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Main / Fire / Fire 1.1 All-Time Wins Search Forum
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posted: 2015-06-20 14:19:06 (ID: 100056328) Report Abuse
The Fire forum has been completely dead for a while so I've decided to try and do something about it.

I counted the all-time Fire 1.1 wins of each team #gid=0" target="_blank">Fire 1.1 Wins Spreadsheet
Edit: Include all games until today 6/20/15 but not today's games.

Teams in green cells are currently in the Elite league
Teams in white cells are currently in 1.1
Teams in red cells have dropped out of 1.1 but are still active
Teams in gray cells have gone BOT

1st and Last represents the first and last season played in 1.1 or Elite for each team.
Since the Elite League complicates the ranking a bit I've decided to give 20 points for a season in the Elite League, 1.1 victories are all worth 1 point.

Avg Pts shows the number of points per season a team gets
Elite shows the number of seasons played in the Elite League
Elite+1.1 shows the number of seasons played in the Elite League and in Fire 1.1
1.1 S shows the number of seasons played in Fire 1.1
Fire 1.1 W shows the number of victories in Fire 1.1
There's also a breakdown of victories season by season to the right
- cells in green mean that the team was in the Elite league that season
- cells in yellow mark a perfect 16-0 regular season in Fire 1.1
- cells in black mean that the team went bot

% shows the winning % of each team in Fire 1.1
Avg W shows the average number of victories per season in Fire 1.1
Note that the games left in season 17 count as lost so these two columns will be accurate at season's end.

For now the teams are ranked by "points" but I'm willing to listen to comments and suggestions to improve this doc. I probably will be too lazy to u p d a t e it every week but I'll do it each offseason at least.

Last edited on 2015-06-20 14:21:41 by Meitheisman

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posted: 2015-06-23 07:38:42 (ID: 100056440) Report Abuse
Thanks dude
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Joined: 2011-09-26/S01
Posts: 84
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posted: 2015-06-29 10:31:07 (ID: 100056578) Report Abuse
Very nice work.
Thanks a lot
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posted: 2015-07-03 10:30:52 (ID: 100056671) Report Abuse
Nice one!
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posted: 2015-07-15 14:33:15 (ID: 100057082) Report Abuse
Here's the updated version including all Fire 1.1 games until the end of season 17.

#gid=0" target="_blank">Click Here
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