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posted: 2017-08-31 14:22:57 (ID: 100113211) Report Abuse
Aha! I figured that out already but I want to question god whenever possible
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2017-09-04 04:25:12 (ID: 100113497) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Btw, there are more managers out there who refuse to use the transfer market in a heavy way - and this is not limited to me and Drogon for sure. Having success or not is not bound to using the TM. Using the TM just can be faster, if the manager does it the right way. I refuse to use the TM on a regular base as well, and except from a few purchases all my staff is homegrown as well.

#6 overall - Loesan Okeke??

SD Blitz
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San Diego Blitz

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posted: 2017-09-04 04:38:11 (ID: 100113498) Report Abuse
spartans11 wrote:
You can win without a big salary if you manage your contracts well. Last season I won Elite with a salary of 3.5 million. I am selling a few players right now and expect to have my salary down somewhere between 3.5-4.0 million for this season. I do have to admit that I spent a lot on the TM over the last few seasons to get the players I wanted to develop for the long haul.

A lot depends on your goals and the competition. I think at the ~$3.5-4.0 million salary range, you can certainly field a Elite league playoff team. I also think it depends on what the other top teams are spending on whether you are competitive at the highest level. Right now, there aren't many folks spending $6M+ on salaries.

Back around season #20, I realized I wasn't competitive with the top teams in the Elite league. I made a couple of adjustments, including spending more money/training higher at certain positions. That coupled with some turnover in teams led to my success in seasons #21-#23. I think my salaries eventually ballooned to ~$6.5M - - but it was largely worth it.

That said...I certainly think it's possible to spend $6M on salaries and have a very mediocre team. Especially if it's at the wrong positions or with the wrong playbook.

Finally, the economy of the game keeps changing. I think there are more free agents hitting the market now, so players are cheaper - - but you can't make as much money selling on the transfer market. Plus there is a the Pete transfer tax now. :-(

SD Blitz
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posted: 2017-09-19 17:19:45 (ID: 100114637) Report Abuse
I've done a quick analysis of my side I've got 13 players through the draft 13 from my YA and 31 from the TM. However a lot of my TM signings were due to losing a lot of players during the season rollover problem we had a few seasons ago.

I've always kept my wages relatively in check compared with those around me but haven't been afraid to pay a key player big money if needed.
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Main / RZA Elite League / Advice from an ex-cheapskate