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Main / RZA Elite League / Draft S29 Search Forum
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posted: 2018-02-15 13:23:51 (ID: 100124215) Report Abuse
I agree everyone has different priorities when recruiting. But FB didn't scare me away; in my eyes Kincaid was a TE. I don't really focus so much on the position they are currently in since its so easy to change positions in this game. Plenty of RBs I've drafted as WRs, and visa versa.
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posted: 2018-02-15 16:48:53 (ID: 100124237) Report Abuse
My team was in a triangle of death shootout for second place in my division and I won that shootout, gaining second place. If you have any proof of my "tanking", let's see it. Otherwise, you can go slander someone else.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2018-02-15 20:18:09 (ID: 100124256) Report Abuse
He did not accuse you of tanking. He only said he might have got better drat spot IF HE would have tanked.
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posted: 2018-02-15 21:05:58 (ID: 100124268) Report Abuse
ah, I did not see that nuance, thanks Jack !
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posted: 2018-02-16 01:24:11 (ID: 100124281) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:
He did not accuse you of tanking. He only said he might have got better drat spot IF HE would have tanked.

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posted: 2018-02-16 09:21:19 (ID: 100124305) Report Abuse
WorpeX wrote:
Nice summary. I agree about Kincaid. I had him as my best prospect but I couldn't see myself drafting a FB that high in the draft, especially since its not a position of need for me. I drafted a FB in round one last season which im happy with so that also factored in.

same here, I already have a star FB in the making, that's why I went with the risk somewhere else. But it's good to see that a FB was actual considered the best prospect in the draft, I like that
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posted: 2018-02-16 09:43:29 (ID: 100124310) Report Abuse
Got my 3rd 50 speed player in this draft today

Well, the RB I drafted is at 44.x speed but uncapped so I know he'll eventually hit 50.
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posted: 2018-02-20 20:15:57 (ID: 100124641) Report Abuse
My second round pick is for sale. XP a bit low, but already great skills for a guy hat still has 1 year in the YA. I would have a look if I were you.
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Main / RZA Elite League / Draft S29