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Main / Rookie Area / Depth Chart Question Search Forum
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posted: 2022-10-08 14:14:19 (ID: 100169905) Report Abuse
For the depth chart, eg my wr, if I have a players set as first stringer, does that mean he will stay on the field no matter his physical condition, and will only be benched if he is injured? thanks
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posted: 2022-10-08 16:47:30 (ID: 100169910) Report Abuse
If you tick the "first string player" tick-box, this player will be preferred by the engine, no matter what else you set for substitutions in your depth chart or match-settings. If more than one player has the settings active, the engine will pick the first-string player having the highest in-game energy. The only chance for a substitution by using non-first-stringers is then if the first-string-players gets injured.
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Orono Ancient Snappers

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posted: 2023-09-06 08:50:52 (ID: 100176635)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
Which means, from the practical point view, that it's "set in stone", rather than "preferred". Except when that stone "explodes" (i.e. - an injury).
(Not a correction of the 1st reply, which is perfect - only expanding it a li'l bit for potential newcomers in RZA. From the not-so-long-ago newcomer's perspective .)

From the practical point of view, having only first stringers (FS) works exactly the same as not having any FS for the given position.

Still, in my view it's better to use the FS in any depth chart (DC) intended for matches where the result is important (and the opponent is not supposed to be significantly weaker). In-match injuries are a regular feature in RZA. If the limit of 55 players per DC makes it impossible to complete the "opt" number for the position by picking from the whole team roster player(s) whose skills/formal position make a reasonable choice - use as a non-FS any player already in that DC roster. Eg, FB for an RB, CB for an FS. Any DL for any DL position, etc. Keeping in mind, that while there are "min" and "opt" in the DC setup hint, but there is no "max"

Not assigning any FS / assigning only FS - in my opinion only makes sense:
1) in DC intended for "just playing it out",
2) in those positions for a given DC, where you've got enough reasonable and more or less _equivalent_ choices for that position, to complete the "opt" without resorting to FS/non-FS mix

Last edited on 2023-09-06 08:58:45 by jpnwrt

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Main / Rookie Area / Depth Chart Question