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posted: 2011-09-15 23:43:44 (ID: 10354) Report Abuse
I have noticed that there are players listed in positions that the position that they are listed as, is not quite the position that they are best suited in.

So, if I want to change a player to another position,I just put him in another psoiton in my depth chart.

But he is still listed as that original position.

For example: I have a player that is listed as a punter,but he has a better passing skill than my second string quarterback.
So, I decide to put him in as my second string quarterback on my depth chart,and he plays in the game as my second string quarterback.
But the thing is...he still shows to be a punter.
Is there any way I can change his listing from a punter to a quarterback?

The main sugestion that I am making,or question that I am asking.

Can a manager change the position listing of his players?

Haveing players playing in postions, but they are listed as different positions can confuse a manager.
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posted: 2011-09-16 00:06:44 (ID: 10355) Report Abuse
yes, you can change it on the players profile page.
just change position and press set
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posted: 2011-09-17 04:06:22 (ID: 10513) Report Abuse
jodla wrote:
yes, you can change it on the players profile page.
just change position and press set

Thanks friend.
I apreciate that.
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posted: 2011-09-17 13:42:43 (ID: 10553) Report Abuse
Can you play a DL in firsyt priority and play the same guy as a punter in offense??
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posted: 2011-09-17 13:48:07 (ID: 10554) Report Abuse
TuffGong wrote:
Can you play a DL in firsyt priority and play the same guy as a punter in offense??

That should work, but he can only be listed as DL or Punter.
But you can but him on the depth chard where ever you want!
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posted: 2011-09-17 13:59:51 (ID: 10561) Report Abuse
TuffGong wrote:
Can you play a DL in firsyt priority and play the same guy as a punter in offense??
his position do not matter have good he play
if you set your punter as DL he will not perform any better as DL
the same go for your DL if you change his position as kicker he still play as good in DL position (and he will not be better kicker)
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posted: 2011-09-17 14:15:53 (ID: 10569) Report Abuse
Why not? So you saying that he wont get experience and rating points if he plays the second position....that dosnt sound right. OK, his PC may be lowered more??? But he still should get the experience points to compensate....mmmmm
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posted: 2011-09-17 14:27:03 (ID: 10572) Report Abuse
TuffGong wrote:
Why not? So you saying that he wont get experience and rating points if he plays the second position....that dosnt sound right. OK, his PC may be lowered more??? But he still should get the experience points to compensate....mmmmm

if you was reply my then
he will get experience and he will get better rating in that position you will play him. If he play as DL he get better rating there then it dos not matter if you have set his position to QB or WR
in -TOG-position work as skill
if i am right then position do not work her or have low value to player Performance

EDIT: because of my bad English we should wait for the admins to clear thin up here so i am not make any misunderstanding

Last edited on 2011-09-17 14:28:29 by looser

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posted: 2011-09-17 14:53:52 (ID: 10592)
positions don't matter in the game simulation. Only for training, if you set "main skill". Compared to other games the ratings don't get used in the engine, since the rating per position is only a mirror of the needed skills.

If someone is called to be a QB, and he has tackling 50, why he should be a worse tackler than someone with tackling 50 called DL?

Last edited on 2011-09-17 16:05:49 by Admin

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posted: 2011-09-17 15:01:34 (ID: 10597) Report Abuse
Admin wrote:

If someone is called to be a QB, and he has tackling 5, why he should be a worse tackler than someone with tackling 50 called DL?
hope this is typo. is it not so post to be QB tackling 5 and DL tackling 5
if not then i am lost
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Main / Suggestions / Players positon listings - NO SUGGESTION