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Main / Discussions / Help needed - financial crisis due Coaches Search Forum
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posted: 2012-01-22 09:48:26 (ID: 25177) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:

But we posted all information, and a more than 400 posts strong discussion happend. . .

@Most posters:
What I don't get: why we ave to think in extreme black or white dimensions? When I started this discussion, I expected a little bit more different opinions...just wondering. We should not understand this as a chance to kick a manager out of the game, and we should not do "all that is possible to make the managers life too easy" - I hop you get what I mean.

Admin - for me, seeing 400 posts was enough to make me think 'I have no time and thus no chance at understanding this stuff until there is a guide - I will wing it'. I'm pretty sure as a result I've bought too many coaches and will pay for it longer term. I don't think expecting people to read 400 posts is realistic. I'd suggest that - if it is important, it should be explicit in the manual. If it is so important it could cripple your team, it should be in the managers' license and made VERY clear'. But, as I've said in other posts I do regard this game as being a Beta 'development' game rather than the polished article. As a result, stuff like this will happen.

In terms of your comment about 'extreme black and white views' - I didn't find all the posts to be extreme - but you are clearly caught in the middle of quite a hot debate so I can see why it might feel like that. Fortunately for us players, your shoulders are broader than Patrick Willis' (otherwise you'd have told us all to go to hell by now) so thank you for bearing up through it all.

For me, I'd counsel you to make a decision like this somewhere privately. I think that the impact of coaches wasn't really understood - and that ultimately sits in the development arena - so you would have to decide what to do about that privately. You won't get a consensus on that sort of thing as we all have vested interests. I'll trust you to do the right thing privately - I don't need to know the details.

In terms of the actual suggestion you made - I found it a bit odd - but I haven't really analysed it. My overarching view is - find a way to keep the player in the game, but give them a heavy penalty.

We should all remember that, by making the debate public, the player has already suffered a heavy penalty of having their game play exposed very publically. There is one of our friends out there somewhere being walloped by every comment posted on this thread and that in itself it pretty harsh stuff to suffer through.

I'll close on a final thought - in the NFL if I remember rightly when the Patriots 'cheated' (in the eyes of the league) didn't they get penalised a Draft Pick? I get the impression that in this game that would be a great penalty, because the threads I read suggest that Draft Picks are huge - maybe there is something you could do there?

Anyway - Admin - whatever you decide is fine by me - but find a way to keep the player in the game (and I'd do this stuff privately in future if I were you - I trust you to do it in a honorable and balanced fashion).
posted: 2012-01-22 09:56:23 (ID: 25179) Report Abuse
Ditto on trusting you, Admin, to do what you think is fair and in the best interest of all managers and the game....whether you do it privately our out here.

You've already figured out the hard part ... no decision will ever please everyone!
posted: 2012-01-22 11:38:17 (ID: 25185) Report Abuse
Why is it so difficult for the struggling manager to sell a few players?

This happens in football (soccer to some of you ) all the time - team gets in trouble, team has to sell some of their best players and rebuild the squad!

There has been talk recently of setting a minimum number of players for each position on the roster - I would suggest making a bailout available ONLY if the roster is at the minimum level in every position.

And all the talk of the NFL draft balancing etc is ridiculous. NFL teams are established franchises with massive income streams, huge stadiums, making fortunes from TV rights and merchandising. When we start it is made clear our virtual teams are little clubs with a bunch of no-hopers on the roster. We have an NFL-like draft already, our players are currently too crap to consider the term 'salary-cap'.... are any of you aware of exactly how huge that salary cap is in real life? $120 million. And a salary floor of $108 million - yes, that is the minimum salary level they are allowed.....


posted: 2012-01-22 12:12:20 (ID: 25192)
LLPadre wrote:
A little consideration about transfer market .......

Why it exist the max limit of 16000 to sell out and not a limit to bids ?

Why exist the limit of 70 players in roster and not a limit for each position (that can limit also the bids to buy another player in the same role ?

