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15:00 Cointoss won by Stone Mountain Hawks 2, elects to receive 15:00 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 62, Denis Mazimpaka (KR/R) returns, tackled by Jerome Gunn (G/L), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 14:53 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 14:22 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 14:13 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Néstor Díaz (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 13:44 3 and 3 to go on own 41, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Néstor Díaz (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 13:10 1 and 10 to go on 50, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:41 2 and 3 to go on opp 43, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:32 3 and 3 to go on opp 43, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more 11:59 1 and 10 to go on opp 38, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Hugh Pagán (QB) gets sacked by Dannie Lavender (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more 11:33 2 and 17 to go on opp 45, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-3-5) more 11:04 3 and 8 to go on opp 36, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 10:57 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Michale Krueger (TE/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 10:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 28, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who runs by himself, this seems to be a run over the center, Ravin Sandeep (NT) tackles Hugh Pagán (QB), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 10:30 2 and 11 to go on opp 29, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left guard, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Denis Mazimpaka (TE/R) blocks, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) tackled by Brent Small (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 10:01 3 and 3 to go on opp 21, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 9:53 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 38 yard field goal missed 9:49 1 and 10 to go on own 28, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Curtis Lomax (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right guard, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Travis Herrera (NT) tackles Curtis Lomax (HB/C), forward progress: 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 9:21 2 and 9 to go on own 29, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Jong-Cheol Yun (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:48 3 and 4 to go on own 34, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, Jong-Cheol Yun (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 8:14 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right end, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) brings down Roman Craft (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more 7:47 2 and 9 to go on own 43, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Nail Agalarov (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 7:21 3 and 18 to go on own 34, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Aquila Saelua (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Aquila Saelua (OLB/R), 8 yards for loss (Singleback Spread vs. 3-3-5) more 6:56 Del Richey (P) punts the ball from own 26 for 48, Denis Mazimpaka (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return 6:56 1 and 10 to go on own 26, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more 6:47 2 and 10 to go on own 26, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 6:18 3 and 2 to go on own 34, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 6:07 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Michale Krueger (TE/L) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 5:44 1 and 10 to go on own 40, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more 5:15 2 and 1 to go on own 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Pro set vs. 4-4-3) more 5:06 3 and 1 to go on own 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 4:33 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Waisea Zahli (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more 4:24 2 and 10 to go on opp 46, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left tackle, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/L) blocks, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) fumbles, recovered by Joel New (MLB) (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 4:20 Joel New (MLB) returns the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) made the tackle, this was a 24 yards fumble return (3-4-4 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more 4:12 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Travis Herrera (NT), forward progress: no gain (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:44 2 and 10 to go on opp 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Muhamed Todorov (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:13 1 and 10 to go on opp 18, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, and gets tackled by Ferenc Sziráki (SS/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more 2:42 2 and 2 to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Michel Brossard (DE/L) brings down Curtis Lomax (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 2:14 3 and 2 to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Ferenc Sziráki (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-3-3) more 2:06 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 27 yard field goal is good 2:03 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 62, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Dapo Alakija (G/R), this was a 13 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 16 more 1:58 1 and 10 to go on own 16, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 1:49 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Jake Reichert (OG/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 1:49 2 and 10 to go on own 16, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:41 3 and 10 to go on own 16, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Waisea Zahli (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Vladas Racas (QB) gets sacked by Waisea Zahli (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 1:15 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 9 for 39, Curtis Lomax (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Hasim Naser (G/R), this was a 10 yards return 1:11 1 and 10 to go on opp 38, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more 1:05 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more 1:05 2 and 1 to go on opp 29, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 0:36 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more 0:04 2 and 1 to go on opp 15, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Christos Schmidt (NT), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 15:00 3 and 2 to go on opp 16, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 14:52 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 33 yard field goal is good 14:49 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 14:49 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), tackled by Waisea Zahli (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 14:17 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), the QB runs by himself, he starts running over the right end, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, Vladas Racas (QB) tackled by Hal Byrne (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 14:11 Black Dragons: Corey Hundley (SS/L) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 14:11 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more 14:03 2 and 10 to go on own 38, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 13:54 3 and 10 to go on own 38, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 13:25 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 47 for 55, this is a touchback 13:25 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Ki-Atenoa Tovo (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 12:53 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) sees no MLBs, and gets tackled by Satrud Sutabuhr (SS/C), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:23 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:17 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Jake Reichert (OG/L) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 11:54 2 and 7 to go on own 44, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/L) as target, Aquila Saelua (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Aquila Saelua (MLB), 8 yards for loss (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 11:28 3 and 15 to go on own 36, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Devon Stoner (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 11:20 Del Richey (P) punts the ball from own 36 for 37, Adam Biskup (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, he signals a Fair Catch, no return 11:20 1 and 10 to go on own 27, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more 11:11 2 and 10 to go on own 27, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Fayard Samuels (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 10:42 3 and 6 to go on own 31, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/R) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 10:09 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Simão Vieira (TE/L) blocks, there is no Defense Line after the block, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) sees no OLBs, there is no SS who could tackle him, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 9:36 2 and 1 to go on own 47, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, he passes inner right for 2 yards to him, intercepted by Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) on the own 49 (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more 9:34 Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) returns the ball, missed tackle by Hugo Köhler (WR/R), missed tackle by Simão Vieira (TE/R), Vladas Racas (QB) is tackling him, this was a 27 yards interception return (4-4-3 vs. I-formation) more 9:27 1 and 10 to go on opp 22, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Viktor Igrec (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 8:55 1 and goal to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), 7 yards for loss (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more 8:53 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) is back in the game after his injury (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more 8:53 Black Dragons: Corey Hundley (SS/L) is back in the game after his injury (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more 8:30 2 and goal to go on opp 17, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Angad Sara (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 8:04 3 and goal to go on opp 26, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. Dime 4DL MLB 4CB 2SF) more 7:35 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 40 yard field goal is good 7:31 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Dapo Alakija (G/R), this was a 15 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more 7:25 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Dannie Lavender (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:56 2 and 1 to go on own 28, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/L), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 6:25 1 and 10 to go on own 39, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jerome Gunn (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 5:54 1 and 10 to go on opp 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right tackle, Greg Pate (MLB) goes for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Brent Small (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 5:25 2 and 4 to go on opp 43, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 4:47 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, there is no Defense Line after the block, there is no SS who could tackle him, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 15 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 4:15 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the center, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) tackles Fayard Samuels (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 4-4-3) more 3:47 2 and 12 to go on opp 23, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/L) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 3:18 3 and 4 to go on opp 15, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 2:49 1 and goal to go on opp 7, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Simão Vieira (TE/L) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 2:20 2 and goal to go on opp 3, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 2:11 3 and goal to go on opp 3, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), this was a 3 yards pass. (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 2:05 touchdown more 2:05 Ball spotted on the 15, Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 2:05 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 68, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 2:05 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 1:33 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/R), he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) breaks through, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Christos Schmidt (DT/R) tackles Roman Craft (HB/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 1:06 3 and 3 to go on own 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, there is no Defense Line after the block, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:37 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 0:07 2 and 1 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/R) tackled by Nail Agalarov (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more 15:00 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Raul Carbunaru (DE/L) tackles Chung Calabrese (FB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 14:33 2 and 9 to go on own 21, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Said Qassem (WR/L) tackled by Viktor Igrec (CB/R), forward progress: 3 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 13:59 3 and 6 to go on own 24, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Nail Agalarov (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Abelard Jameson (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 13:26 1 and 10 to go on own 33, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Darius Heron (CB/L), Hasim Naser (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 12:54 1 and 10 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Abelard Jameson (CB/R) missed the tackle, Devon Stoner (MLB) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 12:46 Black Dragons: Luis Crocker (OG/R) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 12:46 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 12:37 2 and 10 to go on opp 46, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Aquila Saelua (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Darius Heron (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 12:08 3 and 6 to go on