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Main / Dragons / Draft analysis for Running Backs (Season 47) Search Forum
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Joined: 2021-10-20/S44
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posted: 2022-03-25 16:19:36 (ID: 100166323) Report Abuse
A specific example. There is an 18 year old RB in the draft who has the same trait as your top candidate who is 21 years old.

That 18 year old has 50 speed, 33 agility, and 36 strength.
That 21 year old has 48 speed, 31 agility, and 48 strength.

The 18 year old is maxed at speed with higher agility. Yes his strength is lower but it won't be capped that low. With facilities I can train that strength up. For me it is worth the risk of his strength being capped lower than the 21 year old but he is maxed at speed.

The 18 year old has higher teamwork and is only 8 total skill points behind the 21 year old.

In three years of training I can get him higher in skill points when he reaches the same age as the 21 year old.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2022-03-25 17:46:54 (ID: 100166324) Report Abuse
When I had a supporter account and access to all draft board via spreadsheet I used to compare my players at the age of 25. Based on my coaches and training structure - and also players TW - I forecast the training improvement on skills until all the players reach that age. This way you can see the true potential of the players. It is not accurate but better than comparing a 19 yo guy with a 22 yo.
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posted: 2022-03-25 18:55:36 (ID: 100166325) Report Abuse
Look I am absolutely fine with people taking and valuing players however they want lol. The 21 year old in my example is definitely the safer pick, no denying that. My comfort level with the risk make me want to take the younger guy.

These differences of how we all value players is why we seem to always get a top 10 pick in the draft based on our selections. If we all valued players the same then playoff teams would usually not get the top 15 selections they made.

Even though we have differing perceptions of value we also have all had varying degrees of success so whatever we are doing is working to differing degrees.

I do have that 21 year old on my list as my 3rd favorite so I'm not trashing him just valuing him differently.
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posted: 2022-04-05 19:21:09 (ID: 100166541) Report Abuse
Lucky Clem wrote:
I've never really weighted age. Obviously younger players will be able to play for the team longer, and have more tine to train their skills. What benefits or disadvantages do you see with age?

If you compare a 19 yr vs a 21 yr old, the younger one will have 2 yrs of development over the 21 yr old. This means that the player will not only reach peak performance sooner in his career but also be able to play longer for you plus get more experience while doing it.

I would say age is my most important factor when first assessing the draft class. This means that I will only pick 19 yr old where possible for round 1, unless a 20 yr old has a significant advantage.
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posted: 2022-04-06 19:40:49 (ID: 100166605) Report Abuse
Now I did pick a 21 yr old in round 1 today haha but it was only as I had only 6 players I considered 1st round material. I got my 1st pick of the second round material if you still follow me
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punch drunk


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posted: 2022-04-06 22:25:21 (ID: 100166609)  Edits found: 3 Report Abuse
I got that 18yo in your 1st post Favre. He wasn't yellow on str or agil. Gonna be a good addition to someones YA.

I had him 8th on my draft list. The 1st seven were primo 1st round quality. This guy at 8th was kind of best on left in the pile.

Last edited on 2022-04-06 22:28:44 by punch drunk

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Main / Dragons / Draft analysis for Running Backs (Season 47)