The first limit is due we have seen some cheating

The second one woudlnt make sense, since positions are switchable.

posted: 2012-01-22 12:14:55 (ID: 25194)
Ranagol wrote:
I wonder if I'm the only one who thought about this, but...did this thread only start beacause the manager in question has that little knight logo behind his name?

No, believe me. It was just occurring of the very first time for such problems.

And believe me, I handle such requests without looking at the knight-status
posted: 2012-01-22 12:15:45 (ID: 25195) Report Abuse
JonnyP wrote:

And all the talk of the NFL draft balancing etc is ridiculous. NFL teams are established franchises with massive income streams, huge stadiums, making fortunes from TV rights and merchandising. When we start it is made clear our virtual teams are little clubs with a bunch of no-hopers on the roster. We have an NFL-like draft already, our players are currently too crap to consider the term 'salary-cap'.... are any of you aware of exactly how huge that salary cap is in real life? $120 million. And a salary floor of $108 million - yes, that is the minimum salary level they are allowed.....

The only reason why i brought up the NFL was that someone said I want socialism and I explained it with the NFL...

I am against the Transfermarket, cause it makes Older (not better) Teams it even easier to expand there allready better Roster with better Players cause they had the Fortune to start early.

And btt solve a Problem by using another problem could not be the solution....

I personaly stopped reading the Coaches thread when I was of 2 Days and there where 5 or 6 more sides of discussion ...

Last edited on 2012-01-22 12:16:41 by Tarjan


posted: 2012-01-22 12:16:31 (ID: 25196)
Ranagol wrote:
Pete brought this suggestion up only because a knight is in trouble...

Is wrong, should be:

Pete brought this suggestion up because a user is in trouble in a way we have not seen before...

posted: 2012-01-22 12:18:32 (ID: 25197)
espen wrote:
It's many good points in this thread, but I just wants to give my opinion on the actual question in the beginning of the thread:
Admin wrote:
if you have less than -1,000,000 on your account, no coaches and staff, and no facilities:

you can add 2 stands of the stadium to the max, and the banker will give you loan to bring your account to zero at that moment, including the stadium construction fee. You have to pay 5% interest, and every night we will pay back all existing money on the account to the bank, to pay back the loan as fast as possible.

If you access the game for the 1st time, and decides to buy a cool hc, and after 10 mins of reading in the manual understand it was a not so smart move and fires him. Coz of that you goes below the -1mill mark. I've done a quick calculation (NYDog & Turtle plz correct me I'm not the accountant here ):
After 7 game weeks you got a 88800 stadium and the loan paid back. The penalty you got in these weeks, is not beeing able to buy anything, but your stadium has bounced from 5000 to 88800.
I'd like a bailout option, if managers wants that, but with the current prices on the players draft market it should be a lot more painful to avoid selling one of your draftees.

Wow, I did not think of that "short way". Nice, Espen!

posted: 2012-01-22 12:23:53 (ID: 25198)
Chatral wrote:

Anyway - Admin - whatever you decide is fine by me - but find a way to keep the player in the game (and I'd do this stuff privately in future if I were you - I trust you to do it in a honorable and balanced fashion).

Thanks for that words!

The thing why I went public was easy, I trust in the "judging" power of the community, I am not such arrogant to say "my opinion is the only important one". This is why I bug you all with polls and so on. But yes, the downside of this policy is to start hot discussions.

I have no idea how I should do that privately.

Maybe we need kind of a "board", a closed user group to discuss such decisions...
posted: 2012-01-22 12:38:10 (ID: 25201) Report Abuse
Thanks Espen

I was about to restart with a new team

I hope Admins realize, that current penalty system does not really help

And i fully understand effort to keep managers in game but

1) like in this case it wont help nothing! The more i think it will lead to "unsatisfied well managing owners" if "we" make an exception

2) security has to start earlier and "avoid" teams get into trouble! One would be like: every time a new team (less than 2 season in game) wants to do something except invest in stadium: double check including efect of planned buy with forecast for (current + next season) -> if total balance of (forecast + current cash) is negative -> buy is "voted down" by system

This would also need to change behaviour on market since atm i can bid my current cash multiple time
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Main / Discussions / Help needed - financial crisis due Coaches