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Match of the Day

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Kickoff: 2024-09-07 18:00:00 (League)
Team   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OT FT
Peoples Republic of Yorkshire
@ Sydney Sea Eagles
Attendance: 135078
15:00 Cointoss won by Sydney Sea Eagles, elects to receive
15:00 Antony Frame (K) kicks the ball for 69, results in a touchback, offense is on the field now, 1 and 10 on own 20 more
15:00 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/R) as target, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Maciu Morcinek (QB) gets sacked by Liatama Yeweh (OLB/R), 8 yards for loss (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
14:35 2 and 18 to go on own 12, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/R) as target, Shane Covington (DE/R) breaks through the line, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Bernie Whitten (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 22 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
14:03 1 and 10 to go on own 34, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/R) as target, Donovan Newman (DE/L) breaks through the line, Omar Hamid (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Bernie Whitten (CB/L) missed the tackle, tackled by Leon Richards (OLB/L), forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
13:32 1 and 10 to go on own 46, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), who hands off to Barney Erickson (HB/L), he starts running over the left end, there is no Defense Line after the block, Barney Erickson (HB/L) tackled by Liatama Yeweh (OLB/R), forward progress: 4 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
13:03 2 and 6 to go on 50, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), who hands off to Barney Erickson (HB/R), this seems to be a run over the right end, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Donovan Newman (DE/L) tackles Barney Erickson (HB/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 2 yards (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more
12:35 3 and 8 to go on own 48, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Jefferey Finney (TE/R) as target, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jefferey Finney (TE/R) tackled by Leon Richards (OLB/L), forward progress: 1 yards (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
12:25 Sydney Sea Eagles: Ulrik Frederik (WR/L) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
12:25 Terrence Meek (P) punts the ball from own 49 for 54, this is a touchback
12:25 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), who hands off to Alexander Ballard (HB/C), he starts running over the left tackle, Nadim Essa (MLB) goes for the blitz, Tony Landrum (TE/L) blocks, the blockers crushed the Defense Line, Alexander Ballard (HB/C) tackled by Jacinto Lowell (MLB), forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-4-4) more
11:56 1 and 10 to go on own 30, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/L) as target, Jacinto Lowell (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Harold Vernon (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-4-4) more
11:47 2 and 10 to go on own 30, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Derek Buckner (HB/R) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right end, Vito Bourque (DE/R) breaks through, Solly Nokwe (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, Derek Buckner (HB/R) tackled by Vito Bourque (DE/R), forward progress: 1 yards (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more
11:20 3 and 9 to go on own 31, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Cedric Broome (WR/L) as target, Mato Poppmeier (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Harold Vernon (FB/R) blocks, the receiver of this inner left pass catches the ball, Cedric Broome (WR/L) tackled by Niko Bezjak (CB/R), forward progress: 5 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
10:46 Corey Frizzell (P) punts the ball from own 36 for 46, Dénes Kriston (KR/C) is returning the ball, tackled by Neal Toliver (G/R), this was a 11 yards return
10:42 1 and 10 to go on own 29, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/L) as target, Shane Covington (DE/R) breaks through the line, Dustin Jessup (FB/C) blocks, this inner left pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Manuele Toniatti (CB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
10:10 1 and 10 to go on own 40, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Jefferey Finney (TE/R) as target, Roy Hodgson (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Big I formation vs. 4-4-3) more
10:02 2 and 10 to go on own 40, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Santiago Settle (WR/L) as target, Omar Hamid (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Manuele Toniatti (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 12 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
9:53 Sydney Sea Eagles: Dénes Kriston (WR/L) injured (Sprained ankle) during the play (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
