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posted: 2018-02-13 23:50:26 (ID: 100124014) Report Abuse
ryandinho wrote:
Everyone ready for the draft?

Yes. You?
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posted: 2018-02-14 10:08:16 (ID: 100124053) Report Abuse
Yes, all good! Surprised to have gotten the pick I did so very happy with round 1 how did you do?
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posted: 2018-02-14 17:17:03 (ID: 100124099) Report Abuse
The QB Nowak was my number 1 choice. 2nd ultra elite talent QB in 2 years in the draft and both times he went to a bot, he had ball manager and leader traits. Not happy either, last yrs wasn't put back in the system and pete refused to. I got my 2nd choice though which is a CB. concerned bout his 34 or so Strength, not capped but still a concern as you can gather. Hoping things work out.
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posted: 2018-02-14 22:09:45 (ID: 100124161) Report Abuse
Going by some of the top teams as long as the strength for a CB gets you 39 he'll be more than capable of playing in the elite league so you should be good
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posted: 2018-02-14 22:12:21 (ID: 100124162) Report Abuse
ryandinho wrote:
Going by some of the top teams as long as the strength for a CB gets you 39 he'll be more than capable of playing in the elite league so you should be good
yeah i know. Just working up his speed. On to round 2
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posted: 2018-02-18 16:42:58 (ID: 100124525) Report Abuse
Good luck for the new season everyone
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posted: 2018-02-22 20:21:17 (ID: 100124763) Report Abuse
Worst start ever
But we will bounce back

Great Media Centre season!
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posted: 2018-02-24 15:38:30 (ID: 100124836) Report Abuse
2.1 is at 87.5 % for the media centre but that's because of all the bots! How is 1.1 doing?
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posted: 2021-01-26 19:20:40 (ID: 100156581) Report Abuse
Whoohoo, Superbowl incomming! great match against Birmingham Dragons, thought it was over when one of my QB's threw 3 INT three plays in a row.. but my D held it and made key picks in the last quarter. Really looking forward to the bowl and 1 leauge
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Peoples Republic of Yorkshire

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posted: 2021-01-27 10:27:31 (ID: 100156619) Report Abuse
Congrats my man, good luck in the bowl and next season
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