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Main / Bug reporting / Team Name in Friendly Cup - NO BUG Search Forum
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Bretzfeld Bandits

Germany   Kottan owns a supporter account   Kottan acts as Mentor for beginners

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posted: 2011-09-12 13:21:32 (ID: 9760) Report Abuse
In the Friendly Cup "Second Cup" there are Teams joined who named Team 2.1.10 and Team 2.1.11. Normally they are the Bocian Squad and the Cottonmouth.

Last edited on 2011-09-12 13:21:56 by Kottan

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posted: 2011-09-12 13:43:34 (ID: 9769)
Kottan wrote:
In the Friendly Cup "Second Cup" there are Teams joined who named Team 2.1.10 and Team 2.1.11. Normally they are the Bocian Squad and the Cottonmouth.

Yep, because the cup was created BEFORE those teams got their new names, this will fix by itself at the moment the cup manager is starting that thing.
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Leverkusen Leopards

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posted: 2011-10-02 21:47:38 (ID: 12439) Report Abuse
Please have a look in the first friendly cup.

KRaular seemed to rename his club.

In the overview it's Kraular, on the matches it's Brjáluðu Vikingarnir
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posted: 2011-10-02 21:57:21 (ID: 12440)
He signed in as Kraular, thats why the name is used. It is always depending on the date and the progress in the cup. After the cup was finshed the "finished at" date will be used, and this will fix the overview too
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posted: 2011-10-03 00:19:22 (ID: 12444) Report Abuse
sorry i could not wait until the end of season some have i think you should not be aboul to change your team name until the off season what do other user think about that?

off topic: can some one tel my the right word so i write "aboul"
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posted: 2011-10-03 06:00:23 (ID: 12446) Report Abuse
aboul -> able

Last edited on 2011-10-03 06:00:32 by Buffalo

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posted: 2011-10-03 08:55:50 (ID: 12451) Report Abuse
looser wrote:
sorry i could not wait until the end of season some have i think you should not be aboul to change your team name until the off season what do other user think about that?

off topic: can some one tel my the right word so i write "aboul"

i agree names should be fixed until season end and a lot are changing them too often.
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Main / Bug reporting / Team Name in Friendly Cup - NO BUG