opp 42, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Darius Heron (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 11:34 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Viktor Igrec (SS/C), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 11:03 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/L) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/L) tackled by Aquila Saelua (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 10:34 2 and 6 to go on opp 22, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) runs by himself, he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) brings down Fredrick Brown (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 10:07 3 and 7 to go on opp 23, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 9:59 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 40 yard field goal is good 9:55 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/R) returns, tackled by Jim Holcombe (G/L), this was a 14 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 18 more 9:49 1 and 10 to go on own 18, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 9:40 2 and 10 to go on own 18, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 9:09 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/R) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 8:39 2 and 2 to go on own 37, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) tackled by Waisea Zahli (OLB/L), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 8:06 1 and 10 to go on own 39, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 7:34 1 and 10 to go on 50, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 7:26 2 and 10 to go on 50, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 6:54 3 and 1 to go on opp 41, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 6:21 1 and 10 to go on opp 37, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 6:12 Black Dragons: Luis Crocker (OG/R) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 5:49 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Antonio Neal (FS/C), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 5:18 1 and 10 to go on opp 13, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Corey Hundley (SS/L) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Jerome Gunn (CB/R) on the opp 2 (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-2) more 5:15 Jerome Gunn (CB/R) returns the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) made the tackle, this was a 51 yards interception return (5-2 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more 5:00 1 and 10 to go on opp 47, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), 10 yards for loss (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 4:35 2 and 20 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/L) as target, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Abelard Jameson (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 22 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 4:03 1 and 10 to go on opp 35, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/L), this seems to be a run over the left end, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Curtis Lomax (HB/L) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 3:34 2 and 2 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 3:26 3 and 2 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 2:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Roman Craft (HB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 2:28 2 and 7 to go on opp 18, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 1:54 3 and 2 to go on opp 13, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Angad Sara (DE/L) brings down Chung Calabrese (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-3-3) more 1:27 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 29 yard field goal is good 1:24 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Jerome Gunn (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more 1:17 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 0:46 1 and 10 to go on own 31, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 0:37 2 and 10 to go on own 31, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more 0:06 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 15:00 1 and 10 to go on opp 49, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more 14:29 1 and 10 to go on opp 39, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 4-3-4) more 13:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 29, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the center, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) fumbles, recovered by Joel New (MLB) (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 13:53 Joel New (MLB) returns the ball, missed tackle by Michale Krueger (TE/R), Vladas Racas (QB) is not able to make the tackle, Simão Vieira (TE/L) is not able to make the tackle, this was a 71 yards fumble return touchdown (4-4-3 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more 13:42 touchdown more 13:42 Ball spotted on the 15, Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 13:42 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 66, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 13:42 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Hugh Pagán (QB) gets sacked by Dannie Lavender (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 13:16 2 and 19 to go on own 11, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through, Marc Amiot (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/L) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/C), forward progress: 4 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more 12:43 3 and 15 to go on own 15, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Vladas Racas (QB) gets sacked by Hal Byrne (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 12:17 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 8 for 39, Said Qassem (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Devon Stoner (G/R), this was a 7 yards return 12:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, tackled by Abelard Jameson (CB/L), forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 11:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/L), he starts running over the left end, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/L) tackled by Nail Agalarov (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more 11:14 2 and 6 to go on opp 23, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 10:45 1 and 10 to go on opp 15, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 10:15 2 and 4 to go on opp 9, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more 10:07 3 and 4 to go on opp 9, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Devon Stoner (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 9:37 1 and goal to go on opp 5, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Said Qassem (WR/R) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more 9:27 touchdown more 9:27 Ball spotted on the 15, Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 9:27 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 63, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Ahmet Haddad (STT), this was a 21 yards return, Jerome Gunn (G/R) missed the tackle, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 23 more 9:18 1 and 10 to go on own 23, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 8:47 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Jerome Gunn (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 8:15 1 and 10 to go on own 48, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 7:44 2 and 2 to go on opp 44, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more 7:35 3 and 2 to go on opp 44, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 7:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 35, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 6:36 2 and 5 to go on opp 30, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) tackles Ricard Esteller (FB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 6:09 3 and 4 to go on opp 29, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/R), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 5:39 1 and 10 to go on opp 22, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/R) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Michal Foret (FS/C) missed the tackle, the result is a 22 yards pass (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more 5:26 touchdown more 5:26 Ball spotted on the 15, Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good 5:26 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 67, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more 5:26 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 4:57 2 and 3 to go on own 27, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Devon Stoner (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more 4:28 1 and 10 to go on own 36, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Devon Stoner (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more 3:59 2 and 4 to go on own 42, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Raul Carbunaru (DE/L) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Nail Agalarov (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 3:53 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Naïm Leroy (NT) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 3:53 1 and 10 to go on own 49, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Akop Bariatian (NT) tackles Roman Craft (HB/C), forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 3:26 2 and 10 to go on own 49, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the left tackle, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 2:57 3 and 5 to go on opp 46, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Curtis Lomax (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more 2:28 1 and 10 to go on opp 41, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Amal Namiz (NT), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more 2:00 2 and 11 to go on opp 42, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 1:31 3 and 4 to go on opp 35, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more 1:02 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Michel Brossard (DE/R) breaks through, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 4-4-3) more 0:33 2 and 3 to go on opp 19, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the center, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Amal Namiz (NT) brings down Chung Calabrese (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more 0:06 3 and 2 to go on opp 18, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Michel Brossard (DE/R) breaks through, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Michel Brossard (DE/R) brings down Curtis Lomax (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 15:00 Cointoss won by Stone Mountain Hawks 2, elects to receive Q1 15:00 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 62, Denis Mazimpaka (KR/R) returns, tackled by Jerome Gunn (G/L), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q1 14:53 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 14:22 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 14:13 2 and 10 to go on own 34, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Néstor Díaz (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 13:44 3 and 3 to go on own 41, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Néstor Díaz (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 13:10 1 and 10 to go on 50, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 12:41 2 and 3 to go on opp 43, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 12:32 3 and 3 to go on opp 43, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 11:59 1 and 10 to go on opp 38, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Hugh Pagán (QB) gets sacked by Dannie Lavender (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-3-4) more Q1 11:33 2 and 17 to go on opp 45, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 11:04 3 and 8 to go on opp 36, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 10:57 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Michale Krueger (TE/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 10:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 28, Friedrich Schulz (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who runs by himself, this seems to be a run over the center, Ravin Sandeep (NT) tackles Hugh Pagán (QB), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 10:30 2 and 11 to go on opp 29, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left guard, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Denis Mazimpaka (TE/R) blocks, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) tackled by Brent Small (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 10:01 3 and 3 to go on opp 21, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 9:53 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 38 yard field goal missed Q1 9:49 1 and 10 to go on own 28, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Curtis Lomax (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right guard, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Travis Herrera (NT) tackles Curtis Lomax (HB/C), forward progress: 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 9:21 2 and 9 to go on own 29, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Jong-Cheol Yun (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer left pass catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 8:48 3 and 4 to go on own 34, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, Jong-Cheol Yun (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 8:14 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right end, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) brings down Roman Craft (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 7:47 2 and 9 to go on own 43, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Nail Agalarov (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 7:21 3 and 18 to go on own 34, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Aquila Saelua (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Aquila Saelua (OLB/R), 8 yards for loss (Singleback Spread vs. 3-3-5) more Q1 6:56 Del Richey (P) punts the ball from own 26 for 48, Denis Mazimpaka (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, the ball was downed, no return Q1 6:56 1 and 10 to go on own 26, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:47 2 and 10 to go on own 26, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:18 3 and 2 to go on own 34, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 6:07 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Michale Krueger (TE/L) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 5:44 1 and 10 to go on own 40, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 5:15 2 and 1 to go on own 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Pro set vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 5:06 3 and 1 to go on own 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 4:33 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Waisea Zahli (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more Q1 4:24 2 and 10 to go on opp 46, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left tackle, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/L) blocks, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) fumbles, recovered