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2013-03-09 21:23
We achieved just another "best game" rating on This time we received the award "The Best Rated Game in February 2013".
We say thank you very much.
We will take that opportunity, and open a challenge for you, dear community! From now on, we will send 10 Credits each time we hit a new percentage level on our way to the top of the global ranking of that game. At the moment we have a rating of 73.99%. We would hit the next level at 74.5%...not that much. Let's go! How to? Just visit our site over there and fulfil 2 tasks:
- Rate our game, "Best" is the option to go ;)
- Click the "Play!" button, it will redirect you to
This challenge is limited to run until end of May 2013.
Update: Just a few hours after starting this, we hit the next level by having a rating above 74.5%. The reward was sent to you in the morning hours on the 11th of March '13.
u p d a t e 2: We hit the next level by having a rating above 75.5%. Credits are on their way, but this doesn't mean you have to stop with the rating over there.
Tags: News