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posted: 2012-07-25 06:55:32 (ID: 49087) Report Abuse
How is the relegation games seeded? I understand how the Super bowl team’s move up which takes care of teams placed 29 thru 32. In Galaxy 1.1 the following relegation [league positions] seeds are:


THE Playoff relegation parings are however:

The pairings SHOULD BE this according to how seeding for tournaments are generally accepted and done. Or at least how I was taught in college. Generally the higher seeded teams play the lower seeded teams.


Also note the 1.1 6th place team [ITALIAN LOVERS] is now BOT which I would think would mean ZARZOVICA shouldn’t be playing in a relegation match!

Also as RZA gets older having the Super Bowl teams from 2.2 [and lower] jump a league[s] to 1.1 really doesn’t make much sense as [assuming other are correct in their crystal ball view] they will be greatly outmatched both by talent and financial resources.
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posted: 2012-07-25 08:58:14 (ID: 49097) Report Abuse
Please read the manual: "The teams placed at #25, 26, 27 and 28 have to play against the Conference Championship Match Losers from the two leagues below in the region. The higher league Teams have Home advantage. The winners of those matches will play in the higher League level next season, while the losers of those matches will play in the lower League level. The matchups are random.

The reason is that you have 4 teams from 2 different league 2. How can you say that a #3 team from 2.1 is better than a #4 team from 2.2?
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posted: 2012-07-25 09:41:58 (ID: 49105) Report Abuse
CCILL wrote:
Also as RZA gets older having the Super Bowl teams from 2.2 [and lower] jump a league[s] to 1.1 really doesn’t make much sense as [assuming other are correct in their crystal ball view] they will be greatly outmatched both by talent and financial resources.

It seems to me that you think 2.1 is a higher league than 2.2. It is not so, both 2.1 and 2.2 are level two leagues, so neither is better than the other, they are parallel feeder leagues to 1.1. So 2.2 teams do not skip a league on the way to 1.1.

According to seeding the correct order would be:


That said the manual clearly states that the relegation match ups are random.
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posted: 2012-07-25 12:49:19 (ID: 49136) Report Abuse
Sorry I have to disagree. Based on the setup IF 2.1 is filled with all humans, then 2.2 starts to fill with new players. Which explains how it is written in the manual. Say RZA become popular this fall during football season, naturally new players will be filling up the 2.2 and lower leagues. Seems only natural that they are going to be behind the older teams in 2.1 and above.

So does it make sense that a 2.2 team playing in a league with more bots makes the Super Bowl and advances above teams who in theory played a tougher schedule against human teams? [ I think I read something about this is how lower human teams are selected to fill the bot slots First 2.1 then 2.2 and final league standings.]

Based on how it is now, the relegation eligible teams in 1.1 need to pay attention the final couple of games to see if they need to intentionally lose games to better [worsen] their position for the relegation matches.

The next question then becomes does it make more sense even with the “financial” adjustment to throw the relegation game and drop a level? I haven’t spent much time on it yet, but based on season 3 revenues –v- season 4 it makes more financial cents to “throw” the relegation game and drop back down.
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posted: 2012-07-25 12:54:02 (ID: 49137) Report Abuse
CCILL wrote:
Sorry I have to disagree. Based on the setup IF 2.1 is filled with all humans, then 2.2 starts to fill with new players.

I have to disagree, too. League 2.1 and 2.2 are equal. If a new manager start, he can decide if he want to play in 2.1 or 2.2. League 2.1 must not be filled with 32 human team, before you have the option to choose League 2.2.
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posted: 2012-07-25 13:48:05 (ID: 49143) Report Abuse
Like Buffalo already said, all 2.x leagues are on the same "level". So 2.1 is not higher than 2.2 (the same for the 3rd level when it will come).
The league structure is a pyramid - 1.1 at the top, then 2.1 and 2.2 on the same level (and one day 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 on the third level).

So of course Buffalo is also right in saying that a new manager can s e l e c t whether he will join a 2.1 or 2.2 league (depending on the free spots of course).

Finally regarding "throwing" a relegation match: There will be a more significant difference in financial earnings between 1.1 and 2.x in the future (can't say yet, if it will be starting from next season, but I guess it won't be before season 6 - but who knows ). So it might be a bad idea to releagte on purpose
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2012-07-25 13:51:03 (ID: 49144) Report Abuse
That's true, both lower leagues are equal, regardless of the amount of BOTs and how long some teams might have played in that league.

Human team distribution is based on selfselected starter league.
Some humans like to play with more humans in the league, so it often happens, that a league get filled much faster than the other.

This will iron out over time.
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posted: 2012-07-25 15:57:08 (ID: 49178) Report Abuse
I understand how it is ‘supposed” to be but as of right now in the Galaxy leagues 2.1 has 31 human teams and 2.2 has 18.[Didn’t look at other leagues] Unless the fix is in, human teams usually are a bit tougher than bot teams. [Also kinda looks like there is a splitting off into country division in 2.2} MMMMMM, Conspiring minds begin to wonder??] German Division, French Division, can we rename the league to the World War III League?

2.2 have a major advantage over 2.1 teams in regards to promoting. I find it hard to believe that is what was intended. If so, can I voluntary choose to go down to 2.2 and forfeit my relegation game? Pretty sure [based on season3] I can make more money doing so and should promote back up to 1.1 next season.

The reality is for teams in 1.1 leagues once they are out of the playoff picture probably should start looking at the lower leagues and jockeying for a better [worse] position. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems to make more sense to play in 2.2 –v- 2.1 from a financial standpoint. Maybe this changes after a few season?
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posted: 2012-07-25 16:15:21 (ID: 49182) Report Abuse
As long as there is a high fluctuation of teams, the current picture might be looking completely different next week, or in 2 weeks or in 2 month.
There will be times when in 2.2 all the human teams are in and in 2.1 are mostly bots, so I still don't understand why you are upset?

There are also differences between the regions (more or less bot teams, stronger/weaker teams) but you can't prevent that (except you would mix up all teams from all regions to generate equalized leages each year - but that would be also not a good solution).

So if you think you would be more happy in a bot-driven league, step down to 2.x - it's up to you

And by the way, the comment about WW III was not funny - so please keep such comments for yourself - Thank you!
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posted: 2012-07-25 18:10:02 (ID: 49210) Report Abuse
They may be equal, but they sound different, at least they did for me. I also thought 2.1 was superior to 2.2 when I was signing up, now I see others have made the same mistake. That's probaly an out of game reason, why 2.1 has more players than 2.2.
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Main / Discussions / RELEGATION MATCH UPS ???