by Joel New (MLB) (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 4:20 Joel New (MLB) returns the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) made the tackle, this was a 24 yards fumble return (3-4-4 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more Q1 4:12 1 and 10 to go on opp 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the right guard, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Travis Herrera (NT), forward progress: no gain (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 3:44 2 and 10 to go on opp 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Muhamed Todorov (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 3:13 1 and 10 to go on opp 18, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, and gets tackled by Ferenc Sziráki (SS/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 2:42 2 and 2 to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Michel Brossard (DE/L) brings down Curtis Lomax (HB/C), nice tackle, forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 2:14 3 and 2 to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Ferenc Sziráki (FS/C) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-3-3) more Q1 2:06 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 27 yard field goal is good Q1 2:03 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 62, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Dapo Alakija (G/R), this was a 13 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 16 more Q1 1:58 1 and 10 to go on own 16, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:49 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Jake Reichert (OG/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:49 2 and 10 to go on own 16, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:41 3 and 10 to go on own 16, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Waisea Zahli (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Vladas Racas (QB) gets sacked by Waisea Zahli (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:15 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 9 for 39, Curtis Lomax (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Hasim Naser (G/R), this was a 10 yards return Q1 1:11 1 and 10 to go on opp 38, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Nate Shearer (WR/L) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:05 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 1:05 2 and 1 to go on opp 29, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 0:36 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more Q1 0:04 2 and 1 to go on opp 15, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Curtis Lomax (HB/C) tackled by Christos Schmidt (NT), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 15:00 3 and 2 to go on opp 16, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/L) as target, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 14:52 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 33 yard field goal is good Q2 14:49 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q2 14:49 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), tackled by Waisea Zahli (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 14:17 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), the QB runs by himself, he starts running over the right end, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, Vladas Racas (QB) tackled by Hal Byrne (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 14:11 Black Dragons: Corey Hundley (SS/L) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 14:11 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 14:03 2 and 10 to go on own 38, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 13:54 3 and 10 to go on own 38, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 13:25 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 47 for 55, this is a touchback Q2 13:25 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Ki-Atenoa Tovo (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 12:53 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) sees no MLBs, and gets tackled by Satrud Sutabuhr (SS/C), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 12:23 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 12:17 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Jake Reichert (OG/L) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 11:54 2 and 7 to go on own 44, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/L) as target, Aquila Saelua (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Aquila Saelua (MLB), 8 yards for loss (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 11:28 3 and 15 to go on own 36, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Devon Stoner (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this outer right pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 11:20 Del Richey (P) punts the ball from own 36 for 37, Adam Biskup (KR/C) is returning the ball, no, he signals a Fair Catch, no return Q2 11:20 1 and 10 to go on own 27, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/L) as target, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 11:11 2 and 10 to go on own 27, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Fayard Samuels (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 10:42 3 and 6 to go on own 31, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Brent Small (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/R) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 10:09 1 and 10 to go on own 38, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Simão Vieira (TE/L) blocks, there is no Defense Line after the block, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) sees no OLBs, there is no SS who could tackle him, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 9:36 2 and 1 to go on own 47, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, he passes inner right for 2 yards to him, intercepted by Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) on the own 49 (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more Q2 9:34 Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) returns the ball, missed tackle by Hugo Köhler (WR/R), missed tackle by Simão Vieira (TE/R), Vladas Racas (QB) is tackling him, this was a 27 yards interception return (4-4-3 vs. I-formation) more Q2 9:27 1 and 10 to go on opp 22, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Nate Shearer (WR/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Viktor Igrec (CB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 8:55 1 and goal to go on opp 10, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), 7 yards for loss (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 8:53 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Nail Agalarov (OLB/L) is back in the game after his injury (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 8:53 Black Dragons: Corey Hundley (SS/L) is back in the game after his injury (Pro set vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 8:30 2 and goal to go on opp 17, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Angad Sara (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 8:04 3 and goal to go on opp 26, Derrick Hawkins (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. Dime 4DL MLB 4CB 2SF) more Q2 7:35 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 40 yard field goal is good Q2 7:31 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Dapo Alakija (G/R), this was a 15 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 19 more Q2 7:25 1 and 10 to go on own 19, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Dannie Lavender (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 6:56 2 and 1 to