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Joined: 2017-03-22/S25
Posts: 45
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posted: 2021-05-23 00:17:40 (ID: 100159521) Report Abuse
i propose a new rule ; a handle on the ball including last season where we didn't score a ttouchdown in the last 4 games... we have had 30 interceptions and 13 fumbles. i am totally shocked we can score at all. in 9 games? seems like a lot even for nfl standards. am i the league leader in turnovers or are other teams doing the dame? i think in the same time frame i have reaped 4 turnovers... but as i think about it... i think those were against bot teams. i had 4 today and that is average. 4 a game in nfl? the coaches job would last how long?
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Joined: 2017-03-22/S25
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posted: 2021-05-31 22:04:29 (ID: 100159655) Report Abuse
3 more int and 2 fumbles.... against a blood noob team... i would have lost to any league team, i am at wits end... i don't know what to do?
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Melittlemenon thepitchhitchin

England   lions1934 owns a supporter account

Joined: 2013-05-02/S08
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posted: 2021-06-20 14:33:51 (ID: 100159885) Report Abuse
It's getting a little better for you, just 2 ints and 1 lost fumble this time.
You'll be fine, you get rough patches where you lose games you should win, but you'll also pull the rabbit from the hat to even things out a bit. You should make the playoffs which is a win.
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Main / Admirals / we need a handle on the ball