob but I have such a question hahaha. I wanted to clarify the hall of fame. Do they have to be off the team and retired for 100 days or more before you can put them in the Hall of Fame?

As per le manuel

The Teams Hall of Fame shows players, if the team-owner moved them to the Hall of Fame. Who is eligible? A player is eligible to join the Hall of Fame, if

his retirement was in the past for more than 100 days
there is no other player in your Hall of Fame who retired on that season. If there is, a manager can purchase another place in the Hall of Fame by spending a few Credits
the player retired during the time you are the manager of the team
the player was a member of your team while retiring

On a personal note, I'd say that the player in question must be a member of the team at the moment of retirement. This means if you sold him the season before, of fired him in the period between your las league game and season rollover, you can't put him in your HOF.
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-10-12 11:36:24 (ID: 100177469) Report Abuse
Heyo! I just stumbled across this and would love to have this verified:

"Match of the Year; there is only one opportunity for you per season and match type to use this setting."

Are Supercup-Games and League-Games different types of matches?

That would mean that I have 2 chances to use MOTY, once in the league and once in the Supercup?
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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2023-10-12 11:49:35 (ID: 100177470) Report Abuse
Chrill wrote:
Heyo! I just stumbled across this and would love to have this verified:

"Match of the Year; there is only one opportunity for you per season and match type to use this setting."

Are Supercup-Games and League-Games different types of matches?

That would mean that I have 2 chances to use MOTY, once in the league and once in the Supercup?

From the Manual
Please note there is only ONE chance to play Match of the Year per game type and season, except for Friendlies (not Friendly Cup where this setting is not available!!!)! Be careful when selecting this setting, it could be that you use that single opportunity too early in your season. There is no MOTY available in the Leagues Playoff / Bowl / Relegation games, Supercup Playoffs and Bowl, Champ of Champs cup and in Friendly Cups.

Now if you ask me, game type means League, SuperCup, Champ of Champions (which is not available) & Friendy games.
So your question will have a YES answer. 1 time/season for a League Game and 1 time/season for a SuperCup game (And if you read carefully, i think you can play MOTY every time you want in a Friendly game (but who would want to lose all that PC for a Friendly game win
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-10-12 12:07:47 (ID: 100177471) Report Abuse
Correct, 1 MOTY for regular season Supercup and 1 for regular season League.
All other games are not possible, except friendly ALWAYS, with all the consequences.
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-10-12 12:18:19 (ID: 100177472) Report Abuse

Thanks, guys
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4 Aces
posted: 2023-10-17 21:06:46 (ID: 100177619) Report Abuse
So if a OL, DL, LB, WR, CB & Safety all with 50 speed & no traits line up & run a foot race will they all finish at the same time ? Or will the WR, CB & Safety finish first followed by LB'ers & then line men ? I can't imagine linemen are as fast as a Corner or Wide reciever.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-10-18 05:55:56 (ID: 100177635) Report Abuse
I don't think there is some sort of position based speed range and the skill value does qualify inside that range.

So in theory if all have the same speed, yes they should be equal fast.
But some other factors like traits, exp, and the ACs day CP values do influence the performance on the field.
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