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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-09-01 16:12:19 (ID: 100152370) Report Abuse
my french ... I am not helpful, sorry
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-09-01 16:43:55 (ID: 100152372) Report Abuse
Kanar wrote:
Clearly my post on the French forum did not have the impact I was hoping for. Only a few persons read it and I did not see any French subscription since.

I do not know if it is a good idea that many people reply to my post at the same time, but maybe a few contributions, spaced by several days, would help moving up the thread and gain visibility.

Here is the link:

TD Actu Forum

I replied. I did a post somewhere else before in this forum. Both have not been published yet.
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posted: 2020-09-03 13:47:21 (ID: 100152436) Report Abuse
Maynard wrote:
Buziano wrote:
The u p d a t e :
Since Sunday :

168 votes (from 153)
8,4 ranking (from 8,2)
14 reviews (from 11)

We are moving up !!!!


There are only 5 football sims ahead of Red Zone Action. Would be great to jump above one more and I think we can do it with just a few more reviews. Anyone we can get to notice the game is a potential new team, so moving up matters, in my opinion. If you haven't left a review, or at least a rating, stop in for a few seconds and let's jump above a game made in 1998, lol. Red Zone Action Reviews
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BobBoy Magpies

England   dell_g owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-09-03 15:06:20 (ID: 100152444) Report Abuse
Just done one, lets hope we get new players and they stay
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-09-03 15:55:26 (ID: 100152446)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
you guys are amazing, and your actions got recognized:
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Hi xxx,

This is Peter, owner of RedZoneAction.

Please see this public accessible forum entry, where some of our users started to campaign for a better ranking of RZA on your platform.

See the 4th post at that page. This is where the campaign was triggered.

My username is "pete" over there, so can clearly see I am not driving up the campaign, and it is not my idea to campaign. However, of course I do appreciate the efforts of my users.

Please provide me with some feedback from your side, so I can explain what they do wrong or right. At the same time I will provide them with the content of this mail. In my opinion they should learn that their campaign had some impact.

Any questions? I am here to answer them if I can.

Best Regards, stay safe

xxxx <> wrote:

You may want to explain to us the spike in solely 10 rating reviews on RedZoneAction and constant user reviews. At some point unless we know they are coming from a genuine campaign you are having, we have become suspicious of this activity.

Please fill us in. Thanks

Managing Director

General Manager Games (GM Games)

Last edited on 2020-09-03 15:55:43 by pete

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posted: 2020-09-03 17:12:11 (ID: 100152447)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Oh sheesh that's funny. Well written response, Pete!

Edit: Gm Games staff writes great reviews of games. What an honor it would be if someone on staff came aboard Red Zone Action to try it out and ended up writing a review of it. One can wish.

Last edited on 2020-09-03 19:12:18 by Maynard

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posted: 2020-09-03 18:20:34 (ID: 100152450) Report Abuse
Just saw it and posted a review by myself. I think it is a great opportunity to show you Pete the appreciation for the development and work on RZA. Great job done
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Social Distance Runners

Germany   Buziano owns a supporter account

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posted: 2020-09-03 20:07:56 (ID: 100152453) Report Abuse
This is fun !!!!!

Great that we are getting noticed. I also see some new teams, related or not.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-09-03 20:17:03 (ID: 100152454) Report Abuse
last answer
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It's totally cool and they are real and valid opinions. I just needed to dig deeper that it's not self promotion from ghost accounts. They are doing everything the right way and I hope it helps boost the sign ups

If you want to u p d a t e the media on your page let me know!

Thanks for the context
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2020-09-03 20:19:13 (ID: 100152455) Report Abuse
Maynard wrote:What an honor it would be if someone on staff came aboard Red Zone Action to try it out and ended up writing a review of it. One can wish.

I just asked him
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