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Girona Dragons 1714

Catalonia   Quimriera owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-09-30 09:41:22 (ID: 100186619) Report Abuse
Exactly, that's the main reason for the loss of interest in the Draft, at least for people who have been in RZA for a while and know how the Academy works. Much better results are obtained by dedicating time and money to the Academy than to the Draft. If there was a solution that didn't require much work from Pete, it would be ideal.

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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-09-30 12:07:14 (ID: 100186620) Report Abuse
Luprilla wrote:
jack6 wrote:
My wish would be to have in the scout report at least a hint (a good hint with maybe 5% wrong hint chance) if they are capped and when they will cap.

I agree with that.
It would be nice if you could see if the player is yellow capped or red capped or even further away.
That would help tremendously, but I think that would be a lot of work for Pete to implement for the draft scouting.

Work, yes, for sure.
Much work? I don't think so.
See a player has always 2 values per physical, the actual value we already know and the cap value, we don't see and usually try to find by having a scout.
It would help already to have such categories as with the youthies, so superfast, might be fast, quite fast, misses speed.
That is a direct translation of the cap values, some sort of error and some sort of category on it. Speed of 48 cap? Superfast on the lower end or maybe you get might be fast or even quite fast as error.
Combined with the actual, known, SPE value it can be scouted easier, like that example of 48 cap. If he has right now 49, you know there is not much room, and that does not add much, but if he is at 41, you know with the error chance of whatever was selected (i proposed 5%) that he will cap between 47 and 50 very likely.
On the other hand, a misses speed on a player with spe 41 you have to expect the player will not go much further, if any. 5% that he will go, and then it's unkknown how much, but very likely he will be capped or close to it.
That would eventually lead to a better sorting on the draft and maybe a guy then selected in 3rd round coming in expected to be garbage then shows no sign or capping and he is worth to be trained after all. That would be then a steal in the 3rd, while today he might have been taken as a gamble in the 2nd or so and then turns into a bust.

Just a different draft expierence, and I think not much work to do, just add the categories based on the YA scouting values into the list and then we have already more than today.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-10-03 09:52:21 (ID: 100186689) Report Abuse
Perfectly agree with what Jack6 wrote above.

First of all, the problem is definitely not with the lack of players with potentially awesome physicals. To illustrate it, for example I've scouted 50% of the current draft list (48/96). I've counted 9 players with one physical already max (50). That's more than 20% with already guaranteed str or spe to be maxed and no need to train it! Lets use a more demanding rule - str+spe >= 94 (i.e. eg 45/49, 50/44, ...). I have counted 6, and 2 more just missing 1 point. One in eight! I don't know what's your experience with the Youth Pull, but I hardly remember getting any player like that.
But the problem is - if you can seriously count on only one top pick per season from the draft, then it really sucks if that one player you choose turns out to be red-flagged at for example 40/50 with no warning whatsoever.

There is also a question - what is supposed to be the major advantage of the draft.
To me they are 2. Number 1 - you get to see the traits. Traits don't do it for you? Ok - how about the skills? I've looked at the very first 18-yrs old on the draft list and compared with 19-yrs old player from the youth pull in the academy. Both LB-type. The draftee - 87 points sum of pos,vis,tac, 27 agi. The youth pull - 45 points sum of pos,vis,tac, 18 agi.
That's about 2 seasons difference from regular training. To make up for that difference, you would probably need about a season worth of extra training points, assuming you've got good enough academy level, coaches, etc.
That means, on average for each good draftee, you can get 2 youth pull players per season of similar quality.

And that's where the deep problem is, imho. Because statistically, to keep the team on about the same level for several seasons, I think one needs about 5 new players per season (assuming the average team is about 50-60 senior team players, and they leave after about 10-12 seasons on the team). Where do you get the other 2?
Well, first of all there is a market. But we agreed, that right now market is not the option for regular major maintenance of the senior squad.
You can also, for a few seasons, adopt the path I adopted - getting rid of all old players and for several seasons sacrifice the results, building the young squad.
But there are negatives of that approach. Number one, if you are like me, you always have that guilty feeling that someone might suspect you're just tanking to get the draft position. Second - regardless of the ethical part, that approach only works for a few seasons and then you're in the same boots with the rest of the pack.

And that's where jack6's idea becomes clearly the solution. 1 very good draftee, 1 good one, and a chance for a reasonable 3rd!!!

It's a better solution, in my opinion, than all draftees being maxed out. Because it will not favour primarily the first ones to have a pick.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-10-03 17:42:55 (ID: 100186692) Report Abuse
The middle part with the compare between drafty and YA does not fit 100% since you can take 5 to 10 players at age 16 with the preview values you like, like superfast, might be strong and so on and start looking for the yellow caps. It‘s possible to have 2 to 5 very capable players at age of 18 regarding physicals and then you can still train then skills and boost them with YA-points.
It‘ absolutely possible to have min. 1 to 3 better than drafty players at age of 20 out of the YA.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

Usa   jpnwrt owns a supporter account   jpnwrt acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-10-03 20:18:12 (ID: 100186697)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
This whole season I was hunting for players 16 yrs old specifically.
I have kept 4. Two of them are kept only for the potential sale. The other two both stopped developing Str well below the level I would like them to have.
Obviously, there are no rules about it, but my personal experience is far from supporting the option of 5-10 16-yrs old with the physicals I want them to have :-D

Edit: The important thing though is we both agree that what you have proposed is a good idea. At least I definitely do.

Last edited on 2024-10-03 20:19:40 by jpnwrt

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-10-04 07:08:31 (ID: 100186699) Report Abuse
Not sure what kind of combination you are looking for, but sure if you only look for superfast-really strong it very hard to find, but the quite whatever value players often or not correct and cap later or, if they cap at 43 or 44 at age of 17 you can overtrain those to 45 fast and than at least for me, they fit.
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