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Main / Friendly Cups / FRIENDLY i STEELERS CAP Search Forum
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posted: 2023-03-07 14:37:33 (ID: 100172613) Report Abuse
Hello everyone: I Steelers Cup is the first Friendly Cup that I am going to organize.
I invite you to participate.
Gameday:sunday. Mode: 16 teams play in 4 groups, the best 2 teams per group proceed to KO round. Player Skills mode:all equal (power mode).
Costs per Team: 30 Credits. Bonus for the Cupwinner and Runnerup: 177 and 88 Credits
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posted: 2023-03-18 09:32:43 (ID: 100172949) Report Abuse
Canceled. Thanks
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St Pauli Packers


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posted: 2023-03-19 22:09:48 (ID: 100172979) Report Abuse
is there a new date later in the season?
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posted: 2023-03-20 09:04:09 (ID: 100172982) Report Abuse
I don't know. Zero registrations in 15-20 days. Total failure. I'll think about it. Thank you
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Leverkusen Leopards

Germany   jack6 owns a supporter account   jack6 is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-03-20 10:10:21 (ID: 100172984) Report Abuse
There are several problems with friendly cups.

a) Who opens it
b) how many spots
c) which mode
d) individual trophy

I think it matters who opens the cup and what standing he/she has in the community. Newer managers do have a malus here.
This can be mitigated by making a good presentation for the friendly cup. Eventually also by inviting from region to global.

16 spots are hard to fill, especially if several cups are already running. Combined with the 1st part, maybe it makes sense to start with 8.

The mode is also a thing. Powermode opens it for more managers, but might some bail also. It's tricky. Personally I think power mode is better.

And some managers do also look for an individual trophy, so having only a standard one might also limit the interested managers.

Not saying that you made a few or all thos mistakes, but when you want to make a cup, organize it, it's more than just open the sign up and the rest is a self running thing.

You need more advertizement and a 'story'. Sometimes it really is almost self running, often not.
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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-20 11:37:24 (ID: 100172985) Report Abuse
I would have considered it jumping in this one, but 16 teams is more than I like to sign up for. I am in one now only due to the fact that it is a series and I somehow won the first 8 team event. I agree that it might be best to start at 8.

I have never run a cup, but the other thing I would suggest is to definitely look to see what is currently running if you are a new manager. A lot of the same teams participate in cups. A cup run by Steve Solana that attracts Elite teams is going to tie up teams that do generally sign up for cups and you can only participate in one cup for that given day. A guy like me that just likes to play is going to be more attracted to mixing it up with the big boys.

You might also reach out to some of the folks successfully running cups to see if you can get in theirs and if they would in turn join yours. Just about everyone I have ever reached out to here has been incredibly friendly and easy going. There are also a few guys that are really active and actually take the time to send out personal invites to their cup. In the beginning, you might need to generate some buzz and sell your cup.

Hit me up before you start your next cup and let me know. I am tied up right now but may have a free day opening up here real quick. I would love to join your cup. As long as it is an 8 teamer!
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-20 13:57:17 (ID: 100172986) Report Abuse
BoaTek wrote:You might also reach out to some of the folks successfully running cups to see if you can get in theirs and if they would in turn join yours.

... which he tried, but I didn't let him in, because his team was no match for the theme of the cup ("Animal Kingdom").

That's what I would suggest, too: Use something more specific than just "Steelers"-Cup. hmpf does something similar with his Packers-Cup-Series, yes, but he ties it to the history of Green Bay and uses shining personalities from the Packers-Lore as namesake.

And yes... start small with 8 teams
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-03-20 15:28:59 (ID: 100172989) Report Abuse
Oh, and I wrote A LOT of PNs to strangers to get ANIMAL KINGDOM (and NEW YEAR'S FRENZY before that) filled. A LOT!!!
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posted: 2023-03-20 16:41:11 (ID: 100172991)  Edits found: 1 Report Abuse
In my case, i had 3 sunday cups to choose from at the same time. I had a very very tough time choosing, but i went with the mahomies cup since I'm a chiefs fan (may have chosen another cup otherwise). I also signed up for a Wednesday cup. All 4 cups sent me a message to invite me. Then after my sunday cup started i got the message to invite me from steelers. Nothing personal, but I'm only allowed to choose 1 cup on Sunday. This may be the most cups I've ever seen going on in the same day.

Other people gave good advise here, maybe your first cup should be 8 teams instead of 16.

Power mode helps to get newer teams to join which is good for many teams, but it's not a deal breaker for me anymore. My team has a 65% rating, and I've very competitive against teams up to 10% higher than me. So unless there are teams around the high 70s or in the 80s, I'm ok without power mode.

I'm happy to see this much interest in cups again, but it may also be tougher for some to fill up when there are 4 cups on sunday all at once. A good problem to have though.

Last edited on 2023-03-20 16:46:25 by ombi78

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Quokkas on steroids

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posted: 2023-03-20 16:47:47 (ID: 100172992) Report Abuse
jack6 wrote:

I think it matters who opens the cup and what standing he/she has in the community. Newer managers do have a malus here.
This can be mitigated by making a good presentation for the friendly cup. Eventually also by inviting from region to global.

I would like to add to this: the problem is not the standing a manager has, but in my opinion much more important is the fact, that a lot of new managers just start cups. Now there smart ones like steelers, who check, take care, and delete in case of the cup does not get attention, but the majority of new managers just leaves the cup with managers invited. For the already invited managers this means, they cannot participate in another cup until the starting manager either deletes the cup, or becomes a bot finally.

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