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Major Havoc
Air Force Falcons

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posted: 2023-10-20 01:56:23 (ID: 100177710) Report Abuse
4 Aces wrote:
So if a OL, DL, LB, WR, CB & Safety all with 50 speed & no traits line up & run a foot race will they all finish at the same time ? Or will the WR, CB & Safety finish first followed by LB'ers & then line men ? I can't imagine linemen are as fast as a Corner or Wide reciever.

Unfortunately yes. Linemen are as fast as WRs and DBs in this game and DBs and WRs are as strong as OL/DL, if they both have the same strength number. Something that I've always hoped will change someday. For added realism, there needs to be range limits based on height/weight or position or both. No way a 320lb lineman should be as fast as a 5% body fat DB almost half his weight.
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4 Aces
posted: 2023-10-20 02:10:07 (ID: 100177711) Report Abuse
Major Havoc wrote:
4 Aces wrote:
So if a OL, DL, LB, WR, CB & Safety all with 50 speed & no traits line up & run a foot race will they all finish at the same time ? Or will the WR, CB & Safety finish first followed by LB'ers & then line men ? I can't imagine linemen are as fast as a Corner or Wide reciever.

Unfortunately yes. Linemen are as fast as WRs and DBs in this game and DBs and WRs are as strong as OL/DL, if they both have the same strength number. Something that I've always hoped will change someday. For added realism, there needs to be range limits based on height/weight or position or both. No way a 320lb lineman should be as fast as a 5% body fat DB almost half his weight.

Agreed, I also think that would add to the realism. Alot
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posted: 2023-10-20 09:22:49 (ID: 100177722) Report Abuse
4 Aces wrote:
Major Havoc wrote:
4 Aces wrote:
So if a OL, DL, LB, WR, CB & Safety all with 50 speed & no traits line up & run a foot race will they all finish at the same time ? Or will the WR, CB & Safety finish first followed by LB'ers & then line men ? I can't imagine linemen are as fast as a Corner or Wide reciever.

Unfortunately yes. Linemen are as fast as WRs and DBs in this game and DBs and WRs are as strong as OL/DL, if they both have the same strength number. Something that I've always hoped will change someday. For added realism, there needs to be range limits based on height/weight or position or both. No way a 320lb lineman should be as fast as a 5% body fat DB almost half his weight.

Agreed, I also think that would add to the realism. Alot
I would add that maybe - rather than weight- OL can have a cap on speed { say 40} DL could be { 45} LB and RB { 48 } leave WR Cb Sf at { 50} QB K P could have as needed- what speed would that be on a QB? arm or leg? K P leg
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-10-20 09:53:36 (ID: 100177723) Report Abuse
Sorry, to say, but that it not very consistent since a player can switch position when ever the coach wants it.
So the consequence would be that, if you shift a SPE 50 CB to DL his SPE is capped to 40?

The game is not build from my point of view to have realism, more to have a a management simulation in football environment and that means, each manager has to do best what he has.

There is this discussion in the discussion forum whether SPE has an effect on OL. Response of Peter is, 'yes', but I doubt it is that high than the effect it has on say CBs, so if a manager decides to put his SPE 50 player on OL instead of CB, that's his decision and THATS what the game is about.
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posted: 2023-10-20 10:48:14 (ID: 100177727) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
Sorry, to say, but that it not very consistent since a player can switch position when ever the coach wants it.
So the consequence would be that, if you shift a SPE 50 CB to DL his SPE is capped to 40?

The game is not build from my point of view to have realism, more to have a a management simulation in football environment and that means, each manager has to do best what he has.

There is this discussion in the discussion forum whether SPE has an effect on OL. Response of Peter is, 'yes', but I doubt it is that high than the effect it has on say CBs, so if a manager decides to put his SPE 50 player on OL instead of CB, that's his decision and THATS what the game is about.
saw this but did like idea above, I think that Speed or any skills are about the player.. for me the speed of a Lineman is how quick they get out of stance... { faster to block}
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Alert Polar Bears

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posted: 2023-10-29 13:41:02 (ID: 100178115) Report Abuse
Which QB is better for elite (both 5*talent, 50 INT, AGI currently unknown)?
QB A: 50 Str, 49.4 Spd, 38.7 TW, track star trait(51.9 spd)
QB B: 45.8 Str, 50 Spd, 28.3 TW, Strong arm trait (48.3 Str) + Natural Leader trait)
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posted: 2023-10-29 15:29:20 (ID: 100178124) Report Abuse
argos31 wrote:
Which QB is better for elite (both 5*talent, 50 INT, AGI currently unknown)?
QB A: 50 Str, 49.4 Spd, 38.7 TW, track star trait(51.9 spd)
QB B: 45.8 Str, 50 Spd, 28.3 TW, Strong arm trait (48.3 Str) + Natural Leader trait)
are you buying or training? if you have both, then keep and mix, that way you can judge the outcome My own team I received in draft 2 good QB players - the older one went out flying long bombs keeping team alive, but when put into league rather than SC games was lost
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Alert Polar Bears

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posted: 2023-10-29 16:25:00 (ID: 100178125) Report Abuse
G4ngsta wrote:
argos31 wrote:
Which QB is better for elite (both 5*talent, 50 INT, AGI currently unknown)?
QB A: 50 Str, 49.4 Spd, 38.7 TW, track star trait(51.9 spd)
QB B: 45.8 Str, 50 Spd, 28.3 TW, Strong arm trait (48.3 Str) + Natural Leader trait)
are you buying or training? if you have both, then keep and mix, that way you can judge the outcome My own team I received in draft 2 good QB players - the older one went out flying long bombs keeping team alive, but when put into league rather than SC games was lost

I have 3 QBs which appear will be excellent in 3-5 years. A 23 year old and the two 21 year olds above. I also have a 4th that's also currently 21 which will be a 50 int, 5*, 43.8 str + strong arm and ~49 spd I will sell next season.
I'm wondering which of the two above I should keep as the star backup and eventual starter.
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Gilets Jaunés


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posted: 2023-10-29 20:07:57 (ID: 100178137) Report Abuse
argos31 wrote:
Which QB is better for elite (both 5*talent, 50 INT, AGI currently unknown)?
QB A: 50 Str, 49.4 Spd, 38.7 TW, track star trait(51.9 spd)
QB B: 45.8 Str, 50 Spd, 28.3 TW, Strong arm trait (48.3 Str) + Natural Leader trait)

IMO, since you rarely throw the ball deep, STR isn't that much important.

Some may say it's helpful to avoid sacks, but certainly not as much as SPD, and AGI may also be more important there.
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