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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-07-13 20:03:21 (ID: 100160324) Report Abuse
Congrats to those teams leaving Galaxy to Elite.

For myself a perfect regular season, but some quirks in the CC game. Better try next season
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2021-07-13 20:19:22 (ID: 100160325) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Congrats to those teams leaving Galaxy to Elite.

For myself a perfect regular season, but some quirks in the CC game. Better try next season

Yes, it's a shame when you're unbeaten in the regular season.

I did it the other way around. In the regular season only lost to Torino Black Bulls, and even lost significantly.
And then with a lot of luck to win again against Torino Black Bulls in an exciting CC game.

It was a very good game that actually deserved two winners.
I'm really sorry for Torino Black Bulls. But maybe next time you will have the luck by your side.
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San Diego Blitz

Usa   Solana_Steve owns a supporter account   Solana_Steve is a Knight of

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posted: 2021-07-14 02:56:16 (ID: 100160340) Report Abuse
Kottan wrote:
pete wrote:
Congrats to those teams leaving Galaxy to Elite.

For myself a perfect regular season, but some quirks in the CC game. Better try next season

Yes, it's a shame when you're unbeaten in the regular season.

I did it the other way around. In the regular season only lost to Torino Black Bulls, and even lost significantly.
And then with a lot of luck to win again against Torino Black Bulls in an exciting CC game.

It was a very good game that actually deserved two winners.
I'm really sorry for Torino Black Bulls. But maybe next time you will have the luck by your side.

Congrats and welcome to the Elite League.

For a while, I thought this might be the season I dropped (with my new QB), but we managed to turn it around and stay up.

Good luck to the newcomers!

SD Blitz
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posted: 2021-07-14 13:02:51 (ID: 100160356) Report Abuse
Congratulations to the two winning teams!

@Bretzfeld Bandits:
thanks mate.
Looks like your starting QB has a hatred of BBs .. keep beating me!
It was a close match, as a Conference Championship final should be!
good luck!!
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posted: 2021-07-15 11:04:29 (ID: 100160380) Report Abuse
Congrats to the Bandits and the Prairie Weasels!!
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