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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy Season 46! Search Forum
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posted: 2022-03-22 19:53:45 (ID: 100166197) Report Abuse
Good game, nocturnalcorpse! You are a game planning genius, lmao. I will spend this coming season revamping and working on something that can better compete with strategic masterminds like yourself. Good luck in Elite next season! I hope to catch up to you there.

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posted: 2022-03-31 00:47:02 (ID: 100166426) Report Abuse
Congrats to nocturnalcorpse on his big Superbowl win and congrats to fumbl3 and n.c. on advancing to Elite. Lord knows I would have liked to go on. I truly thought I was ready, but the Zombaes having me questioning now, lol.

You might think I'm happy that with the Zombaes gone, I have a better chance of advancing next season. But unfortunately, the Raspberry Bush is coming back and that delicious plant seems to have Tool's number.

I may just be stuck in a cycle of watching these two teams ebb and flow from the galaxy into Elite and back again. Taking me all the way to the Conference Championship, only to leave me behind.

Ah yes, it's just as the old adage says: always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Good luck, fellas
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posted: 2022-03-31 10:36:31 (ID: 100166428) Report Abuse
The bright side: we can do our fight against each other again, next season.
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posted: 2022-03-31 16:39:06 (ID: 100166431) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
The bright side: we can do our fight against each other again, next season.

That makes me feel better
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Main / Galaxy / Galaxy Season 46!