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Niceville Norsemen

Usa   BoaTek owns a supporter account

Joined: 2021-10-31/S45
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posted: 2024-01-21 20:01:25 (ID: 100180405) Report Abuse
Great 4th Qtr ball management! Good win sir. Congrats!
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-21 20:16:48 (ID: 100180408) Report Abuse
BoaTek wrote:
Great 4th Qtr ball management! Good win sir. Congrats!

Thank you very much, that was a stressful game until late in Q4

It feels a bit strange to win a Friendly Cup that we organized ourselves, but it's a nice ending to this season nonetheless.

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Constanta Ravens

Romania   Radu91 owns a supporter account   Radu91 acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2024-01-21 20:35:54 (ID: 100180409) Report Abuse
Congrats Chrill,
Another friendly cup bowl win
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Germany   Chrill owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-01-22 16:23:31 (ID: 100180461) Report Abuse
Thanks, man

So, to button it all up: That was the Year's End/New Year 23/24 Hullabalooza Friendly Cup.

As we've not done that we'd like to thank the participants that made it to the playoff games: the Constanta Ravens, the Social Distance Runners, the Ruhrpott Miners, the Creators team, the Bretzfeld Bandits, Ipso Facto and the Niceville Norsemen. We hope you enjoyed the ride. And we wish good luck to those who still play games this season.

For every other team we hope you have a good offseason and then a good start to the new season that's just around the corner.

Cya next time

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