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posted: 2022-08-31 12:11:16 (ID: 100168932) Report Abuse
Hi Guys

I have decided to quit RZA. I will carry on logging in until end of season, then that will be it.

My work has exploded and I am finding it harder and harder to log in and play. So with a heavy heart I feel its time to call it a day.

I want to thank everyone for a great time, the banter and the laughs have been excellent.

I leave you with a blast from the past, a video I made in season 23 and I wish I had made more

So I wish you all a happy future and good luck.

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Captain Jack
posted: 2022-08-31 13:19:51 (ID: 100168934) Report Abuse
Well I must say that I am very sorry to hear that. What other manager can I insult so often?
For those who do not know the two of us have a path that goes back a long way. (I
must say I can't remember how many years). From the days of that other game where we used to meet up in Bristol for the live draft to these days when, thanks to your introduction, we are now playing together on RZA.
I understand that work can sometimes get just too much to allow other things in your life. I hope that one day you might make it back (I'm sure you'll miss the insults meanwhile) but let's keep in touch from time to time.

Best wishes
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2022-08-31 14:20:03 (ID: 100168935) Report Abuse
Oh damn, that's a blow for me.

Well, sure RL is 1st priority and I wish you the best to get things working out in a direction suitable for you.

Hope you came back at some point.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2022-08-31 14:21:29 (ID: 100168936) Report Abuse
haven't really got to know you
hope you'll give me the chance one day
good luck irl, and be back. soon
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