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posted: 2018-09-15 08:11:35 (ID: 100132676) Report Abuse
dumping ground sounds harsh....the concept of Elite was to give those teams dominating their own Leagues some new competition with their peers across Leagues, as well as giving second tier 1.1 teams another level to aspire to, rather than simply looking for a play off berth and that's it.

I think this has been born out to be a success when you consider :

1) The length of seasons some teams have stayed Elite
2) The number of new teams that have progressed to Elite from 1.1 but then returned.

I personally think that Elite is necessary for RZA as it is - but *should* RZA 2 come to life, there would be no (immediate) need for Elite - so a more familiar format could be used.

However - id like to say that this thread was NOT just about pressuring Pete into RZA 2. He has said off his own back that he knows it is a potential move anyway, and is conscious of it - with positives and negatives. I think on that basis we have to leave RZA 2 with Pete.

There is still though scope for commenting on why we feel RZA in its current form, especially for veteran managers (I consider a Veteran to be anyone who has played the same team for 10 or more consecutive seasons), is maybe starting to fizzle out and try to nail why and what we can do about it. Some great comments have been made to date..hopefully this can continue to give Pete valuable feedback into how he looks to shape RZA in the short term, to hopefully give it longevity and a product for the longer term also.
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posted: 2018-09-15 13:51:12 (ID: 100132681) Report Abuse
I manage my team since season 11 and find since ever ago that Pete is doing a great job.

When I look at the current situation a new start with new design and new name would be a very promising option. I would call design and arrangement of the buttons as well as myself as retro. An important step would be to give more visual appeal to the whole in my opinion to keep new managers in the game.

Also, the structure of leagues with falling numbers of managers is difficult to keep. This is just a little input on the topic of V2.

To spice up V1, the veterans are probably more demand as Pete himself. We should go more actively on new Manager. Them actively involve in the community. Also, we should do more publicity in other forums to attract the right audience. I know that the latter in most forums is frowned upon, but you can draw even a conversation in the right direction to find out whom you can write directly with a personal message.

The target group is very specifically in the case of RZA, because it goes on two topics which are more appealing for nerds. Both football and management are not just mainstream out of US.

If then the right managers have started once we old timers should motivate them and give them a warm welcome. Honestly I gotta take me in this point also to the own nose. Maybe it would also be useful in the Manager license a point to record "introduce yourself in the Forum" to include newcomers equally active in the Forum, because the Forum is the heart that keeps RZA alive.

Sure, the managing of our own team is the actual experience but the Forum is one of the main points that RZA apart from other games. Since gabriel06 is exactly right, when the Forum falls asleep RZA is dying.

So, now is a time where everyone in RZA is needed. Not with standing, this should improved and that is out of date comments, but to get the new one to take care of them and to make their RZA career start as pleasant as possible.

Everyone should be known that this Pete's baby and he must know what he wants to implement and can do. If a proposal is good, Pete likes, and can be integrated without to make everything new in the game, Pete does this also. It is no different if it repeated proposals constantly and in every thread.
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posted: 2018-09-15 14:44:46 (ID: 100132682) Report Abuse
gabriel06 wrote:
(I consider a Veteran to be anyone who has played the same team for 10 or more consecutive seasons)

Thank you for finally including me in a sentence in a positive way, I appreciate it
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posted: 2018-09-15 14:53:56 (ID: 100132683) Report Abuse
Stanford87 wrote:
gabriel06 wrote:
(I consider a Veteran to be anyone who has played the same team for 10 or more consecutive seasons)

Thank you for finally including me in a sentence in a positive way, I appreciate it

there are exceptions to every rule...
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posted: 2018-09-16 11:22:07 (ID: 100132713)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Let me give my one cent (knowing that I am not as experienced as others )

1. I think, majority of the long-time managers are getting bored and was not happy with the recent adjustments that made the game much easier to manage. This one is understandable and predictable because of our human nature.
2. The focus then turned to a reboot of the game and by the way, I am reading the responses, the #1 reason why they want it is to provide a new SHOCK/EXCITEMENT to everyone. Which is also the reason why I am not a fan of it.
3. I don't think the management game became much easier because those new improvements provide new wrinkles.

I do not think we need to reboot. I think, what we need is a new feature that will provide new EXCITEMENT and WRINKLES.

So, I think we need to try new features first.
I don't expect to gain attention but let me try. Here are my suggestions:

#1. Make the long injuries a reality. This doesn't affect the core ways of getting to the top but it can be a roadblock if the new ones will not think about it.

#2. Special skills for head coaches, at least. A new wrinkle. It will distort the economy. Will provide a much complicated puzzle piece into the game.

#3. More focus at the top league/tournaments. This is a game of teams trying to reach the top. Let us make that TOP more enticing. The extra space on both sides of the current face can be used to show the current playoff picture of the elite league, with visual codes to know who is the defending champ, the loser in the elite bowl, new entrants and highest payroll and etc.

During playoff season, the history of the top Bowl games should be presented on those sides.

Let us have a March-madness type of competition involving the playoffs of the Elite League and Supercup.

#4. I am happy with my climb to the top and I will always be supportive of any decision.

Last edited on 2018-09-16 11:23:56 by Balbinjj

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posted: 2018-09-17 08:21:10 (ID: 100132749) Report Abuse
gabriel06 wrote:the concept of Elite was to give those teams dominating their own Leagues some new competition with their peers across Leagues, as well as giving second tier 1.1 teams another level to aspire to, rather than simply looking for a play off berth and that's it.

I think this has been born out to be a success when you consider :

1) The length of seasons some teams have stayed Elite
2) The number of new teams that have progressed to Elite from 1.1 but then returned.

3. making 1.1 leagues very competitive leagues and fun to play in!
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punch drunk


Joined: 2014-12-05/S15
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posted: 2018-09-17 17:23:04 (ID: 100132763) Report Abuse
Yes I have lost almost all interest.
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posted: 2018-09-18 20:35:14 (ID: 100132791) Report Abuse
I have my 19 year old QB of the future. Maybe I have changed my mind on V2.
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posted: 2018-09-19 10:56:28 (ID: 100132807) Report Abuse
spartans11 wrote:
I have my 19 year old QB of the future. Maybe I have changed my mind on V2.

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posted: 2018-09-19 11:58:27 (ID: 100132809) Report Abuse
punch drunk wrote:
Yes I have lost almost all interest.

Could you please expand on this a bit and let us know why?
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Main / Discussions / Is RZA going flat.....?