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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-04-21 08:32:19 (ID: 100183198) Report Abuse
As far as I know when you cancel a contract for a player he gets 75% of his wages that he would get till end of contract.

Today I wanted to cancel one where player gets 185.000 per week.

With two weeks left he would get 370.000 if he stays, 75% if I cancel.

But message was to pay him 416.250 if I cancel, it seems it is counting three weeks to go to end the season.

We have two more updates on Wednesday and on Sunday in season 55.

Why is RZA counting as three?
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-04-21 09:25:51 (ID: 100183199) Report Abuse
Where did you get that "75%" from? This is just wrong.
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-04-21 11:09:49 (ID: 100183200) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Where did you get that "75%" from? This is just wrong.

From canceling a lot of contracts 😉

Trust me 👍
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-04-21 12:00:05 (ID: 100183202) Report Abuse
The code does not support your version, I am sorry. 75% is within the possible range, but neither the upper or lower boundary.
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-04-22 04:34:02 (ID: 100183218) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
The code does not support your version, I am sorry. 75% is within the possible range, but neither the upper or lower boundary.

Today RZA sees that there are only two updates left.

My player has 185.000 salary.

2 x 185.000 = 370.000
370.000 x 75% = 277.500

And that is exactly how much I paid when I canceled contract.

In my first post you can see a math when RZA sees there are three weeks left.
Same math, again 75% of his 3 week salary.

And that is something that I get each time in my RZA career when I cancel contract.

With no exceptions.

Maybe I am just lucky to have same math over and over 😄
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-04-22 12:05:04 (ID: 100183222) Report Abuse
As said, this is within the possible range. I had to correct your initial statement to avoid others thinking, it is hardly fixed 75%.
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Europe   pete owns a supporter account   pete is a Knight of

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posted: 2024-04-22 12:08:09 (ID: 100183223) Report Abuse
Oh, and to answer that other part of the question: yesterday, it was 8 days until season rollover, today it is 7. So yesterday: more than 1 week aka more than 2 payments, today: 1 week, so 2 payments ... it does not take into account if the financial payment of yesterday morning was done already. So, Sunday is a bad choice for beancounters to cancel contracts.

And no, I am not going to change this.
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Dumbarajko Elephants

Serbia   Dumbarajko owns a supporter account

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posted: 2024-04-22 19:20:28 (ID: 100183236) Report Abuse
pete wrote:
Oh, and to answer that other part of the question: yesterday, it was 8 days until season rollover, today it is 7. So yesterday: more than 1 week aka more than 2 payments, today: 1 week, so 2 payments ... it does not take into account if the financial payment of yesterday morning was done already. So, Sunday is a bad choice for beancounters to cancel contracts.

And no, I am not going to change this.

Yeah, same as forecast.

No problem with that, maybe I first time wanted to cut someone on u p d a t e day 😁😁
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