9:53 1 and 10 to go on opp 48, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/L) as target, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, Dustin Jessup (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
9:45 2 and 10 to go on opp 48, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), who hands off to Barney Erickson (HB/C), this seems to be a run over the left end, Leon Richards (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Mauro Jenner (TE/L) blocks, Barney Erickson (HB/C) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Jakob Landberg (SS/C), forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more
9:14 1 and 10 to go on opp 37, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/L) as target, Omar Hamid (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Dustin Jessup (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
9:05 2 and 10 to go on opp 37, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), who hands off to Barney Erickson (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Leon Richards (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, Mauro Jenner (TE/L) blocks, Barney Erickson (HB/C) sees no OLBs, and gets tackled by Jakob Landberg (SS/C), forward progress: 9 yards (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more
8:58 Peoples Republic of Yorkshire: Omar Hamid (MLB) injured (Twisted knee) during the play (Big I formation vs. 3-3-5) more
8:58 3 and 1 to go on opp 28, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Santiago Settle (WR/R) as target, Shane Covington (DE/L) breaks through the line, Dustin Jessup (FB/C) blocks, Roy Hodgson (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver of this inner right pass catches the ball, Santiago Settle (WR/R) tackled by Manuele Toniatti (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Wishbone vs. 3-4-4) more
8:24 1 and 10 to go on opp 24, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Dustin Jessup (FB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Dustin Jessup (FB/R) tackled by Leon Richards (OLB/R), forward progress: 7 yards (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 4-4-3) more
7:55 2 and 3 to go on opp 17, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), who hands off to Barney Erickson (HB/C), he starts running over the right end, Donovan Newman (DE/R) breaks through, William Tomlin (MLB) goes for the blitz, Bradley Wynn (TE/R) blocks, Mauro Jenner (TE/L) blocks, Donovan Newman (DE/R) tackles Barney Erickson (HB/C), forward progress: 1 yards (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more
7:51 Sydney Sea Eagles: Ulrik Frederik (WR/L) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more
7:28 3 and 2 to go on opp 16, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Jefferey Finney (WR/R) as target, Donovan Newman (DE/R) breaks through the line, Dustin Jessup (FB/C) blocks, he passes outer right for 3 yards to him, intercepted by Manuele Toniatti (CB/L) on the opp 13 (I-formation vs. 4-4-3) more
7:25 Manuele Toniatti (CB/L) returns the ball, Jefferey Finney (WR/R) is tackling him, this was a 47 yards interception return (4-4-3 vs. I-formation) more
7:12 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Tony Landrum (TE/L) as target, Vito Bourque (DE/R) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, the receiver can not catch this inner left pass, incomplete, no progress (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more
7:04 2 and 10 to go on opp 40, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), who hands off to Alexander Ballard (HB/L), this seems to be a run over the left end, Nadim Essa (MLB) goes for the blitz, Alexander Ballard (HB/L) tackled by Solly Nokwe (OLB/R), forward progress: 6 yards (Pro set vs. 3-4-4) more
6:35 3 and 4 to go on opp 34, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Alexander Ballard (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the right tackle, Jerrod Durham (DE/L) breaks through, Johnnie Reaves (TE/R) blocks, Alexander Ballard (HB/C) tackled by Nadim Essa (MLB), forward progress: 9 yards, New first down (Singleback Big vs. 3-4-4) more
6:06 1 and 10 to go on opp 25, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/L) as target, Jerrod Durham (DE/L) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, Jacinto Lowell (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, Wade Täpber (QB) gets sacked by Jacinto Lowell (MLB), 8 yards for loss (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more
5:40 2 and 18 to go on opp 33, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Alexander Ballard (HB/R) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Vito Bourque (DE/R) breaks through, Nadim Essa (MLB) goes for the blitz, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, Vito Bourque (DE/R) brings down Alexander Ballard (HB/R), nice tackle, forward progress: 1 yards (Flexbone vs. 3-3-5) more
5:13 3 and 17 to go on opp 32, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/L) as target, Vito Bourque (DE/R) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
5:04 Antony Frame (K) kicks the ball for the field goal, 49 yard field goal missed
4:59 1 and 10 to go on own 39, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Kane Fairbanks (WR/R) as target, Shane Covington (DE/L) breaks through the line, overthrown inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
