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Main / Discussions / Help needed - financial crisis due Coaches Search Forum
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posted: 2012-01-21 13:16:35 (ID: 25057)
Buffalo wrote:
I don't want to see that a team turn bot, because of financial trouble, but there are enough ways to prevent it.

If the Admins provide a "Rettungsschirm", than I like to see a rule to prevent such situations. If a team is in financial trouble, it will be not allowed to buy new players for the next 5 RZA-weeks (merciful way) or for the rest of the season (harsh way).

This would be true with the conditions posted above, since we cut all money to pay back the loan, each night. And yes, we could block the player from buying players as long as he did not pay back the full amount.
posted: 2012-01-21 13:17:57 (ID: 25058) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:

All statements are valid, from my point of view.

We could adjust the numbers, and we could make this a one time feature for each club, and we make the conditions more strong.

100% NO

We have big rosters, containing valuable, trained players - they are assets, they can be sold. Decent players are going for silly money - he may only have to sell one player - depends on the size of his debt though.

Then maybe next time he might consider a bit of planning before he plunges in financially.
posted: 2012-01-21 15:35:57 (ID: 25082) Report Abuse
It's very easy to raise money in RZA, so it should not be necessary to do bailouts.

I probably have 12 players on my roster that would sell for more than $10M, and anyone who has been training players for almost 2 seasons is the same.

It sucks to have to get out of a financial hole, but that's a part of the game (and nowadays, a part of life, it seems).

I've had a couple restarts in RL, and I can safely say that recovering in RZA is much easier than in RL.

I'm not going to vote on this. But if it passes, I do like the fact that your Bankruptcy is pretty draconian. Pete. I'd personally rather sell off a player or two than go through it.

Last edited on 2012-01-21 15:40:28 by Lee1950

posted: 2012-01-21 15:39:03 (ID: 25083) Report Abuse
agree with the majority here, players are sellable assets to fix his problems no bail out please!
posted: 2012-01-21 15:39:46 (ID: 25084) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:
. . . Now he bought quite good coaches, and released them again, he had to pay the contractual penalty. This turned him into the dark red on his accounting balance, and it seems there is NO chance for him to repair this situation. . .

I overcooked my team finances, and did not realise there was a financial penalty for firing a coach. Had there been an 'are you sure you want to do this - it will cost X' type warning, I wouldn't have fired the coach. It would have left me more money to plough into stadium building (which is the only meaningful way to obtain more finances and cope with an ongoing negative financial forecast).

Coaches are a new feature - he wasn't warned - I think this manager should be given a break.

There are so many new features, if you expect players to understand every nuance you expect too much. We don't all have time to read all the Forum posts.

The 'financial forecast' feature isn't in my view adequate, and the fast pace of the regular season is bizzarely offset by a very long off season where lesser clubs suddenly lose the routine income of league and SC matches between each financial update. Coaches, new and old, need guidance on financial features of the game.

Sure, he made a mistake. I made a mistake. If you allow the team to go bankrupt, he'll drop out. And, if you didn't make the huge financial impact of having coaches clearer to him (or me, or others) then it is the fault ultimately of the games design, not the player.
posted: 2012-01-21 15:42:08 (ID: 25085) Report Abuse
Buffalo wrote:
From the manager licence:

#8 - Check the economy

The most important thing besides winning games is to keep the economy of your club alive. A good manager always know about the financial situation.

From the manual:

Money makes the world go round, both here and in real life.


Keep an eye on your finances - without proper management you can't win!

There was a reason, why the Admins wrote it there.

Sure, but it doesn't tell you HOW. It doesn't tell you what features of the game are vital. It doesn't warn what a huge drain on finances coaches are. I had to find out from a forum that the only meaningful thing to do in terms of things financial is build a huge stadium - then everything else follows. That is both an omission in game design (that I had to learn it from a forum) and a weak link in the design (that everyone does the same thing).
posted: 2012-01-21 16:07:16 (ID: 25087) Report Abuse
Give him a chance, personaly i thought the coaches influence will work from the new season on so i thought the costs also start with the new season and so i was in a little hole two.
nobody at the start of the season could know that there will high cost coaches at the end of the season so i think as long as those things are implemented during a running season there should be given the managers a change to figure out how to deal with such things.
posted: 2012-01-21 16:18:29 (ID: 25088) Report Abuse
Not only because this is the specific one manager but in generall

When one fails he shall start over with new team and make better decisions next time

I dont see reason why to save someone who especially did not care a s*** for investing into financial basis!

He is also Knight, so he knows the basics - he pushed the limits - he failed - he can start over

Or as said: sell his draftees to save the team and hopefully the rest money he invests in stadium and not gambling on market to buy crap players

Please understand: me and other good managers also will find again in situation with maybe just a million short to buy a player without ever getting near to financial trouble - in this situation i can not get loan to buy my player and i think me or other similar would deserve to get it compared to the fact if "we help teams" the failed and ignored everything
posted: 2012-01-21 16:31:32 (ID: 25089) Report Abuse
Niners wrote:

There are so many new features, if you expect players to understand every nuance you expect too much. We don't all have time to read all the Forum posts.

The 'financial forecast' feature isn't in my view adequate, and the fast pace of the regular season is bizzarely offset by a very long off season where lesser clubs suddenly lose the routine income of league and SC matches between each financial update. Coaches, new and old, need guidance on financial features of the game.

Sometimes it is difficult to find answers in the forum, but it is all written in the manual. It is the job of each manager to understand the rules. If you are not sure how to handle some situations you can ask your question in the forum or ask a mentor. We would not write a letter about how to do this and that.

If the forecast is not good enough for you, than make your own. It is not so difficult to calculate your weekly income and expenses. If your expenses are higher than the income, than you have a problem or hopefully a big bankrole.
posted: 2012-01-21 17:02:21 (ID: 25091) Report Abuse
First off everyone in the EU and America needs to take a step back. And if your a fan of a big soccer club (outside Arsenal) step WAY back. When talking about debt and then

The stipulations that Pete entails are pretty stiff. While I understand its pretty apparent that you NEED to generate income inorder to purchase things it is understandable how things can catch up with you because of the acceleration of new additions as a game advances.

I would say those penalties are a pretty heavy detterant for going red. It will definitely effect your for seasons and like he said its a ONE time chance.

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Main / Discussions / Help needed - financial crisis due Coaches