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Main / Suggestions / Transfer Market Needs Fixing Search Forum
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posted: 2024-10-01 04:51:09 (ID: 100186628) Report Abuse
There is just little reward for selling a player. A really good young player, with excellent starting physicals yet not much training, goes for pocket change. Receiving $200,000 is not enough for a player with excellent physicals and a trait like track star. You should let the players who are selling decide the price for a player. Its how every other sports management game that I ever played has done it. Buzzerbeater and Hattrick. If the price is too high, no one will buy the player. Fine, then the owner can relist the player for less money next time. I just sold two players, both with excellent starting physicals, and they went for only $200000. No one really uses the transfer market that much. If more people would have used the transfer market, they probably would have sold for more. But most don't because its not that financially rewarding. Most players aren't even sold. They're put on the market because the owner has a bloated budget. They just sit there and then disappear. Letting owners set the price will remedy all of this in the long run. More people will start to use it, which will make it better for everyone. As of now, its this games glaring weakness.
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Girona Dragons 1714

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posted: 2024-10-01 12:47:58 (ID: 100186633) Report Abuse
I don't agree.
The market is self-regulating, so I don't see the need for any changes. Years ago, during the early days of RZA, players were being sold for exorbitant amounts. That's no longer the case. If we didn't intervene to lower prices back then, there's no reason to encourage higher prices now.
A player's value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for them. If a player can't sell for even a dollar, it simply means they're not worth anything. It's that straightforward.

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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2024-10-01 13:44:51 (ID: 100186634) Report Abuse
I agree, that the market has no real use anymore.

But the problem is quite complex, since right now it is simply a plattform to put a player up for sale and the starting price is based on his wage level, more or less.

Not sure it was in the past the way you would like to have it, or it was in the test-stage, prior production, but as it is right now it is quite long.

The change you ask for would mean, the manager itself has to set a starting point, like 'I think the guy is worth 2 million' and then see, whether someone is willing to pay it, or the base to set the starting price automatically should be changed to reflect better the physicals.

The biggest problem the market has is not the initial price, it is the demand and the offer. There are many players offered, also many good one, but also a lot of bad ones, and the demand from a shrinking manager base is declining.

I did suggest a lot of stuff in the past X years to have a life market I believe the rules must have been changed dramatically, like 'no internal contract prolongation' and 'wages based on offer'. But that would change the whole game.

The reality is, the user base is shrinking, there are plenty of players offered, in the YA and also in the draft. So assuming you want 2 million for a great guy, today he would start at 50.000 or so and then those few users looking might bid more or not. Your wish is, to have a minimum of 2 million (as example) and then if even one user wants that guy and is willing to spend, he spends the money. But with that amount of players offered, I don't expect many managers going that way, just wait for the next manager or the pool players and pay less. If the player IS worth (whatever that means in such a game) 2 million, you get it, if you are lucky and several are bidding and it goes as high.

I don't think your suggested change would help to revitalize the market.

I can tell you want I would do, I would just remember that players from manager XY are cheap and of ZA are expensive. And I hate expensive, so I ignore ZA. Sure not all would do it that way, but on a base of 200 and less, every manager NOT bidding, is a miss.
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Main / Suggestions / Transfer Market Needs Fixing