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Main / Suggestions / Rookie of the Year/Comeback Player of the Year Search Forum
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Minnesota Silvers


Joined: 2024-09-18/S57
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posted: 2024-12-08 21:32:41 (ID: 100187917) Report Abuse
In my short time here, when I saw what awards players could own, I did not see a single ROTY or CPOTY, all I saw was Best QB, or Best WR, or just awards being handed to just important positions. So, my idea is to add ROTY and CPOTY to RZA!

Rookie of the year:
'The can be an award for both defensive and offensive rookie
'Awards would work not only in just the leagues, but there could be the Best rookie for the entire RZA and they can be awarded with an award too.
'Placing system is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Comeback Player of the year
'goes to the player who has improved their year the most after going down to injury last season or having a horrible season last season
'Awards would work not only in just the leagues, but there could be the Best comeback player for the entire RZA and they can be awarded with an award too.
'Placing system is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

So, what do you think? do you think this feature should be added to RZA? I do, and I can't wait for it if it is approved by RZA!

GM of the Minnesota Silvers,
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posted: 2024-12-08 21:48:13 (ID: 100187918) Report Abuse
Welcome to the forum!
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Minnesota Silvers


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posted: 2024-12-08 21:54:16 (ID: 100187919) Report Abuse
Happy to be here Lol
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Cà Mau con hổ


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posted: 2024-12-09 07:15:32 (ID: 100187924) Report Abuse
0verpowerd wrote:
Rookie of the year:
'The can be an award for both defensive and offensive rookie
'Awards would work not only in just the leagues, but there could be the Best rookie for the entire RZA and they can be awarded with an award too.
'Placing system is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

That's a nice idea, but what exactly is a rookie? I understand the word rookie, the problem in RZA is what counts as a rookie. For example, if I bring a player from the youth center into the professional team and only have 1 league game left and use him there, then is that his rookie season? If I don't use him, the season after that would be his rookie season?
I think it's a very nice idea, but there is the question what counts as a rookie.

0verpowerd wrote:
Comeback Player of the year
'goes to the player who has improved their year the most after going down to injury last season or having a horrible season last season
'Awards would work not only in just the leagues, but there could be the Best comeback player for the entire RZA and they can be awarded with an award too.
'Placing system is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Injuries don't usually take that long in RZA (at least if you have a doctor). Therefore, it would be more logical to give an award for the strongest improvment to a player.
At least that's my opinion.

Overall, I don't know how much work that would be for Pete, if he wants to burden himself with it.
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Minnesota Silvers


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posted: 2024-12-09 15:42:42 (ID: 100187937) Report Abuse
Well, mostly, I don't feel like YA players are considered "full rookies", as they never came from the draft, drafted players are more likely to win the award since they are considered rookies, You could say that there could be a YA player of the season, but that's really all I would think about them doing

As for the comeback player, I do understand what you said, so you could possibly drop out the whole 'injury' idea for CPOTY, but I would still think the most improved player should get "something", even ifs its not for their league.

I still do think there are things missing from the player trophies, but share your ideas before we get to mine.
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Main / Suggestions / Rookie of the Year/Comeback Player of the Year