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Main / Suggestions / Promotions to RZA Elite League and relegations to Liga 1 Search Forum
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posted: 2023-06-27 14:02:41 (ID: 100175086) Report Abuse
In my case, I am still far from being able to promote to the RZA Elite League, but I have read a lot in the forums looking at proposals and I allow myself to make what, in my opinion, would be the best options to avoid relegation of teams that have made an Elite League "acceptable". That 16 teams (50%) do not change each season, but only 12 (37.50%).
The price is that only 4 Bowl finalists go up.
The Bowl Champions of each League 1 are promoted to Elite and the Elite teams 25 to 32, or 13 to 16 of each conference, or the 8 division quarters, are directly relegated to a League 1.
The finalists of the League 1 Bowl play a promotion match to Elite (4 go up) and the Elite teams 17 to 24, or 9 to 12 of each conference, or the 8 third divisions, play a relegation match to the League 1 (down 4).
Only one date is needed, which is the one that was for Relegation (the Saturday before the last week). In other posts I give an example of what would have been the end of Season 51. It could be considered. I have another different option, I explain it in another post. Thank you so much.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2023-06-27 14:24:52 (ID: 100175087) Report Abuse
I really liked your idea but I think that the "Elite system" is already consolidated and things will probably never change. It is not perfect but works pretty well.

I think that day 71 (former "Relegation day") should be used again for official matches. If we move the leagues' bowls for this day we could use day 74 (final league day) to play the promotion to Elite.

If the aim is to have te best teams of each region on the Elite League so why not make both L1 finalists face the "relegated" Elite teams from each region? I already expect something like "we need to guarantee some renovation on Elite" but we already have some long term Elite teams so this "renovation" is not completely real for me.
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posted: 2023-06-27 15:29:08 (ID: 100175090) Report Abuse
Example Season 51
Ascens to RZA Elite.
Leagues 1 Champions: Bracciano Lakers, Mustangs, Budapest Janitors, Niceville Norsemen, TOOL, Burnaby Bruisers, Stone Mountain Hawks 2 and Guardians.
Descents to League 1.
Mode A. The las of each Division: Willemstad Bridges (R), Maykop Dynamos (R), Helsinki Gangsters (R), Free Agent Mascots (R), mystics (R), Bradford Northern (R), Dumbarajko Elephants (R) and Oldtown Rooks (R).
Mode B. The four last of each Conference: Maykop Dynamos, Fredericksburg Comanches, Willemstad Bridges, Free Agent Mascots, Dumbarajko Elephants, Bradford Northern, Alert Polar Bears and Oldtown Rooks.
Mode C. The eight last of league: Raspberry Bush, Dumbarajko Elephants, Fredericksburg Comanches, Willemstad Bridges, Bradford Northern, Alert Polar Bears, Free Agent Mascots and Oldtown Rooks.
Next Post: promotion and relegation games
Thank you
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posted: 2023-06-27 15:47:02 (ID: 100175091) Report Abuse
No structural changes will happen on this, and the relegation system won't change. I am sorry. We need to maintain the relation from each team to its original region, and we will have to work based on a "power of 2" number of promiting / relegating teams from each region / Elite dvision
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posted: 2023-06-27 16:08:56 (ID: 100175092) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
No structural changes will happen on this, and the relegation system won't change. I am sorry. We need to maintain the relation from each team to its original region, and we will have to work based on a "power of 2" number of promiting / relegating teams from each region / Elite dvision
Well, it doesn't matter, I'll keep fighting to get to Elite as soon as possible. Thank you for assisting me
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posted: 2023-06-27 18:15:27 (ID: 100175096) Report Abuse
steelers wrote:I'll keep fighting to get to Elite as soon as possible.
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Rio Claymore


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posted: 2023-06-27 20:22:27 (ID: 100175103) Report Abuse
linkleo911 wrote:
I really liked your idea but I think that the "Elite system" is already consolidated and things will probably never change. It is not perfect but works pretty well.

I think that day 71 (former "Relegation day") should be used again for official matches. If we move the leagues' bowls for this day we could use day 74 (final league day) to play the promotion to Elite.

If the aim is to have te best teams of each region on the Elite League so why not make both L1 finalists face the "relegated" Elite teams from each region? I already expect something like "we need to guarantee some renovation on Elite" but we already have some long term Elite teams so this "renovation" is not completely real for me.

@Pete I am not seeking for changes but I am curious about your post here... My "suggestion" do not change any of the rules mentioned so in "alternative universe" it could be possible to do?
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Quokkas on steroids

Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2023-06-28 11:56:16 (ID: 100175114) Report Abuse
We do not have any reölegation between Elite and D1 for a reason. Elite was not meant to be a place where the strongest teams can hide. I was always aiming for the goal to have as much exchange between these league levels as possible. I would prefer to relegate 3 teams out of each division ... for even more exchange. I dislike providing a "you can stay" chance to those wo do not come in first in their division.
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Social Distance Runners

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posted: 2023-08-10 14:49:44 (ID: 100175898) Report Abuse
steelers wrote:
In my case, I am still far from being able to promote to the RZA Elite League, but I have read a lot in the forums looking at proposals and I allow myself to make what, in my opinion, would be the best options to avoid relegation of teams that have made an Elite League "acceptable". That 16 teams (50%) do not change each season, but only 12 (37.50%).
The price is that only 4 Bowl finalists go up.
The Bowl Champions of each League 1 are promoted to Elite and the Elite teams 25 to 32, or 13 to 16 of each conference, or the 8 division quarters, are directly relegated to a League 1.
The finalists of the League 1 Bowl play a promotion match to Elite (4 go up) and the Elite teams 17 to 24, or 9 to 12 of each conference, or the 8 third divisions, play a relegation match to the League 1 (down 4).
Only one date is needed, which is the one that was for Relegation (the Saturday before the last week). In other posts I give an example of what would have been the end of Season 51. It could be considered. I have another different option, I explain it in another post. Thank you so much.

As you and possibly many others, I don't see the promotion/relegation system as ideal. In my many years here I have seen many managers giving up because of it.

Some years ago I put lots of thoughts behind it. Like regions stealing spots from other regions, for example. BUT, Pete convinced me of the fact how complicated this all would be. And, even the best suggestion never lead to something perfect and had its downsides.

For my part I know that promoting to elite will always be possible. Staying in Elite requires lots of energy and time, research an intelligence. I admire managers like Kanar or HH_KMN from the SeaDevils region or others like Rufio, Solana Steve or others who are on a level well superior to mine. And I accept, made my peace with this and have fun nonetheless.

So when will I see you promoting to Elite ? You already have a nice 10-6 record this season in Fire ?
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posted: 2023-08-12 10:34:28 (ID: 100175947) Report Abuse
Thank you for your comment. As for the time it will take me to promote Elite, well I don't know, I suppose still 2 or 3 seasons at least. Greetings
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Main / Suggestions / Promotions to RZA Elite League and relegations to Liga 1