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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
Posts: 490
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posted: 2023-04-29 12:32:43 (ID: 100173706) Report Abuse
The playoff race in the AC is coming down to the wire. Four teams are contending for two spots!

Good luck today everyone! Except the Kamloops Mad Dogs.
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Champ Chompers

Usa   Golrath owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-05-14 15:38:55 (ID: 100174012) Report Abuse
GG, Arthur,

Coming down to OT after being down at halftime, was a well fought game, but I couldn't shut you down in the end.

Best of luck in the rest of the playoffs!
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Glastonbury Grail Knights

England   ArthurPendragon owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-07-08/S43
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posted: 2023-05-14 18:03:57 (ID: 100174013) Report Abuse
Golrath wrote:
GG, Arthur,

Coming down to OT after being down at halftime, was a well fought game, but I couldn't shut you down in the end.

Best of luck in the rest of the playoffs!

Thanks. It was a good scrap and I prefer those sort of games though they're not good for the nerves.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2023-05-23 16:18:52 (ID: 100174176) Report Abuse
Thank you all for a fun season! It’s been a blast keeping up with everyone and thanks to all that I had the pleasure of “speaking” with this season. I am off to get my tail kicked each and every league day now. Keep the beer cold fellas, I will be riiiiight back!

Good game TimND. I am not looking forward to playing you twice next season. See ya there bud!

Let’s go Fire!!!
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Glastonbury Grail Knights

England   ArthurPendragon owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-07-08/S43
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posted: 2023-05-23 19:15:54 (ID: 100174187) Report Abuse
Congrats on the win and good luck to both teams in Elite.

The Knights had a good first season in Fire and long may it continue.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
Posts: 490
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posted: 2023-05-24 00:51:48 (ID: 100174193) Report Abuse
ArthurPendragon wrote:
Congrats on the win and good luck to both teams in Elite.

The Knights had a good first season in Fire and long may it continue.

Thanks and I think most of the managers here would agree that we are glad to have you in our league. I love having good managers to compete against, and now I think we have several. I also think a lot of mid-tier teams really took a step forward this season and are going to be able to compete with top contenders next season. I can't wait to get back and mix it up with everyone again.

By the way, not sure if anyone looked, but it looks like TigerCats are getting relegated back to Fire for the first time in FOREVER. I have never played them, but man that team is successful! The 5th ranked team in the world!

Yeah, I think they are ducking me. Watch, next season I will relegate and they will promote. Remember, you saw it here first.
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