go on own 28, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left guard, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/L), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 6:25 1 and 10 to go on own 39, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jerome Gunn (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 5:54 1 and 10 to go on opp 49, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right tackle, Greg Pate (MLB) goes for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Brent Small (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 5:25 2 and 4 to go on opp 43, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 4:47 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, there is no Defense Line after the block, there is no SS who could tackle him, Fayard Samuels (HB/C) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 15 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 4:15 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Fayard Samuels (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the center, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) tackles Fayard Samuels (HB/C), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 4-4-3) more Q2 3:47 2 and 12 to go on opp 23, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/L) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 3:18 3 and 4 to go on opp 15, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 2:49 1 and goal to go on opp 7, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), who hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Simão Vieira (TE/L) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 4 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 2:20 2 and goal to go on opp 3, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 2:11 3 and goal to go on opp 3, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, the pass goes outer screen left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), this was a 3 yards pass. (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q2 2:05 touchdown more Q2 2:05 Ball spotted on the 15, Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q2 2:05 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 68, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q2 2:05 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 1:33 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/R), he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) breaks through, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Christos Schmidt (DT/R) tackles Roman Craft (HB/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q2 1:06 3 and 3 to go on own 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, there is no Defense Line after the block, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 0:37 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q2 0:07 2 and 1 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/R) tackled by Nail Agalarov (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 15:00 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 65, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q3 15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the left end, Raul Carbunaru (DE/L) tackles Chung Calabrese (FB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 14:33 2 and 9 to go on own 21, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Said Qassem (WR/L) tackled by Viktor Igrec (CB/R), forward progress: 3 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 13:59 3 and 6 to go on own 24, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Nail Agalarov (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Abelard Jameson (CB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 13:26 1 and 10 to go on own 33, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Darius Heron (CB/L), Hasim Naser (OLB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 12:54 1 and 10 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Abelard Jameson (CB/R) missed the tackle, Devon Stoner (MLB) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 12:46 Black Dragons: Luis Crocker (OG/R) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 12:46 1 and 10 to go on opp 46, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass is incomplete, the receiver was not able to make the catch, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 12:37 2 and 10 to go on opp 46, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Aquila Saelua (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen right pass catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Darius Heron (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 12:08 3 and 6 to go on opp 42, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Darius Heron (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 11:34 1 and 10 to go on opp 36, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Viktor Igrec (SS/C), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 11:03 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/L) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/L) tackled by Aquila Saelua (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 10:34 2 and 6 to go on opp 22, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) runs by himself, he starts running over the right tackle, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) brings down Fredrick Brown (QB), nice tackle, forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 10:07 3 and 7 to go on opp 23, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 9:59 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 40 yard field goal is good Q3 9:55 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/R) returns, tackled by Jim Holcombe (G/L), this was a 14 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 18 more Q3 9:49 1 and 10 to go on own 18, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 9:40 2 and 10 to go on own 18, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 9:09 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/R) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Patrick Aaquist (WR/R) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/L), forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 8:39 2 and 2 to go on own 37, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/R) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/R) tackled by Waisea Zahli (OLB/L), forward progress: 2 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 8:06 1 and 10 to go on own 39, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 7:34 1 and 10 to go on 50, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 7:26 2 and 10 to go on 50, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, the tackle was missed by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), tackled by Greg Pate (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 6:54 3 and 1 to go on opp 41, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 6:21 1 and 10 to go on opp 37, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 6:12 Black Dragons: Luis Crocker (OG/R) is back in the game after his injury (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 5:49 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Antonio Neal (FS/C), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q3 5:18 1 and 10 to go on opp 13, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Corey Hundley (SS/L) seems to go for the blitz, he passes outer left for 11 yards to him, intercepted by Jerome Gunn (CB/R) on the opp 2 (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-2) more Q3 5:15 Jerome Gunn (CB/R) returns the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) made the tackle, this was a 51 yards interception return (5-2 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more