4:51 Peoples Republic of Yorkshire: Omar Hamid (MLB) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
4:51 2 and 10 to go on own 39, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Ulrik Frederik (WR/L) as target, Donovan Newman (DE/R) breaks through the line, Dustin Jessup (FB/C) blocks, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Bernie Whitten (CB/R) tackled him, forward progress: 10 yards, New first down (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more
4:19 1 and 10 to go on own 49, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Kane Fairbanks (WR/R) as target, Roy Hodgson (MLB) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass goes to the receiver, who catches the ball, Manuele Toniatti (CB/L) made the tackle, forward progress: 11 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
3:48 1 and 10 to go on opp 40, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Barney Erickson (HB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the right end, Omar Hamid (MLB) goes for the blitz, Barney Erickson (HB/C) tackled by Donovan Newman (DE/R), forward progress: tackle for loss of 1 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-3-5) more
3:20 2 and 11 to go on opp 41, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/R) as target, Leon Richards (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, overthrown inner right pass, incomplete, no progress (Pro set vs. 4-4-3) more
3:12 3 and 11 to go on opp 41, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Kane Fairbanks (WR/R) as target, Shane Covington (DE/L) breaks through the line, Liatama Yeweh (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, this inner right pass is incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
3:03 Terrence Meek (P) punts the ball from opp 41 for 47, this is a touchback
3:03 1 and 10 to go on own 20, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Harold Vernon (FB/C) gets the ball, he starts running over the left end, Nadim Essa (MLB) goes for the blitz, Tony Landrum (TE/L) blocks, Harold Vernon (FB/C) tackled by Solly Nokwe (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Goalline O vs. 3-4-4) more
2:34 2 and 1 to go on own 29, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/R) as target, Jerrod Durham (DE/L) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, Kirk Denton (OLB/L) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, who catches the ball, Jasper McKnight (WR/R) tackled by Conrad Kee (CB/L), forward progress: 4 yards, New first down (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more
2:01 1 and 10 to go on own 33, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), hands off to Alexander Ballard (HB/C), he starts running over the left end, Jerrod Durham (DE/R) breaks through, Mato Poppmeier (OLB/R) goes for the blitz, there is no SS who could tackle him, Alexander Ballard (HB/C) tackled by Niko Bezjak (CB/R), forward progress: 16 yards, New first down (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
1:51 Sydney Sea Eagles: Dénes Kriston (WR/L) is back in the game after his injury (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
1:28 1 and 10 to go on own 49, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Alexander Ballard (HB/C) gets the ball, this seems to be a run over the left end, Jacinto Lowell (MLB) goes for the blitz, Alexander Ballard (HB/C) tackled by Mato Poppmeier (OLB/R), forward progress: 9 yards (Singleback Spread vs. 3-4-4) more
0:59 2 and 1 to go on opp 42, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/R) as target, Jerrod Durham (DE/R) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/C) blocks, Mato Poppmeier (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the receiver can not catch this outer right pass, incomplete, no progress (Flexbone vs. 5-3-3) more
0:51 3 and 1 to go on opp 42, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Jasper McKnight (WR/R) as target, Mato Poppmeier (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, Harold Vernon (FB/R) blocks, the pass goes outer right to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 5-3-3) more
0:42 4 and 1 to go on opp 42, Chester Pounds (OC) snaps the ball to Wade Täpber (QB), Wade Täpber (QB) selected Marcus Wheeler (WR/L) as target, Mteule Akiloye (DE/L) breaks through the line, Harold Vernon (FB/R) blocks, Mato Poppmeier (OLB/R) seems to go for the blitz, the pass goes outer left to the receiver, incomplete, overthrown, no progress (Shotgun 4 WR vs. 5-3-3) more
0:34 turnover on downs more
0:34 1 and 10 to go on own 42, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Mauro Jenner (TE/L) as target, the pass goes inner left to the receiver, who catches the ball, Bernie Whitten (CB/R) missed his chance for a tackle, Leon Richards (OLB/R) made the tackle, forward progress: 14 yards, New first down (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more
0:02 1 and 10 to go on opp 44, Bożydar Błoński (OC) snaps the ball to Maciu Morcinek (QB), Maciu Morcinek (QB) selected Carl Hodgson (TE/R) as target, the pass goes inner right to the receiver, incomplete, he was not able to make the catch, no progress (Shotgun 2 WR vs. 3-3-5) more