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Sunrise City Prairie Dogs

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posted: 2023-03-11 21:43:13 (ID: 100172813) Report Abuse
Yeah, I noticed my 31 y/o WR and a short day, too
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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2023-03-13 20:33:28 (ID: 100172851) Report Abuse
HH_KMN wrote:
the energy drop showed up huge. I often play with a rotation of 3 guys for 2 spots on the depth chart. The elderly ones played just half the snaps. A bit harsh in my opinion. Will need to monitor this

I was seeing the same type of thing
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KMN Mandalorians

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posted: 2023-03-13 21:40:07 (ID: 100172852) Report Abuse
the 31 y/o players basically fall of a cliff:

I have 3 CBs who should split snaps. 1 30 y/o and 2 31 y/o guys

Game 1:

30 y/o 68/68 snaps
31 y/o 37/68 snaps
31 y/o 31/68 snaps (in game injurie)

Game 2:

30 y/o 62/63 snaps
31 y/o 33/63 snaps
31 y/o 31/63 snaps

in both games the younger player ended the game with significant lower energy than the older ones, which I think is strange

just to make it clear: I do like that older players need more rest, I just think the ramp is too steep
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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2023-03-14 20:53:57 (ID: 100172877) Report Abuse
More on the 30+ exhaustion situation.
Some of the playtime issue can be resolved with the use of first string players, but not all. This week I was able to get more of my desired players more playing time, but had a couple snags still.
For example, if a manager has 3 top notch players in one position that are wanted to rotate, and hopefully avoid others, they can mark them all as 1st string, but the oldest will get by far fewer plays, thanks to the 1st string rule:
"If more than one player has the settings active, the engine will pick the first-string player having the highest in-game energy."
So the oldest player, (who drains energy faster,) plays one play, then has to wait two or more before the next guy up loses more energy, then the more senior player gets one more play, then sits again.
This could be resolved if all 1st stringers played until hitting the low-energy threshold, the way the normal roster works, before switching to the next 1stieb. The one downside I can see is if some managers may want more equal playing time between them?
Ideally perhaps would be the option to set individual players' energy limits?
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Missouri Misery


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posted: 2023-04-27 13:38:02 (ID: 100173677) Report Abuse
I don't remember and can't seem to find it: How much discount is given for 30+ players?
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Main / Discussions / Team Planning - What to do with 30yo next season?