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Main / Bug reporting / Thread 1049 has no topic (at least in IE 8.0) Search Forum
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2011-09-28 06:57:02 (ID: 12052) Report Abuse
I tried to get to thread 1049 and had to search for it's I in the sources, because I don't see any topic (and no link) in the forum.

Tried to answer to that thread, after getting to it through URL, but couldn't do it, since the browser demanded a topic and did not let me send my response.
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posted: 2011-09-28 07:27:43 (ID: 12056)

The browser did it right, since the subject was the representation of a "no backspace"
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Main / Bug reporting / Thread 1049 has no topic (at least in IE 8.0)