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posted: 2011-09-27 21:39:40 (ID: 12025) Report Abuse |
The playbook adds special tactics to your gameplay. If you like to pass on 3rd and long, but want to rush on 3rd and short - this is your interface. The playbooks are a little bit different for Offense and Defense. For every situation in a game the playbook is checked to see if there is a matching entry or not. If there are more than a single entry for the situation available, the first entry is the only entry used. You can change the order in your playbook by drag and drop entries. The offensive playbook allows you to set up your preferred plays by down and distance as well as quarter. On the other side of the ball the defensive playbook allows you to react to an offensive formation with a defensive formation call and blitz package(note: At this time the blitz package is not enabled) It is important to note that the playbook settings will overwrite the standard match tactics given in match settings! In overtime the clock settings in the offensive playbook are ignored! Settings for formation and direction don't matter on Punts and Fieldgoals! Warning 1: Be careful when adding rules utilizing ANY. Any Down means the 4th down too. So if you add a rule "Any Quarter, Any Down, Pass medium" - your squad will go for the 4th and long. Warning 2lease notice the playbook checker on top of the playbook. It is possible to enter a certain situation on the field here, and the check will show you the entry that would become active during the game. Warning 3:The order of the entries is important. The check for active playbook rules goes from top to bottom. The first matching rule becomes active. Having "Any quarter any down"-rules on top of the playbook makes all following rules useless. Example Offense Playbook: downloads/playbook_example_offense_v2.txt The offered playbook contains rules for many situations. From top to bottom: 1. Try a Fieldgoal when in Overtime and less than 40 yards away from goalline 2. and 3. Last minute Fieldgoal when behind 1-3, more risky on less clock left 4. and 5. Last minute Fieldgoal on end of the second quarter 6. and 7. Try Fieldgoal if less than 40 yards away from goalline on 4th down. One rule here is in to give you an easier way to switch for run/pass, just adapt the 1 yard to go line 8. Go for the 4th down by rush if only 1 yard to go 9.-13. Punt on 4th down if more than 1 yard to go. Please note, this overwrites the Game settings! 14. and 15. 3rd down and short: rush! 16. - 18. Rush if leading during 4th quarter, some basic clock management Just download the sample file, and import it into an empty new slot of your playbook, then try to understand the way those rules were built. Use the Checker to confirm your findings. Example Defense Playbook: downloads/playbook_example_defense_v1.txt The offered playbook contains rules for many situations. It contains one rule per offense formation, and reacts different on pass and rush (assumptions). There is a special ruleset when within your own redzone, the formations are then a bit more compact. A last advice... Don't start with a playbook containing hundreds of rules, you will go crazy when looking for mistakes. Start with some easy to understand rules - like the example playbooks - and enhance your playbook once you understood fully what to do. |
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posted: 2011-09-27 21:58:47 (ID: 12035) Report Abuse |
Dal Manuale, qualche consiglio per editare il vostro PlayBook con successo!
Per ogni play, durante la partita simulata, il Motore di Gioco scansiona il PlayBook per vedere se esiste un gioco disponibile (creato dall'utente) oppure no. In caso di più gia scansione infatti avviene dall'alto in basso, nella lista. Potete cambiare l'ordine dei vostri Giochi trascinando le righe in alto o in basso nella lista. Il vostro PlayBook sovrascrive le tattiche standard che impostate nella pagina del Match prima di ogni partita, ma nel caso il GE non trovasse nessun gioco nel PB per una situazione specifica, allora userà i settaggi base della pagina Match. ATTENZIONE ad usare ANY, any dows comprende anche il 4°down. "Any Quarter, Any Down, Pass medium" = la vostra squadra giocherà anche i 4i downs PLAYBOOK CHECKER: è lo strumento in alto, nella pagine del PlayBook, serve per verificare che giochi chiamerà il vostro PB in determinate situazioni di gioco che potete liberamente settare qui. L'ordine con cui posizionate i vostri Giochi è importante, vi ricordo che il GE sceglie solo il primo che trova. Per esempio se settate due giocate col tempo rimanente, assicuratevi di mettere prima il Gioco da chiamare a 30 sec. dal termine e poi quello da chiamare a 60 sec. dal termine. Se li invertite il GE sceglierà sempre il gioco con 60 sec. dal termine. POTETE SCARICARE DUE PLAYBOOK DI ESEMPIO PER ATTACCO E DIFESA, in modo da capire meglio come funzionano e poi creare i vostri PB personalizzati. |
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