Home of Voghera Locomotives (ID: 4317) | |||||||
Owned by Smitcher (Last logged in on 2025-01-21 10:39:52 ) Joined the game: 2012-11-18 / S06 Manager rank is Top Manager Sponsored by Alaskan Adventures Inc. - Being chased by bears never came so cheap! League: Claymore 1 NC North |
Team chemistry: | Morale: | Physical condition: | Financial situation: |
Managers tactical talent: | |||||||||
League | Champ of Champs | Supercup | Supercup Playoffs |
Passing: | Rushing: | Avg Age Seniors: | 22.1 | ||||
Pass Defense: | Rush Defense: | Weekly wages Players | $ 108,574 | ||||
Special Team: | Overall: | Weekly wages Coaches | $ 390,231 |
Game type | Won | Lost |
League | 3 | 0 |
Supercup | 1 | 2 |
Champ of Champions | 0 | 0 |
Friendly Cup | 0 | 0 |
Friendly | 0 | 0 |
Superbowl Champion in seasons: 17
Conference Champion in seasons: 7, 17
Division Champion in seasons: 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 54
Friendly Cups won in seasons: 21
2018-08-07 21:53:53 - Raccoons change their nameReport Abuse
With the season 31th, here is a news: Voghera Raccoons turn in Voghera Locomotives, to celebrate what Railroad means for the city.
The station and the mechanical workshops gave job to many Voghera citizens.
In every family, there is almost one member who worked, or still working, for them.
These men, first of all my grandfather, helped to make Voghera a great and modern city.
A great thank to all Voghera railroaders!!!
2015-07-29 14:40:58 - Bowl game: Voghera Raccoons Vs Hell Hounds 44:20Report Abuse
Bellissima gara!
Onore alla formazione iriense che è riuscita nella grande impresa. Ragazzi abbiamo scritto una bella storia!!!
Il cielo è azzurro sopra la regione Claymore!!!
Onore delle armi anche ad Amplified e ai suoi Hell Hounds!
Wonderfull Match!
Honor to Iriense team that has been successfull in a great performance!
Guys, we wrote a "BELLA STORIA"!!!
The sky is "azzurro" over Claymore region!!!
Honor to Amplified and his Hell Hounds too!
2013-07-05 21:55:52 - MascotteReport Abuse
The Raccoons earned a new supporter.
My daughter was born last Saturday!
Welcome Aurora!