Q3 5:00 1 and 10 to go on opp 47, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Jefferey Bird (DE/L) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Fredrick Brown (QB) gets sacked by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), 10 yards for loss (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 4:35 2 and 20 to go on own 43, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Fadhel Kamoun (WR/L) as target, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Abelard Jameson (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 22 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 4:03 1 and 10 to go on opp 35, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/L), this seems to be a run over the left end, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Curtis Lomax (HB/L) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/R), forward progress: 8 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 3:34 2 and 2 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 3:26 3 and 2 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 6 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q3 2:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 21, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Roman Craft (HB/R) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 3 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 2:28 2 and 7 to go on opp 18, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Jefferey Bird (DE/R) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 1:54 3 and 2 to go on opp 13, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Angad Sara (DE/L) brings down Chung Calabrese (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 5-3-3) more Q3 1:27 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 29 yard field goal is good Q3 1:24 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 61, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Jerome Gunn (G/R), this was a 17 yards return, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 21 more Q3 1:17 1 and 10 to go on own 21, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 0:46 1 and 10 to go on own 31, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 0:37 2 and 10 to go on own 31, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/R) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/L) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Flexbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q3 0:06 1 and 10 to go on own 41, Kong Thu (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Nikola Huizinga (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 15:00 1 and 10 to go on opp 49, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Greg Pate (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 14:29 1 and 10 to go on opp 39, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through the line, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Tyrell Owens (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/R), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 4-3-4) more Q4 13:57 1 and 10 to go on opp 29, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), hands off to Marc Amiot (FB/R), he starts running over the center, Joel New (MLB) goes for the blitz, Michale Krueger (TE/R) blocks, Marc Amiot (FB/R) fumbles, recovered by Joel New (MLB) (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q4 13:53 Joel New (MLB) returns the ball, missed tackle by Michale Krueger (TE/R), Vladas Racas (QB) is not able to make the tackle, Simão Vieira (TE/L) is not able to make the tackle, this was a 71 yards fumble return touchdown (4-4-3 vs. Shotgun 2 WR) more Q4 13:42 touchdown more Q4 13:42 Ball spotted on the 15, Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q4 13:42 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 66, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q4 13:42 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/L) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Hugh Pagán (QB) gets sacked by Dannie Lavender (OLB/L), 9 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 13:16 2 and 19 to go on own 11, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Simão Vieira (TE/L) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through, Marc Amiot (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Simão Vieira (TE/L) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Corey Hundley (SS/C), forward progress: 4 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 12:43 3 and 15 to go on own 15, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Néstor Díaz (WR/R) as target, Chin Fu Uhatahi (DE/R) breaks through the line, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, Hal Byrne (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Vladas Racas (QB) gets sacked by Hal Byrne (OLB/R), 7 yards for loss (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 12:17 Bob Loomis (P) punts the ball from own 8 for 39, Said Qassem (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Devon Stoner (G/R), this was a 7 yards return Q4 12:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Michel Brossard (DE/L) breaks through the line, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, tackled by Abelard Jameson (CB/L), forward progress: 13 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 11:43 1 and 10 to go on opp 27, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/L), he starts running over the left end, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/L) tackled by Nail Agalarov (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 11:14 2 and 6 to go on opp 23, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the center, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 8 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 10:45 1 and 10 to go on opp 15, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 6 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 10:15 2 and 4 to go on opp 9, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/L) as target, overthrown outer left pass, incomplete, no progress (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 10:07 3 and 4 to go on opp 9, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) as target, Devon Stoner (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Raul Carbunaru (DE/R) breaks through, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer screen right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Vadym Synytsia (WR/R) tackled by Alan MacNamara (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 9:37 1 and goal to go on opp 5, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Fredrick Brown (QB) selected Said Qassem (WR/R) as target, this outer right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Said Qassem (WR/R) tackled by Muhamed Todorov (CB/L), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more Q4 9:27 touchdown more Q4 9:27 Ball spotted on the 15, Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q4 9:27 Del Richey (K) kicks the ball for 63, Ricard Esteller (KR/L) returns, tackled by Ahmet Haddad (STT), this was a 21 yards return, Jerome Gunn (G/R) missed the tackle, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 23 more Q4 9:18 1 and 10 to go on own 23, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Patrick Aaquist (WR/L) as target, this outer left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/R), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 8:47 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/R) as target, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through the line, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer right pass catches the ball, Jerome Gunn (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 8:15 1 and 10 to go