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posted: 2015-05-19 16:10:37 (ID: 100054680) Report Abuse
Went to bed last night and there was 8 or 9 managed teams in 2.1, now there is just me.

Another season of BOT bashing to do and bang goes a legitimate reason to not get promoted. Now I will have to tank the play offs in order to build the team up through the draft rather than the TM.

The question obviously is, will I be like sh888 and tank the playoffs?

You will have to wait and see.

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posted: 2015-05-19 17:56:47 (ID: 100054683) Report Abuse
Bovakian wrote:
Went to bed last night and there was 8 or 9 managed teams in 2.1, now there is just me.

Another season of BOT bashing to do and bang goes a legitimate reason to not get promoted. Now I will have to tank the play offs in order to build the team up through the draft rather than the TM.

The question obviously is, will I be like sh888 and tank the playoffs?

You will have to wait and see.

Where they all gone?
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posted: 2015-05-19 19:26:27 (ID: 100054705) Report Abuse
Bovakian wrote:
Went to bed last night and there was 8 or 9 managed teams in 2.1, now there is just me.

Another season of BOT bashing to do and bang goes a legitimate reason to not get promoted. Now I will have to tank the play offs in order to build the team up through the draft rather than the TM.

The question obviously is, will I be like sh888 and tank the playoffs?

You will have to wait and see.

Boy..that vanishing of teams is just ridiculous

And concerning the this actually that simple against bot teams

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Buddy Ryan
posted: 2015-05-20 08:58:46 (ID: 100054771) Report Abuse
notsch wrote:
Boy..that vanishing of teams is just ridiculous

I've also been wondering why this is happening for 2 or so season now... is it the Elite league? Before, there was the 1.1 of your region, it was not too hard to get there and then you could face some of the best managers in the game on eye level. now all the best teams are in the elite league, which is much harder to get into and you have to invest a lot of time if you want to be competitive there. and it maybe doesnt mean as much to be successful in the 1.1 any more - so guys might be less motivated?

on some level, I hope thats not the reason because I dont think pete would wanna go back to the old league structure. is it something else? has the gap between old and younger teams grown to big? are people frustrated because there havent been enough engine-changes for the better?

I still love RZA because I'm into long term team building and so on, so all of the above doesnt concern me too much personally. but I think there hasnt been done enough to make new managers stick around - the worst part is still the roster youre handed when you start playing, without any idea what kind of players you need for each position. and the lack of money and therefore maneuverability in the beginning - if a vet manager has to tell every noob to basically hold still in every regard until they got their stadium finished, when they dont have any real money to start with after all, I can understand that a new manager just "forgets" about the game or doesnt see the benefit of sticking around for few drafts to get a competive roster. there is not enough immediate reward for younger teams to stick around imo.

Last edited on 2015-05-20 16:03:04 by Buddy Ryan

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posted: 2015-05-20 11:17:53 (ID: 100054775) Report Abuse
One thing i have noticed is even the more experanced teams and vets have been disapearing
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posted: 2015-05-20 18:18:17 (ID: 100054788) Report Abuse
passionatelad wrote:
One thing i have noticed is even the more experanced teams and vets have been disapearing

More than often in these games real life situations get in the way of experienced managers staying forever.

My own situation was that I was moving house and could not guarantee getting back to be boss of Guisborough Priors within the time limit set for a members team to go bot, but I knew that I would come back as soon as possible.

For Buddy, it is definately a problem for new managers staying and the main one is probably the long term approach needed for the game, however, there is also the problem of competition. No one likes playing against BOTS as there is no chance of seeing if anything you want to try actually works against a managed team. Also it is extremely hard to get any real interest going when you are lumbered with a start team graded in the mid 30's.

You will see now that I have got Narann up to just over 47, but I was hoping to stay at level 2 for a couple of seasons to give me chance to weed out the so so's of the original team, train up at least 4 youngsters to be fair starters and have at least 9 draftees in my squad and be somewhere in the mid to high 50's in order to aim for a 8-8 season in my first one in level 1.

Yes that could possibly mean tanking in the play offs, but it could also have been a bad playbook instead, if there were other managed teams in level 2.

Now it looks like I may have to spend money on the TM greater than I was hoping to do in order as to be strong enough not to get my arse kicked every week when I am expected to join level 1 next season.

Mind you this set up has caused problems from when Pete set up having a load of new starters all going into Dragons a few seasons back and not leaving it as an open choice when I originally started back in season 2.

As I consider myself an honest player the thought of tanking is not nice, but if you want to be competative when you move up a level it is either do tanking or spend, probably, beyond your means and I do not want to be spending in excess of 50% of my trading profit each season to bolster the squad in order to compete.

I was willing to spend the time at level 2 to develop the squad and then start trying out playbook tricks, but now being left to play only against BOTS in level 2 I'll be clearly shown as someone who cannot be trusted if I tank this season and that is not me.
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posted: 2015-05-20 20:18:22 (ID: 100054796) Report Abuse
I think one of the main issues is the disparity between teams in one league. You look at almost any league and out of the 16 games per week only 2 or 3 are decided by one TD or less. This makes for a lot of boring games every year because you're either much better or much worse than your opponent. Fewer leagues matched more evenly would do wonders to this game in my opinion but I don't think this is something Pete can do due to the way the coding works.

Just looking at my team, in Fire 1.1 here are the number of regular season games I've played decided by 1 TD or less over the past few seasons.
Season 16: 2/16
Season 15: 2/16
Season 14: 4/16
Season 13: 5/16
Season 12: 4/16
Season 11: 2/16
Season 10: 2/16

An average of 3 games per year or 19%

In the NFL 46% of games are decided by a TD or less, parity is what makes the NFL so attractive to many, you never know who's gonna beat who. This is the main difference between the NFL and RZA I think.
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posted: 2015-05-20 21:01:42 (ID: 100054802) Report Abuse
So we need fewer Leagues (i am talking about the Admirals, Galaxy, Thunder, ...) to get more competition going!?
I am not sure this is an easy task. The game itself could benefit from it, though...606 users, we had around 800 plenty of time ago

Maybe this should be discussed in the suggestions forum instead of here...but i am actually too buse in RL to make an effort to do so

Sounds like you have a reasonable strategy. Have fun dude

Last edited on 2015-05-20 21:19:29 by notsch

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posted: 2015-05-20 21:10:45 (ID: 100054806) Report Abuse
I think Pete said before that it was impossible to have fewer leagues but if someone feels like giving it a go in the suggestion or discussion forums I'd support the discussion
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Jackie Longwell
posted: 2016-01-27 19:23:19 (ID: 100066867) Report Abuse
what league are you in, maybe ill be your friend i was talking to bolvakian

Last edited on 2016-01-27 19:26:12 by Jackie Longwell

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