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Main / Rookie Area / Is it worth repairing the stadium, or building over 100,000 seats? Search Forum
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-04-25 21:45:15 (ID: 100173644) Report Abuse
Hi All,

I am a manager of a new team who has won 6 of my last 10 games (very happy about that) and I just had a home game and made $7.7M in ticket sales in my last game. That's probably as much as I am going to make for a while so I wondered about repairing the stadium. The $100,000 fixed cost to initiate the repair made me think that it may be better to wait a few game before repairing the stadium - to spread the cost. I looked in the manual at the calculation and the loss of income.

We have 0% stadium repair = 50% income so its 1% loss of income per 2% loss of condition.

We have $100,000 fixed cost to initiate the repair and $156k per 2% (so per game) to make the repair, so $256k after 1 home game, $412k after week 2 up to $7.9M after week 25 at which point the stadium reaches 0% and income is reduced by 50%.

It turns out that unless you are averaging more than $15.8M a home game in ticket money, you are better off not repairing the stadium - so in my case I am better off never repairing the stadium. It's actually pretty clear that I would actually have been better off in income terms in keeping to 99,999 seats (no repair costs below 100,000 seats) as they I would be drawing in 69% of my max total income rather than the 50% which is the best that I can achieve allowing for repair costs given that I built a full stadium.

Am I missing something?

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-04-26 07:59:06 (ID: 100173649) Report Abuse
It's your choice, but keep in mind
- attendance will drop when you lose games
- attendance will drop when your stadium is declining in condition
- if you reach some playoffs the income is more per seat

A stadium at 99.999 does not have repair, but you lose 43K visitors, which is a lot of money per game.

My approach is to boost at 96%, since if I do not I lose roughly 20K of visitors, which is a bigger loss of income then the repair costs.

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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-04-26 13:03:40 (ID: 100173657) Report Abuse
Thanks Jack,

The financial loss is obviously larger than the manual makes clear. It definitely doesn't look like a larger loss from the information contained there so good to get the gen from experience.

Many thanks,

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2023-04-26 13:26:37 (ID: 100173658) Report Abuse
It does not to be that severe every time, but it can happen.
I had a game starting of the season against a weak opponent and likely a stadium not worse than 96%, still because of no boost by record and weaker condition I had only 121K people.
At 100% it might have been 130K, but I don't know. All I know is, that the decline can become very severe on bad days, if you do not cover the repair, because it is always % and I'm not sure how it works in total.
I think it does take the max value, so 143 and calculate always on that.
Not based on the intermediate results.

But as said, I don't know.

I think the facility manager for lacy people is not worth his money, but I think it makes sense to repair every 2 or 3 home games.
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-04-26 13:30:27 (ID: 100173659) Report Abuse
My approach so far is the same as yours
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posted: 2023-04-28 14:47:00 (ID: 100173690) Report Abuse
How exactly do I sell tickets? I'm a noob, so I seriously don't know what I'm doing.
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-04-28 15:43:16 (ID: 100173691) Report Abuse
I'm only a couple of months ahead of you in experience so it's quite fresh in my memory.

You build the stadium and the seats are sold automatically. Build quickly as a priority because it hoofs up your income and that enables everything else.

The other thing is hire a PR person (Front Office menu -> Staff) as they drive up the number sold. Suggest that you hire lvl 20 as building this up slowly makes you pay more hiring fees so costs more over time.

There is a link to the more you win, the more you sell, but essentially build big and fast and have a PR person, you can manage those whereas other people get a say in whether you win or not!

Suggest that you read Jack6s RZA Guide.

Loads of tremendous advice about everything!

Don't hire any coaches until you have built the stadium. Get the cash rolling first.

All the best,

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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-04-28 15:44:47 (ID: 100173692) Report Abuse
Also, read the manual (Help -> Manual) when you have a specific thing that you want to check as it's also very good. No harm in asking though, many helpful people here that want to help.
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Captain Jack
posted: 2023-04-28 16:33:06 (ID: 100173693) Report Abuse
I would also add - Don't spend money on Players (e.g. Transfer Market) or Facilities, Staff etc until you have built the stadium. As JohnHW said that brings in money. Also arrange friendly games on Fridays to bring in extra money.
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Leadhills Wonderers

Scotland   JohnHW owns a supporter account

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posted: 2023-07-30 19:19:25 (ID: 100175671) Report Abuse
I had another look at this based upon income through the season rather than trying to calculate it per match and the numbers support the suggestion of build it big and keep it maintained. Numbers follow below.

This is my second season and with a full size stadium my ticket income has been just under 130 million for the year. Jack6 suggested about 140 million for the full year so that's pretty close.

I had 19 home games that require repairs to the stadium, 8 in the League and 11 in the Supercup - it would be 7 or 8 Supercup but for Supercup BOT games you can get them switched to your home stadium which increases your ticket sales .

If I repaired the stadium after every game, that's 19 x 256k = 4.86M. That means that I don't lose any income from home games as the stadium is always in 100% repair so that's the total loss over the season.

If I repair the stadium after every other game then I repair the stadium half the number of times (9.5) at a cost of 412k for each repair = 3.91M so that's a saving of 950k. On the other hand, the average game is now played at 99% stadium repair so that's 99.5% capacity = a loss of revenue of 0.5% of 130M = 650k. The loss on the year is therefore 3.91M (repair) + 650k (tickets) = 4.56M. This means that I am better off by about 300k a year if I repair after every other game (so from 96% repair) rather than after every game (so at 98% repair).

That's the sweet spot so if if you remember to do so, repair at 96%.

That said, repairing at 94% only loses you about 300k more over the year, so it's at about the same position as for repairing at 98%. After that you are losing 5-600k a year for consistently repairing at 2% below that point.

To answer the other question that I put. If you stick at 99,900 seats then you don't pay any maintenance costs; however, you only fill your stadium to the same proportion regardless of size. Essentially, you lose about 40M a year by keeping the stadium smaller in order to avoid maintenance costs. You pay about 17M to get the stadium from 99,000 seats up to 144,300 seats to it's well worth building those extra seats.

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Main / Rookie Area / Is it worth repairing the stadium, or building over 100,000 seats?