on own 48, Horatiu Krywin (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jim Holcombe (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 8 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 7:44 2 and 2 to go on opp 44, Costantino Lombard (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Michale Krueger (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 7:35 3 and 2 to go on opp 44, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Hugo Köhler (WR/L) as target, Dannie Lavender (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ahmet Haddad (DE/R) breaks through, Ricard Esteller (FB/C) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Hugo Köhler (WR/L) tackled by Tyrell Owens (CB/R), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 7:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 35, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Waisea Zahli (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Dapo Alakija (DE/R) breaks through, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, this outer screen left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) tackled by Jim Holcombe (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q4 6:36 2 and 5 to go on opp 30, Jake Reichert (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), hands off to Ricard Esteller (FB/R), he starts running over the right guard, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) breaks through, Brent Small (MLB) goes for the blitz, Dapo Alakija (DE/L) tackles Ricard Esteller (FB/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 6:09 3 and 4 to go on opp 29, Kavakava Kila (OC) snaps the ball to Hugh Pagán (QB), Hugh Pagán (QB) selected Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) as target, Joel New (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Marc Amiot (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this outer screen left pass catches the ball, Denis Mazimpaka (WR/L) tackled by Jerome Gunn (CB/R), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 5:39 1 and 10 to go on opp 22, Shivalik Madugalle (OC) snaps the ball to Vladas Racas (QB), Vladas Racas (QB) selected Berend Braun (WR/R) as target, Hal Byrne (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Ricard Esteller (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Michal Foret (FS/C) missed the tackle, the result is a 22 yards pass (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 4-4-3) more Q4 5:26 touchdown more Q4 5:26 Ball spotted on the 15, Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for the PAT, PAT is good Q4 5:26 Bob Loomis (K) kicks the ball for 67, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more Q4 5:26 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Hasim Naser (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 4:57 2 and 3 to go on own 27, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Devon Stoner (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (I-formation vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 4:28 1 and 10 to go on own 36, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, there is no Defense Line after the block, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Devon Stoner (MLB), forward progress: 6 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:59 2 and 4 to go on own 42, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the center, Raul Carbunaru (DE/L) breaks through, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/L) blocks, Danial Grady (TE/R) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Nail Agalarov (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:53 Stone Mountain Hawks 2: Naïm Leroy (NT) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:53 1 and 10 to go on own 49, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the right guard, Jong-Cheol Yun (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Akop Bariatian (NT) tackles Roman Craft (HB/C), forward progress: no gain (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 3:26 2 and 10 to go on own 49, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the left tackle, Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, the well blocked Defense Line can not do anything against, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 2:57 3 and 5 to go on opp 46, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Curtis Lomax (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 5 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 2:28 1 and 10 to go on opp 41, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Roman Craft (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left guard, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Amal Namiz (NT), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 2:00 2 and 11 to go on opp 42, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), this seems to be a run over the left tackle, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Chung Calabrese (FB/R) tackled by Aquila Saelua (MLB), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 1:31 3 and 4 to go on opp 35, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), he starts running over the right end, Hasim Naser (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Curtis Lomax (HB/R) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 1:02 1 and 10 to go on opp 26, Anthony Orlando (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), Roman Craft (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Michel Brossard (DE/R) breaks through, Nail Agalarov (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Roman Craft (HB/C) tackled by Stanko Vujinović (OLB/L), forward progress: 7 yards (Singleback Big vs. 4-4-3) more Q4 0:33 2 and 3 to go on opp 19, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), hands off to Chung Calabrese (FB/R), he starts running over the center, Angad Sara (DE/L) breaks through, Devon Stoner (MLB) goes for the blitz, Danial Grady (TE/L) blocks, Basil Leeper (TE/R) blocks, Amal Namiz (NT) brings down Chung Calabrese (FB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more Q4 0:06 3 and 2 to go on opp 18, Clay Burden (OC) snaps the ball to Fredrick Brown (QB), who hands off to Curtis Lomax (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Michel Brossard (DE/R) breaks through, Aquila Saelua (MLB) goes for the blitz, Chung Calabrese (FB/C) blocks, Michel Brossard (DE/R) brings down Curtis Lomax (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 4-4-3) more |
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Football Game Highlights: Black Dragons vs. Stone Mountain Hawks 2
Written by: Funny McFootballface
Wow! What a game between the Black Dragons and the Stone Mountain Hawks 2! It was super exciting! The game started with a coin toss, and the Hawks decided to receive the ball first. The first quarter was pretty quiet with no points scored. But then in the second quarter, Del Richey kicked a field goal for the Black Dragons, and now they were ahead 3 to 0!
Then, the Black Dragons scored another field goal, making it 6 to 0! By the end of the second quarter, they added another field goal, and the score was 9 to 0!
In the second half, the Hawks finally got on the scoreboard! They scored a touchdown and made the extra point, bringing the score to 7 to 9. But the Black Dragons were not done yet! They recovered a fumble and ran it into the end zone for a touchdown, which put them ahead big time at 22 to 7! The Dragons added another touchdown, making it 29 to 7!
The Hawks tried really hard and scored one last touchdown, but that wasn’t enough, and they ended with 14 points. The final score was Black Dragons 29 and Stone Mountain Hawks 2 with 14! The Dragons really dominated this game, especially with some big turnovers. What a fun match!